The Cybereason Response Interface enables security teams to quickly respond to detected threats by killing processes and isolating machines.
Connect Cybereason with Devo SOAR
Navigate to Automations > Integrations.
Search for Cybereason.
Click Details, then the + icon. Enter the required information in the following fields.
Label: Enter a connection name.
Reference Values: Define variables here to templatize integration connections and actions. For example, you can use https://www.{{hostname}}.com where, hostname is a variable defined in this input. For more information on how to add data, see 'Add Data' Input Type for Integrations.
Verify SSL: Select option to verify connecting server's SSL certificate (Default is Verify SSL Certificate).
Remote Agent: Run this integration using the Devo SOAR Remote Agent.
Cybereason Server Name: Server name for your Cybereason connection.
Cybereason Server Port: Server port for your Cybereason connection(usually 443 or 8443).
Email Address/Username: Username for Cybereason.
Password: Password to log in with.
After you've entered all the details, click Connect.
Actions for Cybereason
Isolate Machine
Isolate Machine to respond to detected threats.
Input Field
Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.
Input Name | Description | Required |
Column containing Machine Name or IP Address | Column name from the parent table with the Machine Name or IP Address to isolate. | Required |
Data Type | Data Type, either Machine Name or IP Address. | Required |
A JSON object containing multiple rows of result:
Code Block |
## Unisolate Machine Unisolate Machine to respond to detected threats. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Desccription | Required | | :------------------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Column containing Machine Name or IP Address | Column name from the parent table with the Machine Name or IP Address to unisolate. | Required | | Data Type | Data Type, either Machine Name or IP Address. | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing multiple rows of result: - has_error: True/False - error: message/null - result: Success/Failure message ## Block Process Globally prevents file with given hash from running. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :----------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Column containing Hashes | Column name from the parent table with the hashes of files to prevent running. | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing multiple rows of result: - has_error: True/False - error: message/null - result: Success/Failure message ## Run Query Run a query on the Cybereason deployment. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :-------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Query Strings | Query string (emulates request payload for the UI, viewable in a browser's developer tools). | Required | | Explode Results | Select the option to explode results in separate rows (default is True). | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing multiple rows of result: - has_error: True/False - error: message/null - result: List of results ## Run Dynamic Query Run a dynamic query on the Cybereason deployment. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :---------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Query Column Name | The name of the column with the queries. | Required | | Explode Results | Select the option to explode results in separate rows (default is True). | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing multiple rows of result: - has_error: True/False - error: message/null - result: List of results ## Run Templated Query Run a templated query on the Cybereason deployment. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :-------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Query Template | The query [template](doc:jinja-template), with optional variable substitution denoted by column names in double braces {{ and }}. | Required | | Explode Results | Select the option to explode results in separate rows (default is True). | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing multiple rows of result: - has_error: True/False - error: message/null - result: List of results ## Isolate Malop Machine Isolates a machine or machines involved in a specific Malop. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :--------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Pylum IDs | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the unique sensor ID the Cybereason platform uses for the machines to isolate. Example 'PYLUMCLIENT_INTERNAL_WIN_XP123456_0050568A74AC,PYLUMCLIENT_INTERNAL_WIN_XP5678_0050456757GH' | Required | | Malop ID | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the GUID for the Malop with which the sensor is associated. Example '11.-4040827324870650429' | Required | ### Output JSON containing the following items: ``` {json}{ "PYLUMCLIENT_INTERNAL_WIN_XP012987_0050123A74AC": "Succeeded", "has_error":false, "error":null } |
Set Reputation
Sets a custom, organization-specific reputation (whitelist or blacklist) for a file, IP address, or domain name.
Input Field
Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.
Input Name | Description | Required |
Body | Jinja-templated JSON containing the body for the Cybereason API. Example '[{"keys": ["0aae5873aa0e9f80d3fa41524bef6825723b9e87"],"maliciousType": "whitelist","prevent": "true","remove": "false"}]' | Required |
JSON containing the following items:
Code Block |
## Remediate Items Remediates a specific process, file, or registry key if remediation is possible. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | : -------- | : -------- | : -------- | | Body | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) JSON containing the body for the Cybereason API. Example '{"malopId": "<malopID>","initiatorUserName": "<user name>","actionsByMachine": {"<machineID>": [{"targetId":"<item GUID>","actionType": "<action>"}]}}' | Required | ### Output JSON containing the following items: ``` {json}{ "malopId": "11.2718161727221199870", "remediationId": "86f3faa1-bac0-4a17-9192-9d106b734664", "start": 1518604850656, "end": 1518604850744, "initiatingUser": "user@myserver.com", "statusLog": [ { "machineId": "-1632138521.1198775089551518743", "targetId": null, "status": "SUCCESS", "actionType": "KILL_PROCESS", "timestamp": 1518604850714 } ], "has_error":false, "error":null } |
Retrieve All Malops
Returns details about all AI Hunt Malops and Endpoint Protection Malops in your environment.
Input Field
Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.
