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Table of Contents


The procedure to install any type of content is very similar:

  • You just need to find the content you want and open it (visit Browsing content if you need help with this).

  • Then click on the Install button at the top right of the card.

  • Once installed, you will receive a notification at the top.

Unavailable data sources

When attempting to install content, if one or various sources are not available you will get a warning message letting you know that the application may not work correctly because of that.

Despite the warning message, you can install it and successfully use it as long as you have available at least those data sources marked as Mandatory (those with the exclamation mark). Lacking non-mandatory data sources only causes less rich data patterns, however, installing content without the mandatory ones might cause the content to work unexpectedly.

Content-type considerations

Having described the common procedure, we will go through the particularities each of them presents in the tabs below.

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Activeboards are the most common items in Exchange and for that reason they fit very well in the general procedure (find the desired item and install it, then access the Activeboard area and open it from the Activeboard Manager).

Open and navigate

Perhaps the most noteworthy feature when you install an Activeboard is that you can access it from Exchange by clicking the Open button that appears in its card after the installation is completed. You can also return to the content in Exchange by clicking the back arrow on your browser.

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Install and assign to roles

Even though applications must be usually assigned to roles so users can access them from the Navigation pane, this is not the case for admins. All applications installed will be automatically assigned to the admin role.

If you check the Roles Management area, you will see a message informing you about this in the Applications tab of the Admin role. Visit Assign resources to a role if you want to know more about this topic.

Open and navigate

When you install an application you can access it from Exchange by clicking the Open button that appears in its card after the installation is completed. You can also return to the content in Exchange by clicking the back arrow on your browser.

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titleAlert packs

About alert packs

The alerts contained in the pack are not available individually in Exchange. However, there might be alert packs consisting only of one alert.


Apart from the requirements described in the Required data sources section, certain alerts require the installation of specific lookups for a correct functioning. These lookups will be indicated in the description, displayed in bold inside a Requirements paragraph.

Additional info

Here you can also find an info button for each alert so that you can check their purpose and a code button to check their queries.


Alert packs cannot be installed collectively and thus the Install button does not appear at the top right of the card. Each of the alerts must be installed individually by clicking the Install button each of them has in the Included alerts section.

However, you can install alerts in bulk using the multi-select feature. Simply check the box of the desired alerts and use the menu next to the master checkbox at the top.

Alerts in Exchange are installed using the Alerts API (click here to know more about it) and they are inactive by default so you can activate them as you see fit.

Open and navigate

When an alert is installed, the whole alert pack is displayed as installed, now displaying an Open button at the top right of the card.

The Open button allows you to access the Alert Configuration area, where you can select the subcategory (it coincides with the alert pack name) and see the alerts to activate them.

You can also return to the content in Exchange by clicking the back arrow on your browser and, in case it is part of a content pack that you accessed through the Included content section, you can click the back arrow at the top left of the card to go back to the content pack.


As with the installation process, alert packs cannot be installed collectively. You can either uninstall them one by one by making use of their corresponding uninstall buttons or uninstall them in bulk using the multi-select feature (see the installation process above for reference).

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titleContent packs

About content packs

Remember that each component you find in a content pack also exists in Exchange as a standalone item so installing the pack will also install each of the components. Even though you can install them separately, it is much more convenient to install the content pack.

When a content pack contains an alert pack, the Install/Uninstall button will not appear at the top right of the card and thus yo must install/uninstall each item individually by accessing each of them as explained below.

Included content

Under the Included contents section of the Overview tab, you can see the different items included in the pack and access each of them by clicking on their names. You can go back to the content pack by clicking the back arrow at the top left of the card.


Those you already have installed display the Installed green sign and all of them will display that sign when the process is completed. If any of the items is not installed for whatever reason it will not display the Installed green sign. Consequently, the content pack will not be considered installed and its card will not display the Installed green sign either.

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About lookups

The lookup installation process presents a peculiarity. It is asynchronous, which means that after you click install Exchange sends a message to Devo to start the install process, however, while Devo is installing the lookup Exchange will show it as installed. This also happens with the uninstallation process.

Lookup outside Exchange

If the lookup already exists in the domain but is not registered with Exchange, trying to install it from Exchange will return an error.

Install, open, and navigate

When you install a lookup, you can access the Lookup Management area and see the lookups installed by clicking the Open button that appears on its card after the installation is completed. You can also return to the content in Exchange by clicking the back arrow on your browser.

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titleSynthetic data

About synthetic data

There are some key aspects to consider about Synthetic data that only the owner can configure:

  • Size: there is a size limit of 10MB for the file that contains the data to be injected.

  • Type of injection: synthetic data can be injected either as a one-time occasion or continuously. This means that after injecting the last event present in the file, the process will either stop or start injecting once again from the beginning of the file.

  • Frequency: this is the event injection frequency, which is set by default in one event every second. This frequency can be customized at a minimum of 100 milliseconds.

Launch, navigate, and stop

In the case of Synthetic data, the button to install them is called Launch. After launch, you can access the data table with the injected data by clicking the Open button. While the data is being injected, the card thumbnail will display a Running green sign and you can manually finish the process by clicking the Stop synthetic data button.

If the injection is not continuous, the Running green sign will disappear after the whole file has been injected. This only means that there is not an ongoing injection process, but the data is still available in the table in question.

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titleUse cases

About use cases

The injector and receptor in a use case also exist in Exchange as standalone items so launching the use case will install the receptor and launch the injector individually. Even though you can install them separately, it is much more convenient to install the use case.

Included content

Under the Included contents section of the Overview tab, you can see the injector and receptor the use case is composed of and access each of them by clicking on their names. If the receptor is already installed, it displays the Installed green sign.


The button to install use cases is called Launch and after you click it, the receptor is installed first, and immediately after that, the injector is launched to provide the receptor with data. After launching the use case, the receptor will display the Installed green sign and the injector will display the Running green sign while data is being injected (see Synthetic data tab for more info).

Open and navigate

You can click the Open button to access the receptor, and you can use the back arrow on your browser to go back to the content in Exchange.

  • If the receptor is an Activeboard, you will open it and see the widgets displaying the injected data.

  • If the receptor is an alert, you will open the alert management area and see the alert definition, which you can use to access the data table with the injected data. For this type of cases where the receptor is an alert, the injected data must be continuous, otherwise there will not be data available for the alert to trigger.


You can Stop use case and the data will stop being injected. The receptor will remain installed unless you manually uninstall it by accessing its separate content card.

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titleServiceOps maps

About ServiceOps maps

ServiceOps maps run on Service Operations application so if the application is not installed, installing the map will automatically install the application from Exchange too. However, uninstalling the map will not uninstall the application.


When you install a ServiceOps map you can access it directly from its content card in Exchange by clicking the Open button at the top right. You can also return to the content in Exchange by clicking the back arrow on your browser.

Prepare for use

Before using the map for the first time you need to run the data processor and specify the sampling period settings. Opening the map from the content card as explained above will automatically open the settings to run it.

If you opt to access the application from the navigation pane, you must first access the list of available maps via settings to run it (see Configuration of maps to know more), otherwise, it will appear as not running. After running it, you can directly open it regardless of the access path you choose.