Versions Compared


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titleCloud collector

We use a piece of software called Collector Server to host and manage all our available collectors.

To enable the collector for a customer:

  1. In the Collector Server GUI, access the domain in which you want this instance to be created

  2. Click Add Collector and find the one you wish to add.

  3. In the Version field, select the latest value.

  4. In the Collector Name field, set the value you prefer (this name must be unique inside the same Collector Server domain).

  5. In the sending method select Direct Send. Direct Send configuration is optional for collectors that create Table events, but mandatory for those that create Lookups.

  6. In the Parameters section, establish the Collector Parameters as follows below:

Editing the JSON configuration

Code Block
  "cisco_meraki": {
    "id": "<short_unique_identifier>",
    "enabled": true,
    "requests_per_second": 5,
    "services": {
      "network-events": {
        "api_key": "<api_key>",
        "start_time": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
      "security-events": {
        "api_key": "<api_key>",
        "start_time": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
      "changelog": {
        "api_key": "<api_key>",
        "start_time": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"

Replace the placeholders <short_unique_identifier> and <api_key> with the proper values (obtained in previous sections of this document, except the <short_unique_identifier> valuethat can have the value you choose).

The value chosen for the id field will be used internally for having independent persistence areas.

Cisco meraki_10.png
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titleOn-premise collector

This data collector can be run in any machine that has the Docker service available because it should be executed as a docker container. The following sections explain how to prepare all the required setup for having the data collector running.


The following directory structure should be created for being used when running the Cisco Meraki collector:

Code Block
└── devo-collectors/
    └── cisco_meraki/
        ├── certs/
        │   ├── chain.crt
        │   ├── <your_domain>.key
        │   └── <your_domain>.crt
        └── config/ 
            └── config-cisco_meraki.yaml

Devo certificates

In Devo, go to Administration → Credentials → X.509 Certificates, download the Certificate, Private key and Chain CA and save them in <any directory>/devo-collectors/cisco_meraki/certs. Learn more about security credentials in Devo here.

Editing the config-cisco_meraki.yaml file

In the config-cisco_meraki.yaml file, replace the <short_unique_identifier>, <api_key> values and enter the ones that retrieved in the previous steps. In the <short_unique_identifier> placeholder, enter the chosen value.

Code Block
  debug: false
  id: not_used
  name: cisco_meraki
    type: filesystem                                           # File system persistence ON
      directory_name: state                                    # Directory where the persistence will be saved in case of using filesystem
  devo_1:                                                      # Cloud Devo config EU (for US use
    type: devo_platform
      port: 443
      type: SSL
      chain: chain.crt
      cert: <your_domain>.crt
      key: <your_domain>.key
    id: <short_unique_identifier>                              # The value of this field will be used internally for having independent persistence areas
    enabled: true
    requests_per_second: 5                                     # Setup how many request API por second
    services:                                                  # Services available for this collector are Alerts, Secure Score and Secure score control profile
        api_key: '<api_key>'                                   # API Key obtained in the Meraki profile
        start_time: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'              # Collector Initial time.
        api_key: '<api_key>'                                   # API Key obtained in the Meraki profile
        start_time: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'              # Collector Initial time.
        api_key: '<api_key>'                                   # API Key obtained in the Meraki profile
        start_time: '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'              # Collector Initial time.

The “start_time” fields must have the following format:

Alerts “start_time” format: 0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z


The Security-events Service may generate error logs if you do not have an MX appliance.

Download the Docker image

The collector should be deployed as a Docker container. Download the Docker image of the collector as a .tgz file by clicking the link in the following table:

Collector Docker image

SHA-256 hash



Use the following command to add the Docker image to the system:

Code Block
gunzip -c collector-cisco-meraki-docker-image-<version>.tgz | docker load

Once the Docker image is imported, it will show the real name of the Docker image (including version info). Replace "<version>" with a proper value.

The Docker image can be deployed on the following services:


Execute the following command on the root directory <any_directory>/devo-collectors/cisco_meraki/

Code Block
docker run \
--name collector-cisco_meraki \
--volume $PWD/certs:/devo-collector/cisco_meraki/certs \
--volume $PWD/config:/devo-collector/cisco_meraki/config \
--volume $PWD/state:/devo-collector/cisco_meraki/state \
--env CONFIG_FILE=config-cisco_meraki.yaml \
--rm -it docker.devo.internal/collector/meraki_collector:<version>

Replace <version> with the required value.

Docker Compose

The following Docker Compose file can be used to execute the Docker container. It must be created in the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/cisco_meraki/ directory.

Code Block
version: '3'
    image: docker.devo.internal/collector/meraki_collector:${IMAGE_VERSION:-latest}
    container_name: collector-cisco_meraki
      - ./certs:/devo-collector/cisco_meraki/certs
      - ./config:/devo-collector/cisco_meraki/config
      - ./state:/devo-collector/cisco_meraki/state
      - CONFIG_FILE=${CONFIG_FILE:-config-cisco_meraki.yaml}

To run the container using docker-compose, execute the following command from the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/cisco_meraki/ directory:

Code Block
IMAGE_VERSION=<version> docker-compose up -d

Replace <version> with the required value.


A number of predefined dashboards that make use of the configured collectors can be downloaded here. To instantiate them, follow these instructions:
