Weekly active users | Number of unique active users in the domain during the last week. |
Average daily ingestion volume | Average daily ingestion volume during the last week. |
Data search query count | Number of queries performed in the Data Search area yesterday. |
API query count | Number of queries performed using the Query API yesterday. |
OData query count | Number of OData feeds created yesterday. |
Daily ingestion
This graph shows the daily ingestion volume during the last 7 days . For each day, you can see the technologies (data tables) that received data, and the percentage they represent in the total volume of that dayseparated, considering both the raw size and index size.
Hover over each column to check the complete list of technologies that received data that date, along with their data volume and percentage. Hover over a specific section to highlight it on the window that appears.
You can also highlight the sections representing a specific technology in the graph by clicking it on the list at the right side.
Queries by type
This line chart represents the number of queries performed during the last 7 days, divided by type. This chart excludes queries from background processes like alerts, injections, query lookups and aggregations. Only UI queries and API queries are considered.