The tags beginning with edr.microsoft_defender identify events generated by the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
The full tag must have 4 levels. The first three are fixed as edr.microsoft_defender. The fourth level identifies the type of events sent.
Product / Service | Tags | Data tables |
Microsoft | edr.microsoft_defender.
These are the valid tags and corresponding data tables that will receive the parsers' data:
Tag | Data table |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.software
Table structure
These are the fields displayed in the tables:
_vulnerabilities] [edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_software_inventory] Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.software |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.software |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.software |
Field | Type | Extra Field |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | id | str
| - | name | str
| - | vendor | str
| - | weaknesses | int4
| - | publicExploit | bool
| - | activeAlert | bool
| - | exposedMachines | int4
| - | installedMachines | int4
| - | impactScore | float8
| - | isNormalized | bool
| - | category | str
| - | distributions | str
| - | related_vulnerabilities | int4
| - | related_machines | int4
| - | related_version_distribution | int4
| - | related_missing_kbs | int4
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.vulnerabilities |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.vulnerabilities |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint. |
vulnerabilitiesField | Type | Extra Field |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | at_odata_context | str
| - | id | str
| - | name | str
| - | description | str
| - | severity | str
| - | cvssV3 | float8
| - | exposedMachines | int4
| - | publishedOn | timestamp
| - | updatedOn | timestamp
| - | publicExploit | bool
| - | exploitVerified | bool
| - | exploitInKit | bool
| - | exploitTypes | str
| - | exploitUris | str
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | related_machines | int4
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.alerts |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.alerts |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.alertsField | Type | Extra Field |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | at_odata_context | str
| - | id | str
| - | incidentId | str
| - | investigationId | str
| - | assignedTo | str
| - | severity | str
| - | status | str
| - | classification | str
| - | determination | str
| - | investigationState | str
| - | detectionSource | str
| - | detectorId | str
| - | category | str
| - | threatFamilyName | str
| - | title | str
| - | description | str
| - | alertCreationTime | timestamp
| - | firstEventTime | timestamp
| - | lastEventTime | timestamp
| - | lastUpdateTime | timestamp
| - | resolvedTime | timestamp
| - | machineId | str
| - | computerDnsName | str
| - | rbacGroupName | str
| - | aadTenantId | str
| - | threatName | str
| - | mitreTechniques | str
| - | loggedOnUsers | str
| - | comments | str
| - | domains | str
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | related_files | int4
| - | related_ips | int4
| - | related_machines | int4
| - | related_domains | int4
| - | related_users | int4
| - | relatedUser_userName | str
| - | relatedUser_domainName | str
| - | related_evidences | int4
| - | related_loggedOnUsers | int4
| - | raw_evidences | str
| - | evidence_entityType | str
| - | evidence_evidenceCreationTime | timestamp
| - | evidence_sha1 | str
| - | evidence_sha256 | str
| - | evidence_fileName | str
| - | evidence_filePath | str
| - | evidence_processId | str
| - | evidence_processCommandLine | str
| - | evidence_processCreationTime | timestamp
| - | evidence_parentProcessId | str
| - | evidence_parentProcessCreationTime | timestamp
| - | evidence_parentProcessFileName | str
| - | evidence_parentProcessFilePath | str
| - | evidence_ipAddress | str
| - | evidence_url | str
| - | evidence_registryKey | str
| - | evidence_registryHive | str
| - | evidence_registryValueType | str
| - | evidence_registryValue | str
| - | evidence_registryValueName | str
| - | evidence_accountName | str
| - | evidence_domainName | str
| - | evidence_userSid | str
| - | evidence_aadUserId | str
| - | evidence_userPrincipalName | str
| - | evidence_detectionStatus | str
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_software |
_vulnerabilities | | edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_software_vulnerabilities |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_software_vulnerabilitiesField | Type | Extra Field |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | Id | str
| - | DeviceId | str
| - | DeviceName | str
| - | OSPlatform | str
| - | OSVersion | str
| - | OSArchitecture | str
| - | SoftwareVendor | str
| - | SoftwareName | str
| - | SoftwareVersion | str
| - | CveId | str
| - | CvssScore | float8
| - | VulnerabilitySeverityLevel | str
| - | RecommendedSecurityUpdate | str
| - | RecommendedSecurityUpdateId | str
| - | RecommendedSecurityUpdateUrl | str
| - | DiskPaths | str
| - | RegistryPaths_str | str
| - | LastSeenTimestamp | timestamp
| - | FirstSeenTimestamp | timestamp
| - | ExploitabilityLevel | str
| - | RecommendationReference | str
| - | SecurityUpdateAvailable | bool
| - | RbacGroupId | int4
| - | RbacGroupName | str
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_software |
_inventory | | edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_software_inventory |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_software_inventoryField | Type | Extra Field |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | DeviceId | str
| - | DeviceName | str
| - | OSPlatform | str
| - | SoftwareVendor | str
| - | SoftwareName | str
| - | SoftwareVersion | str
| - | NumberOfWeaknesses | int4
| - | DiskPaths | str
| - | RegistryPaths_str | str
| - | SoftwareFirstSeenTimestamp | timestamp
| - | SoftwareLastSeenTimestamp | timestamp
| - | EndOfSupportStatus | str
| - | EndOfSupportDate | str
| - | RbacGroupId | int4
| - | RbacGroupName | str
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
[edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.investigations] [edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint |
.assessment_secure_configuration] [edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.machines] [edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.recommendations] Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.investigations |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.investigations |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint |
.investigationsField | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | id | str
| - | startTime | timestamp
| - | endTime | timestamp
| - | state | str
| - | cancelledBy | str
| - | statusDetails | str
| - | machineId | str
| - | computerDnsName | str
| - | triggeringAlertId | str
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_secure_configuration |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.assessment_secure_configuration |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint. |
assessment_secure_configurationField | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | DeviceId | str
| - | DeviceName | str
| - | OSPlatform | str
| - | OSVersion | str
| - | Timestamp | timestamp
| - | ConfigurationId | str
| - | ConfigurationCategory | str
| - | ConfigurationSubcategory | str
| - | ConfigurationImpact | int4
| - | IsApplicable | bool
| - | ConfigurationName | str
| - | RecommendationReference | str
| - | RbacGroupId | int4
| - | RbacGroupName | str
| - | IsCompliant | bool
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.machines |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.machines |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.machinesField | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | id | str
| - | computerDnsName | str
| - | firstSeen | timestamp
| - | lastSeen | timestamp
| - | osPlatform | str
| - | osVersion | str
| - | osProcessor | str
| - | version | str
| - | lastIpAddress | ip4
| - | lastExternalIpAddress | ip4
| - | agentVersion | str
| - | osBuild | int4
| - | healthStatus | str
| - | deviceValue | str
| - | rbacGroupId | int4
| - | rbacGroupName | str
| - | riskScore | str
| - | exposureLevel | str
| - | isAadJoined | bool
| - | aadDeviceId | str
| - | machineTags | str
| - | defenderAvStatus | str
| - | onboardingStatus | str
| - | osArchitecture | str
| - | managedBy | str
| - | managedByStatus | str
| - | ipAddresses | str
| - | vmMetadata | str
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | related_logon_users | int4
| - | related_alerts | int4
| - | related_vulnerabilities | int4
| - | related_recommendations | int4
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |
Anchor |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint |
.recommendations | | edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.recommendations |
| edr.microsoft_defender.endpoint.recommendationsField | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate | timestamp
| - | hostname | str
| - | id | str
| - | productName | str
| - | recommendationName | str
| - | weaknesses | int4
| - | vendor | str
| - | recommendedVersion | str
| - | recommendedVendor | str
| - | recommendedProgram | str
| - | recommendationCategory | str
| - | subCategory | str
| - | severityScore | float8
| - | publicExploit | bool
| - | activeAlert | bool
| - | associatedThreats | str
| - | remediationType | str
| - | status | str
| - | configScoreImpact | float8
| - | exposureImpact | float8
| - | totalMachineCount | int4
| - | exposedMachinesCount | int4
| - | nonProductivityImpactedAssets | int4
| - | relatedComponent | str
| - | hasUnpatchableCve | bool
| - | at_devo_pulling_id | str
| - | related_software | int4
| - | related_machines | int4
| - | related_vulnerabilities | int4
| - | hostchain | str
| ✓ | tag | str
| ✓ | rawMessage | str
| ✓ |