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Table of Contents

About the Activeboard manager

The Activeboard manager is a modal window which appears automatically when accessing the Activeboards section menu where you can create, filter, refresh, and manage your domain’s Activeboards. To access it, just click the folder icon in the upper-left corner of the Activeboard area. Here you can perform the tasks described below.

Click the upper left New Activeboard button to create an Activeboard and the Refresh button to visualize any changes in your list.



What permissions do I need?

Apart from the Activeboards (manage) permission required to access the Activeboards area and manage them, you also need specific Activeboards to be shared with you on a manage basis (refer to Share Activeboards for more information).


Having the User resources permissions will grant you full access to the Activeboards area and over all Activeboards in the domain.

Filter Activeboards

You can use the following options to filter Activeboards in the Activeboards Manager:



Simultaneous filters

Be aware that all these filters can be applied simultaneously and in that case, only those Activeboards meeting all the specified conditions will be shown.

See Activeboard information

The Activeboard manager shows the activeboard information:

  • Name: The name of the activeboard is linkable to directly open in the Activeboards area. Hovering it makes the description information appears.

    • The icons appearing next to the name indicates if the activeboard has been shared or scheduled.

  • Last modified:  the moment in which the latest change was performed, expressed in local time and date.

  • Description: the text introduced when the Activeboard was created to summarize the content or to introduce any other information.

  • Created by: the name of the user that created the Activeboard.

  • User Tags: the tags applied to this Activeboard. If you click the + icon (or the pencil icon when there are tags already applied), you will open the menu to create and apply tags. See the section below to know more about how to create and apply tags.



Open and manage Activeboards

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