To run this collector, there are some configurations detailed below that you need to consider.
Microsot Azure account
It is a requirement to have an account so you can run this collector.
Microsoft 365 account
It is a requirement to have an account so you can run this collector.
More information
Refer to the Vendor setup section to know more about these configurations.
Office 365 is a widely adopted productivity suite from Microsoft. The suite includes Microsoft Exchange Online collaboration service for email, calendars, contacts, and tasks. Message tracking, or message tracing, as it is called in Office 365, is one of the most basic tools used by administrators to monitor the email flow. As emails travel through Office 365, some information about them gets
Some email information is stored in logs and is available for administrative purposes. No matter if users delete or purge messages, the administrator is able to view basic information about The administrator will be able to see sent and received emails even though the user has deleted or purged them.
Data source description
Data source
Message Reports
Reports for every email sent and received through the Exchange Online organization
In order to configure the integration between Devo and Office 365 Exchange Message Tracing, you need to create an Office 365 user that will be used to authenticate API requests.
The account must have administrative permissions in the Office 365 organization. If the account can view reports in the Office 365 control panel, then the account has permission to retrieve the data from the REST web service. This API requires the user to be assigned to the View-Only Recipients role.
In the default Office 365 permissions structure, users with the following administrator permissions can access this report: billing administrator, global administrator, password administrator, service administrator, and user management administrator.
Once the data source is configured, you can either send us the required information if you want us to host and manage the collector for you (Cloud collector), or deploy and host the collector in your own machine using a Docker image (On-premise collector).
Rw tab
Cloud collector
We use a piece of software called Collector Server to host and manage all our available collectors. If you want us to host this collector for you, get in touch with us and we will guide you through the configuration.
Rw tab
On-premise collector
This data collector can be run in any machine that has the Docker service available because it should be executed as a docker container. The following sections explain how to prepare all the required setup for having the data collector running.
The following directory structure should be created for being used when running the Office 365 Exchange Message Tracing collector:
In Devo, go to Administration → Credentials → X.509 Certificates, download the Certificate, Private key and Chain CA and save them in devo-collectors-office365tracing/certs/. Learn more about security credentials in Devo here.
Replace these placeholders with the required values:
Data type
Value range
Minimum length: 4 Maximum length: 20
Use this param to identify the file.cert downloaded from your Devo domain.
Minimum length: 4 Maximum length: 20
Use this param to identify the certificate file downloaded from your Devo domain. Usually, this file's name is chain.crt
Minimum length: 1 Maximum length: 5
Use this param to give a unique ID to this collector.
Minimum length: 1 Maximum length: 10
Use this param to give a valid name to this collector.
Password to authenticate to the service.
Email format:
Username to authenticate to the service.
Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 48
Because it can take up to 24 hours for an event to be available through the API, this collector requests data with a 25-hour delay. This parameter allows you to customize this delay.
A value less than 25 hours could cause the loss of events in large infrastructures.
This parameter can be left blank, removed, or commented.
Use this param to identify the Devo Cloud where the events will be sent.
Minimum length: 1 Maximum length: 5
Use this param to give a unique ID to this input service.
false / true
If the value is true, the input definition will be executed. If the value is false, the service will be ignored.
Minimum length: 4 Maximum length: 20
Use this param to identify the file.key downloaded from your Devo domain.
Minimum length: 1
By default, this service will run every 60 seconds. This parameter allows you to customize this behavior.
This parameter can be left blank, removed, or commented.
Minimum value: 1
Customize the maximum number of API requests per second. If not used, the default setting will be used: 100000 requests/sec
This parameter can be left blank, removed, or commented.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
This parameter allows you to clear the persistence of the collector and restart the download pipeline.
Updating this value will produce the loss of all persisted data and current pipelines.
This parameter can be left blank, removed, or commented.
Download the Docker image
The collector should be deployed as a Docker container. Download the Docker image of the collector as a .tgz file by clicking the link in the following table:
The following Docker Compose file can be used to execute the Docker container. It must be created in the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/office365tracing/ directory.
To run the container using docker-compose, execute the following command from the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/office365tracing/ directory:
Code Block
IMAGE_VERSION=<version> docker-compose up -d
Replace <version> with a proper value.
API limitations
The following are some API limitations that you must consider:
Resource URI
2/sec and 1000/hr
10/min and 40/hour
2/sec and 1000/hr
2/sec and 1000/hr
With message tracing, you can’t see the content of the messages but you can get very useful information such as:
Sender and recipient.
Send and received dated.
Subject and size of the email.
Status and details of events. There are seven possible values in the delivery status field: delivered, failed, pending, expanded, quarantined, filtered as spam, and unknown.
