Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Microsoft Azure Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information event management (SIEM) and security orchestration automated response (SOAR) solution.

Connect Azure Sentinel with Devo SOAR

  1. Navigate to Automations > Integrations.
  2. Search for Azure Sentinel.
  3. Click Details, then the + icon. Enter the required information in the following fields.
  4. Label: Enter a connection name.
  5. Reference Values: Define variables here to templatize integration connections and actions. For example, you can use https://www.{{hostname}}.com where, hostname is a variable defined in this input. For more information on how to add data, see 'Add Data' Input Type for Integrations.
  6. Verify SSL: Select option to verify connecting server's SSL certificate (Default is Verify SSL Certificate).
  7. Remote Agent: Run this integration using the Devo SOAR Remote Agent.
  8. Tenant ID: Tenant/directory ID for Azure Sentinel.
  9. Client ID: Client id for Azure Sentinel.
  10. Client Secret: Client secret for Azure Sentinel.
  11. After you've entered all the details, click Connect.

Actions for Azure Sentinel

Execute Query

Executes an analytics query for data.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Workspace IdColumn name from the parent table that contains the ID of the workspace.Required
QueryColumn name from the parent table that contains the query to execute. Example: Usage | take 10.Required
Start DateColumn name from the parent table that contains start date. Example: YYYY-MM-DD (default is last 30 Days).Optional
End DateColumn name from the parent table that contains end date. Example: YYYY-MM-DD (default is the last 30 days).Optional


A JSON object containing multiple rows of result:

  • has_error: True/False
  • error: message/null
  • result: Query Result

List Alert Rules

List alert rules.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Alert Rule

Get alert rule by its ID.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Alert Rule ID       | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the alert rule ID for azure sentinel                         | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "id": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-5asdfasd1d5b/resourceGroups/iation/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tenteg/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/BuiltInFusion",
  "name": "BuiltInFusion",
  "etag": "\"25001913-0000-0100-0000-6asdfsad0000\"",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules",
  "kind": "MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation",
  "properties": {
    "productFilter": "Microsoft Cloud App Security",
    "severitiesFilter": null,
    "displayNamesFilter": null,
    "displayNamesExcludeFilter": null,
    "displayName": "testing displayname",
    "enabled": true,
    "description": null,
    "alertRuleTemplateName": null,
    "lastModifiedUtc": "2022-07-07T10:26:30.0222996Z"
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

Delete Alert Rule

Delete alert rule by its ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Alert Rule IDJinja-templated text containing the alert rule ID for azure sentinelRequired
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Create or Update Alert Rule

Create or update alert rule by its ID.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Required |
| :------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :------- |
| Alert Rule ID       | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the alert rule ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                      | Required |
| Alert Rule Object   | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the alert rule object for azure sentinel. Example '{"kind": "Fusion","properties.alertRuleTemplateName": "f7asdfd-2ffb-45tb-b102-4asdf015c8","properties.enabled": true}' | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                    | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                          | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')                                                                                                              | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "id": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-5asdfasd1d5b/resourceGroups/iation/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tenteg/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/BuiltInFusion",
  "name": "BuiltInFusion",
  "etag": "\"25001913-0000-0100-0000-6asdfsad0000\"",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules",
  "kind": "MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation",
  "properties": {
    "productFilter": "Microsoft Cloud App Security",
    "severitiesFilter": null,
    "displayNamesFilter": null,
    "displayNamesExcludeFilter": null,
    "displayName": "testing displayname",
    "enabled": true,
    "description": null,
    "alertRuleTemplateName": null,
    "lastModifiedUtc": "2022-07-07T10:26:30.0222996Z"
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

List Actions

List actions by alert rule ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Alert Rule IDJinja-templated text containing the alert rule ID for azure sentinelRequired
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Action

Get action by its ID.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Alert Rule ID       | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the alert rule ID for azure sentinel                         | Required |
| Action ID           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the action ID for azure sentinel                             | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
      "id": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-5asdf1d5b/resourceGroups/integn/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/teteg/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/asicustomalertsv3_builtinfusiontest_ij_newaction_ij/actions/newAction_IJ",
      "name": "newAction_IJ",
      "etag": "\"a70255cc-0000-0300-0000-62c000\"",
      "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions",
      "properties": {
        "workflowId": "cd3765391efd4854asd1d48d7",
        "logicAppResourceId": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-asdfc911d5b/resourceGroups/inttion/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/MyAlerts"
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

Delete Action

Delete action by its ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Alert Rule IDJinja-templated text containing the alert rule ID for azure sentinelRequired
Action IDJinja-templated text containing the action ID for azure sentinelRequired
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Create or Update Action

Create or update action.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | Required |
| :------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Alert Rule ID       | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the alert rule ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                  | Required |
| Action ID           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the action ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                      | Required |
| Action Object       | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the action object for azure sentinel. Example '{"kind": "Fusion","properties.alertRuleTemplateName": "f7asdfd-2ffb-45tb-b102-4asdf015c8","properties.enabled": true}' | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                                                                                                                            | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                      | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')                                                                                                          | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
      "id": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-5asdf1d5b/resourceGroups/integn/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/teteg/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/asicustomalertsv3_builtinfusiontest_ij_newaction_ij/actions/newAction_IJ",
      "name": "newAction_IJ",
      "etag": "\"a70255cc-0000-0300-0000-62c000\"",
      "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/actions",
      "properties": {
        "workflowId": "cd3765391efd4854asd1d48d7",
        "logicAppResourceId": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-asdfc911d5b/resourceGroups/inttion/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/MyAlerts"
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

List Alert Rule Templates

List alert rule templates.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Alert Rule Template

Get alert rule template.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name             | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :--------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Alert Rule Template ID | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the alert rule template ID for azure sentinel                | Required |
| Subscription ID        | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name    | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace              | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version            | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "value": {
      "id": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-5basdfasdfd5b/resourceGroups/intion/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/testeg/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules/BuiltInFusion",
      "name": "BuiltInFusion",
      "etag": "\"240035cc-0000-0100-0000-6asdfs950000\"",
      "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/alertRules",
      "kind": "Fusion",
      "properties": {
        "displayName": "Advanced Multistage Attack Detection",
        "description": "Microsoft Sentinel uses Fusion, a correlation engine based on scalable machine learning algorithms, to automatically detect multistage attacks by identifying combinations of anomalous behaviors and suspicious activities that are observed at various stages of the kill chain. On the basis of these discoveries, Azure Sentinel generates incidents that would otherwise be very difficult to catch. By design, these incidents are low-volume, high-fidelity, and high-severity, which is why this detection is turned ON by default.\n\nSince Fusion correlates multiple signals from various products to detect advanced multistage attacks, successful Fusion detections are presented as Fusion incidents on the Microsoft Sentinel Incidents page. This rule covers the following detections:\n- Fusion for emerging threats\n- Fusion for ransomware\n- Scenario-based Fusion detections (122 scenarios)\n\nTo enable these detections, we recommend you configure the following data connectors for best results:\n- Out-of-the-box anomaly detections\n- Azure Active Directory Identity Protection\n- Azure Defender\n- Azure Defender for IoT\n- Microsoft 365 Defender\n- Microsoft Cloud App Security    \n- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint\n- Microsoft Defender for Identity\n- Microsoft Defender for Office 365\n- Scheduled analytics rules, both built-in and those created by your security analysts. Analytics rules must contain kill-chain (tactics) and entity mapping information in order to be used by Fusion.\n\nFor the full description of each detection that is supported by Fusion, go to",
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "f71aba3d-28fb-450b-b192-4easdf015c8",
        "tactics": [
        "severity": "High",
        "enabled": true,
        "lastModifiedUtc": "2022-07-07T04:35:33.2698249Z"
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

List Automation Rules

List automation rules.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Automation Rule

Get automation rule by its ID.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Automation Rule ID  | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the automation rule ID for azure sentinel                    | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
      "id": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-5basdfd5b/resourceGroups/intion/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/teseg/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/AutomationRules/testij",
      "name": "testij",
      "etag": "\"1f005462-0000-0100-0000-62c7asdf00\"",
      "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/AutomationRules",
      "properties": {
        "displayName": "hello IJ",
        "order": 1,
        "triggeringLogic": {
          "isEnabled": true,
          "triggersOn": "Incidents",
          "triggersWhen": "Created",
          "conditions": []
        "actions": [
            "order": 1,
            "actionType": "ModifyProperties",
            "actionConfiguration": {
              "severity": "High",
              "status": null,
              "classification": null,
              "classificationReason": null,
              "classificationComment": null,
              "owner": null,
              "labels": null
        "lastModifiedTimeUtc": "2022-07-08T04:34:20Z",
        "createdTimeUtc": "2022-07-08T04:34:20Z",
        "lastModifiedBy": {
          "objectId": "8792fc6e-1ddd-407f-b522-8basdf68ff",
          "email": null,
          "name": "External application - Sentinel",
          "userPrincipalName": null
        "createdBy": {
          "objectId": "8792fc6e-1ddd-407f-b522-8basdfc68ff",
          "email": null,
          "name": "External application - Sentinel",
          "userPrincipalName": null
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

Delete Automation Rule

Delete automation rule by its ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Automation Rule IDJinja-templated text containing the automation rule ID for azure sentinelRequired
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Create or Update Automation Rule

Create or update automation rule.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name             | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Required |
| :--------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :------- |
| Automation Rule ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the automation rule ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                 | Required |
| Automation Rule Object | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the automation object for azure sentinel. Example '{"kind": "Fusion","properties.alertRuleTemplateName": "f7asdfd-2ffb-45tb-b102-4asdf015c8","properties.enabled": true}' | Required |
| Subscription ID        | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                    | Optional |
| Resource Group Name    | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                | Optional |
| Workspace              | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                          | Optional |
| API Version            | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')                                                                                                              | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
      "id": "/subscriptions/44a1188f-486a-40f3-b7b6-5basdfd5b/resourceGroups/intion/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/teseg/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/AutomationRules/testij",
      "name": "testij",
      "etag": "\"1f005462-0000-0100-0000-62c7asdf00\"",
      "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/AutomationRules",
      "properties": {
        "displayName": "hello IJ",
        "order": 1,
        "triggeringLogic": {
          "isEnabled": true,
          "triggersOn": "Incidents",
          "triggersWhen": "Created",
          "conditions": []
        "actions": [
            "order": 1,
            "actionType": "ModifyProperties",
            "actionConfiguration": {
              "severity": "High",
              "status": null,
              "classification": null,
              "classificationReason": null,
              "classificationComment": null,
              "owner": null,
              "labels": null
        "lastModifiedTimeUtc": "2022-07-08T04:34:20Z",
        "createdTimeUtc": "2022-07-08T04:34:20Z",
        "lastModifiedBy": {
          "objectId": "8792fc6e-1ddd-407f-b522-8basdf68ff",
          "email": null,
          "name": "External application - Sentinel",
          "userPrincipalName": null
        "createdBy": {
          "objectId": "8792fc6e-1ddd-407f-b522-8basdfc68ff",
          "email": null,
          "name": "External application - Sentinel",
          "userPrincipalName": null
  "error": null,
  "has_error": false

List Bookmarks

List bookmarks.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Bookmark

Get Bookmark by its ID.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                       | Required |
| :------------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Bookmark ID         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the bookmark ID for azure sentinel                           | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
    "value": {
  "id": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bookmarks/73e01a99-5cd7-4139-a149-9f2736ff2ab5",
  "name": "73e01a99-5cd7-4139-a149-9f2736ff2ab5",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bookmarks",
  "etag": "\"0300bf09-0000-0000-0000-5c37296e0000\"",
  "properties": {
    "displayName": "My bookmark",
    "createdBy": {
      "objectId": "2046feea-040d-4a46-9e2b-91c2941bfa70",
      "email": "",
      "name": "john doe"
    "updatedBy": {
      "objectId": "2046feea-040d-4a46-9e2b-91c2941bfa70",
      "email": "",
      "name": "john doe"
    "updated": "2021-09-01T13:15:30Z",
    "created": "2021-09-01T13:15:30Z",
    "notes": "Found a suspicious activity",
    "labels": [
    "query": "SecurityEvent | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) and TimeGenerated < ago(2d)",
    "queryResult": "Security Event query result",
    "incidentInfo": {
      "incidentId": "DDA55F97-170B-40B9-B8ED-CBFD05481E7D",
      "severity": "Low",
      "title": "New case 1",
      "relationName": "4bb36b7b-26ff-4d1c-9cbe-0d8ab3da0018"
    "tactics": [
    "techniques": [
    "entityMappings": [
        "entityType": "Account",
        "fieldMappings": [
            "identifier": "Fullname",
            "value": ""
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Delete Bookmark

