Name | Type | Description |
eventdate | Timestamp | Ingestion timestamp of the event in Devo |
collector | String | The relay Id as it is set up at Web |
kind | String | Specifies if stats are from data received by sources or sent to a target. |
subkind | String | Protocol used for transmission
parameters | String | Connection parameters with specifics details
partialCpu | int | CPU time in nanoseconds spent in OS functions. Only valid for |
partialCpuUser | int | CPU time in nanoseconds spent in the application (user mode). Only valid for |
partialPackets | int | Number of packets sent through UDP. Only valid for |
partialBytes | int | Number of bytes processed from source by UDP. Only valid for |
partialEvents | int | TCP and UDP number of events processed of kind and subkind. |
partialEventBytes | int | TCP and UDP number of events bytes processed of kind and subkind. Valid for all but |
partialMinorErrors | int | Number of minor errors @TODO, incremented value since last stats event |
partialMayorErrors | int | Number of major errors @TODO, incremented value since last stats event |
partialDroppedLogs | int | Number of logs dropped, incremented value since last stats event. These are not the events filtered by rules, but the events dropped by relay as it could buffer and process |
partialBufferBytes | int | Buffered bytes, incremented value since last stats event |
totalBufferBytes | int | Buffered bytes, total value |
partialBufferLogs | int | Buffered log events, incremented value since last stats event |
totalBufferLogs | int | Buffered log events, total value |
partialBufferLogsMain | int | Buffered log events on RAM memory, incremented value since last stats event |
totalBufferLogsMain | int | Buffered log events on RAM memory, total value |
partialBufferLogsSecondary | int | Buffered log events and persisted on disk, incremented value since last stats event |
totalBufferLogsSecondary | int | Buffered log events buffered and persisted on disk, total value |