IP address used to send the message.
Message ID: This is a unique number that identifies the message. If a message is sent to more than one recipient it will display once for every recipient, but all will have the same Message ID.
Message tracking logs
You won’t be able to edit the messages in Office 365 since they are not simple text files. To do that you can use message tracking logs in on-prem Exchange that allow you to edit them directly since they are simple text files.
Devo collector features
Allow parallel downloading (multipod)
Not allowed
Running environments
Collector server
Populated Devo events
Flattening preprocessing
Data sources
Data source
API endpoint
Collector service name
Devo table
Available from release
Message Reports
Reports for every email sent and received through the Exchange Online organization
Give the application a name. If needed change the Supported account types.
Click the Register button.
Obtain the client credentials
On the Overview page, search for your application in the list.
Under the Essentials section, copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID values.
On the left side menu, navigate to the Certificates & secrets page.
Click on + New client secret button.
Set a description and an expiration for the secret.
Click on the Add button.
Copy its Value field.
Grant the required API permissions
On the left side panel of your previously registered application, navigate to the API permissions page.
Click the + Add a permission button.
On the right side modal, navigate the APIs my organization uses tab.
Select Office 365 Exchange Online entry from the list - you can use the search bar tool to find it -.
Click the Application permissions button.
Under the ReportingWebService section, mark the ReportingWebService.Read.All permission.
Click the Add permissions button.
Click ✓ Grant admin consent for {your_domain} button and then on the Yes button on the appeared modal.
To verify that the permission was correctly added, execute the following cURL command replacing (or assigning) the $CLIENT_ID, $CLIENT_SECRET, and $TENANT_ID shell variables with the credentials you obtained in the previous instructions:
Code Block
$ curl -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$CLIENT_ID&client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET&resource=" -X POST$TENANTID/oauth2/token
A JSON response will be received containing an "access_token" field. By copying its value and pasting it on the Welcome! web page, the token will appear decoded. Inside, there must be a "roles" field whose value is an array containing the ReportingWebService.Read.All permission. Otherwise, the permissions have not been correctly added.
On the left-side menu, navigate to the Roles and administrators page.
In the list, search for either the Global Reader or Security Reader role (both are valid) and click on it to select it.
Click the + Add assignments button.
On the right-side modal, use the search bar to find the application you created. Search by either its name (make sure you write the whole name, not only parts of it) or its Client ID in case you cannot find it. Once it appears on the list, select it.
Click the Add button.
To verify that the role has been correctly assigned, execute the following cURL command replacing (or assigning) the $REPORTING_TOKEN shell variable with the token you obtained in the previous instructions:
This response will include the HTTP Response code and headers (note the -i parameter). You should expect to get an HTTP 200 OK response with an XML containing at least the <atom:title>MessageTrace</atom:title> tag. Other responses will be incorrect; here are some examples and their explanation:
401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.: your token is either invalid or outdated. Review the previous instructions to obtain a working token.
No permission to access the report for the organization.: The role has not been properly assigned. Review these instructions to do it.
Minimum configuration required for basic pulling
Although this collector supports advanced configuration, the fields required to retrieve data with basic configuration are defined below.
This minimum configuration refers exclusively to those specific parameters of this integration. There are more required parameters related to the generic behavior of the collector. Check setting sections for details.
This is the Tenant ID you copied during the Obtain the client credentials step from the Vendor setup section.
This is the Application (client) ID you copied during the Obtain the client credentials step from the Vendor setup section.
This is the created secret’s Value field you copied during the Obtain the client credentials step from the Vendor setup section.
See the Accepted authentication methods section to verify what settings are required based on the desired authentication method.
Accepted authentication methods
Authentication method
Tenant ID
Client ID
Client Secret
Modern OAuth2 Auth
Basic User/Password Auth
Run the collector
Once the data source is configured, you can either send us the required information if you want us to host and manage the collector for you (Cloud collector), or deploy and host the collector in your own machine using a Docker image (On-premise collector).
Rw ui tabs macro
Rw tab
On-premise collector
This data collector can be run in any machine that has the Docker service available because it should be executed as a docker container. The following sections explain how to prepare all the required setup for having the data collector running.
The following directory structure should be created for being used when running the collector:
In Devo, go to Administration → Credentials → X.509 Certificates, download the Certificate, Private key and Chain CA and save them in <product_name>/certs/. Learn more about security credentials in Devo here.
All defined service entities will be executed by the collector. If you do not want to run any of them, just remove the entity from the services object.
Replace the placeholders with your required values following the description table below:
Data type
Value range / Format
false / true
This will make the collector generate (or not) log messages with the DEBUG level.
