Cisco Meraki products are built from the ground up for cloud management and come out of the box with centralized management, layer 7 device and application visibility, real-time web-based diagnostics, monitoring, reporting, and much, much more.
Data source description
Source | Description | Devo data tables |
Meraki organization changelog | Displays changes made in any network within the current Organization since it was created. This includes configuration changes made to all types of devices, not just administrative changes to the Dashboard. Each time a change is made an event in the ChangeLog will be generated. |
MX security events | Display security events generated by MX Appliances for each existing network. |
Appliance/Switch/Wireless Event Log | Display network events generated by all managed MR/SM/MS/MV devices for each existing network. | |
Meraki collector works over the API to retrieve the data, so is needed to enable the access via API Key and generate a Key to allow the collector to get the data following the steps below:
rw-ui-steps-macro | |||
Log in to your Meraki account
Go to Organization → Settings.
Search API access and ensure that it is checked. |
Once you have enabled access to the API, you need to create the API Key. To do this, click the profile link shown below the checkbox or go to the User and click My profile. |
Search for API Access → API Keys and click on Generate API Key. |
Note |