
Resource type


Devo table


Get a list of incidents filtered by a list of incident IDs, modification time, or creation time.

  • The response is concatenated using the AND condition (OR is not supported).

  • The maximum result set size is >100.

  • Offset is the zero-based number of incidents from the start of the result set.


You can request to retrieve all or filtered results.

Required license: Cortex XDR Prevent, Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint, or Cortex XDR Pro per GB

  • edr.cortex_xdr.incidents


You can override this intagin the incident module definition.


Get extra data fields of a specific incident including alerts and key artifacts.

  • Cortex XDR displays in the API response whether a PAN NGFW type alert contains a PCAP triggering packet.


The API includes a limit rate of 10 API requests per minute.

Required license: Cortex XDR Prevent, Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint, or Cortex XDR Pro per GB

  • edr.cortex_xdr.alerts


You can override this in alert_tagin the incident module definition.

Alert multi-events

Get a list of alerts with multiple events.

  • Response is concatenated using AND condition (OR is not supported).

  • The maximum result set size is 100.

  • Offset is the zero-based number of alerts from the start of the result set.

  • Cortex XDR displays in the API response whether a PAN NGFW type alert contains a PCAP triggering packet.


You can request to retrieve either all or filtered results.

Required license: ​Cortex XDR Prevent, Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint, or Cortex XDR Pro per GB

  • edr.cortex_xdr.alerts_multi

  • edr.cortex_xdr.alerts_multi_event


You can override this in alert_tag and event_tagin the alert module definition.