Use this param to give a unique id to this input service.
This parameter is used to build the persistence address, do not use the same value for multiple collectors. It could cause a collision.
false / true
Use this param to enable or disable the given input logic when running the collector. If the value is true, the input will be run. If the value is false, it will be ignored.
Minimum value: 1
Customize the maximum number of API requests per second. If not used, the default setting will be used: 100000 requests/sec.
This parameter should be removed if it is not used.
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1,000,000
When the collector is initially run, it will perform a historical pulling from the current date minus the value of this parameter. The default value is 10 (the API does not allow querying more than 10 days back).
This parameter should be removed if it is not used.
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 86,400,000,000
It happens that between when this date is calculated and when it is used, the difference might be larger than 10 days, so the request will fail. To avoid it, we establish a margin that can be configured using this parameter. Its default value is 60.
This parameter should be removed if it is not used.
Minimum length: 1
This is the Tenant ID you copied during the Obtain the client credentials step from the Vendor setup section.
Minimum length: 1
This is the Application (client) ID you copied during the Obtain the client credentials step from the Vendor setup section.
Minimum length: 1
This is the created secret’s Value field you copied during the Obtain the client credentials step from the Vendor setup section.
Minimum value: 1
The amount (in seconds) in which the service’s collection is scheduled.
This parameter should be removed if it is not used.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
This parameter allows you to clear the persistence of the collector and restart the download pipeline.
Updating this value will produce the lost of all persisted data and current pipelines.
This parameter should be removed if it is not used.
Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 172,800
Because it can take up to 24 hours for an event to be available through the API, this collector requests data with a 25 hour delay. This parameter allows you to customize this delay.
A value less than 25 hours could cause the loss of events in large infrastructures.
This parameter should be removed if it is not used.
Download the Docker image
The collector should be deployed as a Docker container. Download the Docker image of the collector as a .tgz file by clicking the link in the following table:
Once the Docker image is imported, it will show the real name of the Docker image (including version info). Replace <image_file> and <version> with a proper value.
The Docker image can be deployed on the following services:
Execute the following command on the root directory <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/
Replace <product_name>, <image_name> and <version> with the proper values.
Docker Compose
The following Docker Compose file can be used to execute the Docker container. It must be created in the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/ directory.
To run the container using docker-compose, execute the following command from the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/ directory:
Code Block
IMAGE_VERSION=<version> docker-compose up -d
Replace <product_name>, <image_name> and <version> with the proper values.
Rw tab
Cloud collector
We use a piece of software called Collector Server to host and manage all our available collectors. If you want us to host this collector for you, get in touch with us and we will guide you through the configuration.
Collector services detail
This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific actions for services.
Events service
Verify data collection
Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.
This service has the following components:
The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.
The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.
Setup output
A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:
Code Block
INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> Starting thread
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> Puller Setup started
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> We do not have a token. Getting a new one from the server.
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> Attempting to get OAuth2 token from O365 Message Tracing server....
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> Successfully received JWT token from{your-tenant-id}/oauth2/token which expires in 3599 seconds
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> Puller Setup terminated
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> Setup for module <Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller> has been successfully executed
Puller output
A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:
Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.
Code Block
INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) - Starting thread
WARNING InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Due to remote API requirements, this collector cannot request data less than <90000> seconds or older than 11 days
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Retrieved state from the persistence -> None
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> No saved state found, applying values by default
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Validating the start and end time based on the maximum threshold (-11 days): 2022-12-11T14:17:16.229112
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> The persistence has been modified. Saving state as {'start_time': '2022-12-20T12:02:16.228314', 'buffer': [], 'end_time': None, 'dynamic_buffer': [], 'dynamic_buffer_received': None, 'next_link': None, 'requests_made': 0, 'events_retrieved_count': 0, 'reset_persistence_auth': None, 'filtered_events': 0, 'time_delay_in_seconds': 90000}
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Starting data collection every 60 seconds
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Pull started
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Running a new pipeline (2022-12-20T12:02:16.228314 - 2022-12-20T12:17:16.228314)
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Requesting data. URL:$filter=StartDate eq datetime'2022-12-20T12:02:16.228314Z' and EndDate eq datetime'2022-12-20T12:17:16.228314Z'
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> 0 Events retrieved from the last API call.
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> No events detected. Pull Summary: 1 request(s) made, 0 event(s) filtered, 0 event(s) sent to Devo. Using tag: cloud.office365.messagetracing. Period from 2022-12-20T12:02:16.228314 to 2022-12-20T12:17:16.228314
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Savepoint reached: Updating persistence with -> {'start_time': '2022-12-20T12:17:16.228314', 'buffer': [], 'end_time': None, 'dynamic_buffer': [], 'dynamic_buffer_received': None, 'next_link': None, 'requests_made': 0, 'events_retrieved_count': 0, 'reset_persistence_auth': None, 'filtered_events': 0, 'time_delay_in_seconds': 90000}
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> A new pipeline has been completed
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Remote data is up to date!
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 2.923 seconds. Waiting for 57.077 second(s) until the next one
After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:
Code Block
INFO InputProcess::Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) -> Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 2.923 seconds. Waiting for 57.077 second(s) until the next one
The value @devo_pulling_id is injected in each event to group all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded in that Pull action in Devo’s search window.
Restart the persistence
This collector uses persistent storage to download events in an orderly fashion and avoid duplicates. In case you want to re-ingest historical data or recreate the persistence, you can restart the persistence of this collector by following these steps:
Edit the configuration file.
Change the value of the reset_persistence_auth parameter to a different one.
Save the changes.
Restart the collector.
The collector will detect this change and will restart the persistence using the parameters of the configuration file or the default configuration in case it has not been provided.
Note that this action clears the persistence and cannot be recovered in any way. Resetting persistence could result in duplicate or lost events.
This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the most common errors.
Error type
Error ID
Error message
Authentication failed: [...]
When asking for a token, we received an Unauthorized (401) HTTP response code.
The error details will be provided in the error message, but make sure you registered App has the right API permissions and the corect role assigned.
Unexpected status code when fetching Office365ExchangeMessageTrace JWT: [...]
When asking for a token, we received an unsuccesful response.
The error details will be provided in the error message.
Error occurred while accessing the access_token: [...]
An unexpected error occurred.
The error details will be provided in the error message.
module_properties section does not exist on the configuration file or is empty. Contact Devo.
This is an internal error.
Reach Devo Support.
credentials section does not exist on the configuration file or is empty
The credentials section is missing from the config
Make sure it exists.
module_properties section is not a valid <dict> object. Contact Devo.
This is an internal error.
Reach Devo Support.
credentials section is not a valid <dict> object
The credentials section does not have any settings.
Make sure it has the required properties.
base_auth_url doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The base_auth_url is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
base_resource_url doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The base_resource_url is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
tenant_id doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The tenant_id is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
base_auth_url must be an string
The base_auth_url paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
base_resource_url must be an string
The base_resource_url paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
tenant_id must be an string
The tenant_id paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
client_id doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The client_id is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
client_secret doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The client_secret is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
client_id must be an string
The client_id paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
client_secret must be an string
The client_secret paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
base_tag doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The base_tag is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
base_tag must be an string
The base_tag paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
base_url doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The base_url is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
base_url must be an string
The base_url paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
time_delay_in_seconds doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The time_delay_in_seconds is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
time_delay_in_seconds must be an string
The time_delay_in_seconds paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
requests_timeout_in_seconds doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The requests_timeout_in_seconds is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
requests_timeout_in_seconds is not a float instance
The requests_timeout_in_seconds paramater has a type other than float.
Make sure it is a float and has a correct value.
requests_retries_before_error_in_units doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The requests_retries_before_error_in_units is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
requests_retries_before_error_in_units is not an int instance
The requests_retries_before_error_in_units paramater has a type other than int.
Make sure it is a int and has a correct value.
requests_wait_time_between_retries_in_seconds doesn't exist on the configuration file or is empty
The requests_wait_time_between_retries_in_seconds is missing.
Make sure it exists and has a correct value.
requests_wait_time_between_retries_in_seconds is not an int instance
The requests_wait_time_between_retries_in_seconds paramater has a type other than int.
Make sure it is a int and has a correct value.
Optional setting: <reset_persistence_auth> not of expected type: str
The time_delay_in_seconds paramater has a type other than string.
Make sure it is a string and has a correct value.
Optional setting: <override_time_delay_in_seconds> not of expected type: int
The time_delay_in_seconds paramater has a type other than integer.
Make sure it is an integer and has a correct value.
Optional setting: <override_time_delay_in_seconds> is out of range (1 to 90000)
The time_delay_in_seconds paramater is out of the mentioned range.
Make sure it is inside the indicated range.
Collector operations
This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific operations of this collector.
Verify collector operations
The initialization module is in charge of setup and running the input (pulling logic) and output (delivering logic) services and validating the given configuration.