Delete bookmark by its ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Bookmark IDJinja-template text containing the bookmark ID for azure sentinelRequired
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Create or Update Bookmark

Create or update bookmark.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | Required |
| :------------------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Bookmark ID         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the bookmark ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                      | Required |
| Bookmark Object     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the bookmark object for azure sentinel. Example '{"kind": "Fusion","properties.alertRuleTemplateName": "f7asdfd-2ffb-45tb-b102-4asdf015c8","properties.enabled": true}' | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                  | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                                                                                                                              | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                        | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')                                                                                                            | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "id": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bookmarks/73e01a99-5cd7-4139-a149-9f2736ff2ab5",
  "name": "73e01a99-5cd7-4139-a149-9f2736ff2ab5",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bookmarks",
  "etag": "\"0300bf09-0000-0000-0000-5c37296e0000\"",
  "properties": {
    "displayName": "My bookmark",
    "createdBy": {
      "objectId": "2046feea-040d-4a46-9e2b-91c2941bfa70",
      "email": "",
      "name": "john doe"
    "updatedBy": {
      "objectId": "2046feea-040d-4a46-9e2b-91c2941bfa70",
      "email": "",
      "name": "john doe"
    "updated": "2021-09-01T13:15:30Z",
    "created": "2021-09-01T13:15:30Z",
    "notes": "Found a suspicious activity",
    "labels": [
    "query": "SecurityEvent | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) and TimeGenerated < ago(2d)",
    "queryResult": "Security Event query result",
    "tactics": [
    "techniques": [
    "entityMappings": [
        "entityType": "Account",
        "fieldMappings": [
            "identifier": "Fullname",
            "value": ""
  "has_error": false,
   "error": null

List Data Connectors

List data connectors.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Data Connector

Get Data Connector by its ID.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                       | Required |
| :------------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Data Connector ID   | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the data connector ID for azure sentinel                     | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
    "value": {
  "id": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors/316ec55e-7138-4d63-ab18-90c8a60fd1c8",
  "name": "316ec55e-7138-4d63-ab18-90c8a60fd1c8",
  "etag": "\"1a00b074-0000-0100-0000-606ef5bd0000\"",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors",
  "kind": "APIPolling",
  "properties": {
    "connectorUiConfig": {
      "title": "GitHub Enterprise Audit Log",
      "publisher": "GitHub",
      "descriptionMarkdown": "The GitHub audit log connector provides the capability to ingest GitHub logs into Azure Sentinel. By connecting GitHub audit logs into Azure Sentinel, you can view this data in workbooks, use it to create custom alerts, and improve your investigation process.",
      "customImage": "The image connector content",
      "graphQueriesTableName": "GitHubAuditLogPolling_CL",
      "graphQueries": [
          "metricName": "Total events received",
          "legend": "GitHub audit log events",
          "baseQuery": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}"
      "sampleQueries": [
          "description": "All logs",
          "query": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}\n | take 10 <change>"
      "dataTypes": [
          "name": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}",
          "lastDataReceivedQuery": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}\n            | summarize Time = max(TimeGenerated)\n            | where isnotempty(Time)"
      "connectivityCriteria": [
          "type": "SentinelKindsV2",
          "value": []
      "availability": {
        "status": 1,
        "isPreview": true
      "permissions": {
        "resourceProvider": [
            "provider": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces",
            "permissionsDisplayText": "read and write permissions are required.",
            "providerDisplayName": "Workspace",
            "scope": "Workspace",
            "requiredPermissions": {
              "write": true,
              "read": true,
              "delete": true
        "customs": [
            "name": "GitHub API personal token Key",
            "description": "You need access to GitHub personal token, the key should have 'admin:org' scope"
      "instructionSteps": [
          "title": "Connect GitHub Enterprise Audit Log to Azure Sentinel",
          "description": "Enable GitHub audit Logs. \n Follow [this]( to create or find your personal key",
          "instructions": [
              "parameters": {
                "enable": "true",
                "userRequestPlaceHoldersInput": [
                    "displayText": "Organization Name",
                    "requestObjectKey": "apiEndpoint",
                    "placeHolderName": "{{placeHolder1}}",
                    "placeHolderValue": ""
              "type": "APIKey"
    "pollingConfig": {
      "auth": {
        "authType": "APIKey",
        "apiKeyIdentifier": "token",
        "apiKeyName": "Authorization"
      "request": {
        "apiEndpoint": "{{placeHolder1}}/audit-log",
        "rateLimitQps": 50,
        "queryWindowInMin": 15,
        "httpMethod": "Get",
        "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ",
        "retryCount": 2,
        "timeoutInSeconds": 60,
        "headers": {
          "Accept": "application/json",
          "User-Agent": "Scuba"
        "queryParameters": {
          "phrase": "created:{_QueryWindowStartTime}..{_QueryWindowEndTime}"
      "paging": {
        "pagingType": "LinkHeader",
        "pageSizeParaName": "per_page"
      "response": {
        "eventsJsonPaths": [
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Delete Data Connector