A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:
Code Block
INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> {"build_time": "UNKNOWN", "os_info": "macOS-12.6.1-x86_64-i386-64bit", "collector_name": "o365_emt_collector", "collector_version": "2.0.0", "collector_owner": "", "started_at": "2022-12-21T13:17:14.405816Z"}
INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> (CollectorMultiprocessingQueue) standard_queue_multiprocessing -> max_size_in_messages: 10000, max_size_in_mb: 1024, max_wrap_size_in_items: 100
INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> [OUTPUT] OutputMultiprocessingController::__init__ Configuration -> {[...]}
INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> OutputProcess - Starting thread (executing_period=300s)
INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> InputProcess - Starting thread (executing_period=300s)
INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> InputThread(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>) - Starting thread (execution_period=600s)
INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=600s)
INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Office365ExchangeMessageTracePullerSetup(unknown,office365_exchange_message#<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service#predefined) -> Starting thread
INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Office365ExchangeMessageTracePuller(office365_exchange_message,<short_unique_id>,office365_exchange_message_service,predefined) - Starting thread
Events delivery and Devo ingestion
The event delivery module is in charge of receiving the events from the internal queues where all events are injected by the pullers and delivering them using the selected compatible delivery method.
A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:
Code Block
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(standard_senders,sidecar_0) -> Number of available senders: 1, sender manager internal queue size: 0
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(standard_senders,sidecar_0) -> enqueued_elapsed_times_in_seconds_stats: {}
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(standard_senders,sidecar_0) -> Sender: SyslogSender(standard_senders,syslog_sender_0), status: {"internal_queue_size": 0, "is_connection_open": True}
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(standard_senders,sidecar_0) -> Standard - Total number of messages sent: 44, messages sent since "2022-06-28 10:39:22.511671+00:00": 44 (elapsed 0.007 seconds)
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,sidecar_0) -> Number of available senders: 1, sender manager internal queue size: 0
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,sidecar_0) -> enqueued_elapsed_times_in_seconds_stats: {}
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,sidecar_0) -> Sender: SyslogSender(internal_senders,syslog_sender_0), status: {"internal_queue_size": 0, "is_connection_open": True}
INFO OutputProcess::SyslogSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,sidecar_0) -> Internal - Total number of messages sent: 1, messages sent since "2022-06-28 10:39:22.516313+00:00": 1 (elapsed 0.019 seconds)
By default, these information traces will be displayed every 10 minutes.
Sender services
The Integrations Factory Collector SDK has 3 different senders services depending on the event type to delivery (internal, standard, and lookup). This collector uses the following Sender Services:
Sender services
In charge of delivering internal metrics to Devo such as logging traces or metrics.
In charge of delivering pulled events to Devo.
Sender statistics
Each service displays its own performance statistics that allow checking how many events have been delivered to Devo by type:
Logging trace
Number of available senders: 1
Displays the number of concurrent senders available for the given Sender Service.
sender manager internal queue size: 0
Displays the items available in the internal sender queue.
This value helps detect bottlenecks and needs to increase the performance of data delivery to Devo. This last can be made by increasing the concurrent senders.
Total number of messages sent: 44, messages sent since "2022-06-28 10:39:22.511671+00:00": 21 (elapsed 0.007 seconds)
Displayes the number of events from the last time and following the given example, the following conclusions can be obtained:
44 events were sent to Devo since the collector started.
The last checkpoint timestamp was 2022-06-28 10:39:22.511671+00:00.
21 events where sent to Devo between the last UTC checkpoint and now.
Those 21 events required 0.007 seconds to be delivered.
By default these traces will be shown every 10 minutes.
Check memory usage
To check the memory usage of this collector, look for the following log records in the collector which are displayed every 5 minutes by default, always after running the memory-free process.
The used memory is displayed by running processes and the sum of both values will give the total used memory for the collector.
The global pressure of the available memory is displayed in the global value.
All metrics (Global, RSS, VMS) include the value before freeing and after previous -> after freeing memory
RSS is the Resident Set Size, which is the actual physical memory the process is using
VMS is the Virtual Memory Size which is the virtual memory that process is using
Enable/disable the logging debug mode
Sometimes it is necessary to activate the debug mode of the collector's logging. This debug mode increases the verbosity of the log and allows you to print execution traces that are very helpful in resolving incidents or detecting bottlenecks in heavy download processes.
To enable this option you just need to edit the configuration file and change the debug_status parameter from false to true and restart the collector.
To disable this option, you just need to update the configuration file and change the debug_status parameter from true to false and restart the collector.
For more information, visit the configuration and parameterization section corresponding to the chosen deployment mode.
Change log for v1.x.x
Released on
Release type
New features:
New OAuth2 authentication method; basic authentication deprecated.
New max_historic_date_cutoff_days_back and max_historic_date_margins_second parameters to customize historic pulling.