Delete data connector by its ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Data Connector IDJinja-template text containing the data connector ID for azure sentinelRequired
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Create or Update Data Connector

Create or update data connector.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name            | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | Required |
| :-------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Data Connector ID     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the data connector ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                | Required |
| Data Connector Object | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the bookmark object for azure sentinel. Example '{"kind": "Fusion","properties.alertRuleTemplateName": "f7asdfd-2ffb-45tb-b102-4asdf015c8","properties.enabled": true}' | Required |
| Subscription ID       | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                  | Optional |
| Resource Group Name   | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                                                                                                                              | Optional |
| Workspace             | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                                                                                                                                        | Optional |
| API Version           | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')                                                                                                            | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "id": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors/316ec55e-7138-4d63-ab18-90c8a60fd1c8",
  "name": "316ec55e-7138-4d63-ab18-90c8a60fd1c8",
  "etag": "\"1a00b074-0000-0100-0000-606ef5bd0000\"",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors",
  "kind": "APIPolling",
  "properties": {
    "connectorUiConfig": {
      "title": "GitHub Enterprise Audit Log",
      "publisher": "GitHub",
      "descriptionMarkdown": "The GitHub audit log connector provides the capability to ingest GitHub logs into Azure Sentinel. By connecting GitHub audit logs into Azure Sentinel, you can view this data in workbooks, use it to create custom alerts, and improve your investigation process.",
      "graphQueriesTableName": "GitHubAuditLogPolling_CL",
      "graphQueries": [
          "metricName": "Total events received",
          "legend": "GitHub audit log events",
          "baseQuery": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}"
      "sampleQueries": [
          "description": "All logs",
          "query": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}\n | take 10 <change>"
      "dataTypes": [
          "name": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}",
          "lastDataReceivedQuery": "{{graphQueriesTableName}}\n            | summarize Time = max(TimeGenerated)\n            | where isnotempty(Time)"
      "connectivityCriteria": [
          "type": "SentinelKindsV2",
          "value": []
      "availability": {
        "status": 1,
        "isPreview": true
      "permissions": {
        "resourceProvider": [
            "provider": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces",
            "permissionsDisplayText": "read and write permissions are required.",
            "providerDisplayName": "Workspace",
            "scope": "Workspace",
            "requiredPermissions": {
              "write": true,
              "read": true,
              "delete": true
        "customs": [
            "name": "GitHub API personal token Key",
            "description": "You need access to GitHub personal token, the key should have 'admin:org' scope"
      "instructionSteps": [
          "title": "Connect GitHub Enterprise Audit Log to Azure Sentinel",
          "description": "Enable GitHub audit Logs. \n Follow [this]( to create or find your personal key",
          "instructions": [
              "parameters": {
                "enable": "true",
                "userRequestPlaceHoldersInput": [
                    "displayText": "Organization Name",
                    "requestObjectKey": "apiEndpoint",
                    "placeHolderName": "{{placeHolder1}}",
                    "placeHolderValue": ""
              "type": "APIKey"
    "pollingConfig": {
      "auth": {
        "authType": "APIKey",
        "apiKeyIdentifier": "token",
        "apiKeyName": "Authorization"
      "request": {
        "apiEndpoint": "{{placeHolder1}}/audit-log",
        "rateLimitQps": 50,
        "queryWindowInMin": 15,
        "httpMethod": "Get",
        "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ",
        "retryCount": 2,
        "timeoutInSeconds": 60,
        "headers": {
          "Accept": "application/json",
          "User-Agent": "Scuba"
        "queryParameters": {
          "phrase": "created:{_QueryWindowStartTime}..{_QueryWindowEndTime}"
      "paging": {
        "pagingType": "LinkHeader",
        "pageSizeParaName": "per_page"
      "response": {
        "eventsJsonPaths": [
   "has_error": false,
  "error": null

List Incidents

List incidents.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
FilterJinja-template JSON containing the filter for azure sentinel. Example '{"filter":"{{filter}}","$orderby":"{{orderby}}","$top":"{{top}}"}'Optional
LimitJinja-template JSON containing the limit for azure sentinel. (Default is 10000)Optional
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## List Incident Alerts

List incident alerts.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                       | Required |
| :------------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Incident ID         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident ID for azure sentinel.                          | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "value": [
      "id": "/subscriptions/bd794837-4d29-4647-9105-6339bfdb4e6a/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Entities/baa8a239-6fde-4ab7-a093-d09f7b75c58c",
      "name": "baa8a239-6fde-4ab7-a093-d09f7b75c58c",
      "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Entities",
      "kind": "SecurityAlert",
      "properties": {
        "systemAlertId": "baa8a239-6fde-4ab7-a093-d09f7b75c58c",
        "tactics": [],
        "alertDisplayName": "myAlert",
        "confidenceLevel": "Unknown",
        "severity": "Low",
        "vendorName": "Microsoft",
        "productName": "Azure Security Center",
        "alertType": "myAlert",
        "processingEndTime": "2020-07-20T18:21:53.6158361Z",
        "status": "New",
        "endTimeUtc": "2020-07-20T18:21:53.6158361Z",
        "startTimeUtc": "2020-07-20T18:21:53.6158361Z",
        "timeGenerated": "2020-07-20T18:21:53.6158361Z",
        "resourceIdentifiers": [
            "type": "LogAnalytics",
            "workspaceId": "c8c99641-985d-4e4e-8e91-fb3466cd0e5b",
            "subscriptionId": "bd794837-4d29-4647-9105-6339bfdb4e6a",
            "resourceGroup": "myRG"
        "additionalData": {
          "AlertMessageEnqueueTime": "2020-07-20T18:21:57.304Z"
        "friendlyName": "myAlert"
    "has_error": false,
  "error": null

List Incident Bookmarks

List incident bookmarks.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Incident IDJinja-template text containing the incident ID for azure sentinel.Required
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## List Incident Entities

List incident entities.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                       | Required |
| :------------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Incident ID         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident ID for azure sentinel.                          | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "entities": [
      "id": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Entities/e1d3d618-e11f-478b-98e3-bb381539a8e1",
      "name": "e1d3d618-e11f-478b-98e3-bb381539a8e1",
      "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Entities",
      "kind": "Account",
      "properties": {
        "friendlyName": "administrator",
        "accountName": "administrator",
        "ntDomain": "domain"
  "metaData": [
      "entityKind": "Account",
      "count": 1
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Get Incident

Get incident by its ID.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Incident IDJinja-template text containing the incident ID for azure sentinel.Required
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Delete Incident

Delete incident by its ID.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                       | Required |
| :------------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Incident ID         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident ID for azure sentinel.                          | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-template](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "message": "Deleted Successfully.",
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Create or Update Incident

Create or update incident.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Incident IDJinja-template text containing the incident ID for azure sentinelRequired
Incident ObjectJinja-template text containing the incident object for azure sentinel. Example '{"kind": "Fusion","properties.alertRuleTemplateName": "f7asdfd-2ffb-45tb-b102-4asdf015c8","properties.enabled": true}'Required
Subscription IDJinja-template text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-template text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-template text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-template text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Incident Comments

Gets a comment for a given incident.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Incident Comment Id | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident comment Id.                                     | Required |
| Incident Id         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident Id.                                             | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| Api Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "id": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalIinsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/73e01a99-5cd7-4139-a149-9f2736ff2ab5/comments/4bb36b7b-26ff-4d1c-9cbe-0d8ab3da0014",
  "name": "4bb36b7b-26ff-4d1c-9cbe-0d8ab3da0014",
  "etag": "\"190057d0-0000-0d00-0000-5c6f5adb0000\"",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/comments",
  "properties": {
    "message": "Some message",
    "createdTimeUtc": "2019-01-01T13:15:30Z",
    "lastModifiedTimeUtc": "2019-01-03T11:10:30Z",
    "author": {
      "objectId": "2046feea-040d-4a46-9e2b-91c2941bfa70",
      "email": "",
      "name": "john doe",
      "userPrincipalName": ""
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

List Incident Comments

Gets all comments for a given incident.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Incident IdJinja-templated text containing the incident Id.Required
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
Api VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Delete Incident Comments

Deletes a comment for a given incident.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Incident Comment Id | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident comment Id.                                     | Required |
| Incident Id         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident Id.                                             | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| Api Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
    "msg": "Successfully deleted.",
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Create Or Update Incident Comments

Creates or updates a comment for a given incident.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Incident Comment IdJinja-templated text containing the incident comment Id.Required
Incident IdJinja-templated text containing the incident Id.Required
Incident Comment ObjectJinja-templated JSON containing the incident comment object for azure sentinel. Example '{"properties": {"message": "Some message"}}'Required
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
Api VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Get Incident Relations

Gets a relation for a given incident.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Relation Name       | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the relation name.                                           | Required |
| Incident Id         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident Id.                                             | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| Api Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
  "id": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalIinsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/afbd324f-6c48-459c-8710-8d1e1cd03812/relations/4bb36b7b-26ff-4d1c-9cbe-0d8ab3da0014",
  "name": "4bb36b7b-26ff-4d1c-9cbe-0d8ab3da0014",
  "type": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/relations",
  "etag": "190057d0-0000-0d00-0000-5c6f5adb0000",
  "properties": {
    "relatedResourceId": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalIinsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bookmarks/2216d0e1-91e3-4902-89fd-d2df8c535096",
    "relatedResourceName": "2216d0e1-91e3-4902-89fd-d2df8c535096",
    "relatedResourceType": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bookmarks"
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

List Incident Relations

Gets all relations for a given incident.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Incident IdJinja-templated text containing the incident Id.Required
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
Api VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Delete Incident Relations

Deletes a relation for a given incident.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Relation Name       | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the relation name.                                           | Required |
| Incident Id         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the incident Id.                                             | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| Api Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
    "msg": "Successfully deleted.",
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Create Or Update Incident Relations

Creates or updates a relation for a given incident.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Relation NameJinja-templated text containing the relation name.Required
Incident IdJinja-templated text containing the incident Id.Required
Incident Relation ObjectJinja-templated JSON containing the incident comment object for azure sentinel. Example '{"properties": {"relatedResourceId": "/subscriptions/d0cfe6b2-9ac0-4464-9919-dccaee2e48c0/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/myWorkspace/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bookmarks/2216d0e1-91e3-4902-89fd-d2df8c535096"}}'Required
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
Api VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2021-10-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## List Watchlist Items

Get all watchlist items by watchlist alias.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Watchlist Alias     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the watchlist alias for azure sentinel                       | Required |
| Subscription Id     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription Id for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2022-11-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{


Get Watchlist Item

Get watchlist item by its Id.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Watchlist AliasJinja-templated text containing the watchlist alias for azure sentinelRequired
Watchlist Item IdJinja-templated text containing the watchlist item Id for azure sentinelRequired
Subscription IdJinja-templated text containing the subscription Id for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2022-11-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## Delete Watchlist Item

Delete watchlist item by its Id.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Watchlist Alias     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the watchlist alias for azure sentinel                       | Required |
| Watchlist Item Id   | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the watchlist item Id for azure sentinel                     | Required |
| Subscription ID     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2022-11-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
    "msg": "Successfully deleted.",
  "has_error": false,
  "error": null

Create or Update Watchlist Item

Create or update watchlist_item.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired
Watchlist AliasJinja-templated text containing the watchlist alias for azure sentinelRequired
Watchlist Item IdJinja-templated text containing the watchlist item Id for azure sentinelRequired
Action ObjectJinja-templated text containing the action object for azure sentinel. Example '{"etag": "0300bf09-0000-0000-0000-5c37296e0000", "properties": { "itemsKeyValue": { "Gateway subnet": "", "Web Tier": "", "Business tier": "", "Data tier": "", "Private DMZ in": "", "Public DMZ out": ""}}}'Required
Subscription IDJinja-templated text containing the subscription ID for azure sentinelOptional
Resource Group NameJinja-templated text containing the resource group name for azure sentinelOptional
WorkspaceJinja-templated text containing the workspace for azure sentinelOptional
API VersionJinja-templated text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2022-11-01')Optional


JSON containing the following items:


Code Block
## List Watchlist

Get all watchlist.

### Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

| Input Name          | Description                                                                                                        | Required |
| :------------------ | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
| Subscription Id     | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the subscription Id for azure sentinel                       | Optional |
| Resource Group Name | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the resource group name for azure sentinel                   | Optional |
| Workspace           | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the workspace for azure sentinel                             | Optional |
| API Version         | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the API version for azure sentinel (Default is '2022-11-01') | Optional |

### Output

JSON containing the following items:

``` {json}{
            "displayName":"High Value Assets Watchlist",
            "source":"Local file",
            "description":"Watchlist from CSV content",

            "displayName":"High Value Assets Watchlist",
            "source":"Local file",
            "description":"Watchlist from CSV content",


Batch Query

Executes a batch of Analytics queries for data.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input NameDescriptionRequired

BodyJinja-templated JSON containing the batch query data for azure sentinel. Example '{"requests": [{"id": "1","body": {"query": "AppRequeststake 2"},"path": "/query","method": "POST","workspace": "d2d0e126-fa1e-4b0a-b647-250cdd471e68"},{"id": "2","body": {"query": "AppRequeststake 3"},"path": "/query","method": "POST","workspace": "d2d0e126-fa1e-4b0a-b647-250cdd471e68"}]}'Required


JSON containing the following items:


} }, { "id":"2", "status":403, "body":{ "error":{ "message":"The provided authentication is not valid for this resource", "code":"InvalidTokenError", "correlationId":"aa169800-6742-4c12-a7ea-78e332d30e16", "innererror":{ "code":"InvalidAuthenticationTokenTenant", "message":"The access token is from the wrong issuer." } } } } ], "error":null, "has_error":false } ```

Release Notes

  • v2.2.11 - Added limit result optional field in List Incidents action.
  • v2.2.1 - Added debug logs in Execute Query action.
  • v2.2.0 - Added Batch Query action.
  • v2.1.1 - Updated Query action: The endpoint is being replaced by
  • v2.1.0 - Added 5 new actions: List Watchlist Items, Get Watchlist Item, Delete Watchlist Item, Create or Update Watchlist Item and List Watchlist.
  • v2.0.0 - Updated architecture to support IO via filesystem
  • v1.3.3 - Added 8 new actions: Create Or Update Incident Relations, Delete Incident Relations, List Incident Relations, Get Incident Relations, Create Or Update Incident Comments, Delete Incident Comments, List Incident Comments and Get Incident Comments.
  • v1.2.1 - Added 15 new actions: Create or Update Bookmark, Create or Update Data Connector, Create or Update Incident, DELETE Bookmark, DELETE Data Connector, Delete Incident, Get Bookmark, Get Data Connector, Get Incident, List Bookmarks, List Data Connector, List Incident Alerts, List Bookmarks, List Incident Entities and List Incidents.
  • v1.1.9 - Bug fix for Execute query action throwing error when there are double quotes in the query.
  • v1.1.4 - Added 14 new actions - List Alert Rules, Get Alert Rule, Delete Alert Rule, Create Or Update Alert Rule, List Actions, Get Action, Delete Action, Create Or Update Action, List Alert Rule Templates, Get Alert Rule Template, List Automation Rules, Get Automation Rules, Delete Automation Rule and Create Or Update Automation Rule