Input Name | Description | Required |
Start Time | Jinja-templated text containing the beginning time (in milliseconds) from which you want to retrieve Malops that were active (both created and updated). Default is batch start time. Example '1602240667000' | Optional |
End Time | Jinja-templated text containing the ending time (in milliseconds) to which you want to retrieve Malops (both created and updated). Default is batch end time. Example '1602240667000' | Optional |
Additional Body Params | Jinja-templated JSON containing the body for the Cybereason API. Values specified here will override other fields (if provided). Example '{"groupIds":""}' | Optional |
JSON containing the following items:
Code Block |
## Get Malop Details Returns details about a specified Endpoint Protection Malop. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :--------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Malop ID | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) text containing the unique GUID string the Cybereason platform uses for the Malop. Example '11.-4040827324870650429' | Required | ### Output JSON containing the following items: ``` {json}{ "detectionEngines":[ "SomeEngine" ], "lastUpdateTime":16844083456456, "labels":[ ], "edr":false, "malopDetectionType":"MALICIOUS_PROCESS", "closerName":"test@abc.com", "guid":"11.-3456743653548471", "machines":[ { "displayName":"asdfasd", "isolated":false, "lastConnected":1684743334567, "connected":true, "empty":true, "osType":"WINDOWS", "guid":"345645.13456345643563", "@class":".MMMMMInboxModel" } ], "iconBase64":"", "group":"", "severity":"", "escalated":false, "detectionTypes":[ "Malicious process behavior" ], "priority":"HIGH", "malopStatus":"Excluded", "decisionStatuses":[ "Detected", "Prevented" ], "@class":".MalopInboxModel", "closed":true, "containers":[ ], "status":"Excluded", "rootCauseElementType":"Process", "users":[ { "admin":true, "guid":"0.-223452345", "displayName":"asdfasdf.tyuityu", "localSystem":false, "domainUser":false } ], "primaryRootCauseName":"powershell.exe", "malopSeverity":"", "rootCauseElementHashes":"f5d245f2f52d5235de8d052d4523d5234d9", "malopType":"MALICIOUS_PROCESS", "displayName":"2 Processes", "malopPriority":"HIGH", "malopCloseTime":168234523459, "creationTime":16823452345391, "empty":true, "rootCauseElementNamesCount":2, "has_error":false, "error":null } |
Get AI Hunt MalOp Details
Returns details about a specified AI hunt Malop details.
Input Field
Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.
Input Name | Description | Required |
Body | Jinja-templated JSON containing the body for cybereason API. Example '{"totalResultLimit": 10000,"templateContext": "OVERVIEW","queryPath": [{"requestedType": "MalopProcess","guidList":["guid IDs for Malops"],"result": true,"filters": null}]}' | Required |
JSON containing the following items:
Code Block |
{ "failedServersInfo":{ "onlineFailedServers":[ ], "onlineFailedServersPercentage":0, "totalFailedServersPercentage":0, "offlineServers":[ ] }, "data":{ "evidenceMap":{ }, "paginationToken":null, "quapiMeasurementData":{ "totalQuapiQueryTime":[ ], "timeToGetAdditionalData":[ ], "timeToGetGuids":[ ], "startTime":[ ], "timeToGetData":[ ], "endTime":[ ] }, "guids":[ ], "resultIdToElementDataMap":{ }, "pathResultCounts":[ { "featureDescriptor":{ "elementInstanceType":"MalopProcess", "featureName":null }, "count":0 } ], "queryLimits":{ "groupingFeature":{ "elementInstanceType":"MalopProcess", "featureName":"self" }, "totalResultLimit":10000, "perGroupLimit":0, "sortInGroupFeature":null, "perFeatureLimit":0 }, "queryTerminated":false, "totalPossibleResults":2, "suspicionsMap":{ }, "totalResults":0, "executionUUID":null, "guessedPossibleResults":0 }, "has_error":false, "error":null, "status":"SUCCESS", "failures":0, "hidePartialSuccess":false, "message":"", "expectedResults":2 } |
Check Remediation Progress
Returns details on the progress of a specific remediation operation.
Input Field
Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.
Input Name | Description | Required |
Malop ID | Jinja-templated text containing the GUID for the Malop with which the sensor is associated. Example '11.-4040827324870650429' | Required |
Username | Jinja-templated text containing the username. | Required |
Remediation Id | Jinja-templated text containing the remediation Id. | Required |
JSON containing the following items:
Code Block |
## Get Custom Reputation Returns details on custom reputations for all or a specific item from your organization’s private threat intelligence. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | : -------- | : -------- | : -------- | | Body | [Jinja-templated](doc:jinja-template) JSON containing the body for cybereason API. Example '{"filter": { "key": "<item key>", "reputationType": "<item type>", "isBlocking": true, "maliciousType": "<whitelist or blacklist>", "includeExpired": true, "comment": "<text contained within a comment>", "owningUser": "<user that created the reputation>", "text": "<partial key or partial comment string>"},"column": "<value by which to sort>", "order": "<sort order>", "page": 0,"size": 20}' | Required | ### Output JSON containing the following items: ``` {json}{ "outcome":"success", "error": null, "has_error": false, "data": { "reputations": [ { "key":"4df4308dd3c36cfee0fe11cfa4856165", "reputationType":"FILE", "isBlocking":true, "maliciousType":"blacklist", "comment":"registed by SOC", "expiration":1648674000000, "owningUser":"admin@yourserver.com", "firstSeen":1641378554120, "lastUpdated":1641487058169 }, { "key":"0f3491280f5492cd028eb9e6b8b1b930", "reputationType":"FILE", "isBlocking":true, "maliciousType":"blacklist", "comment":"registed by SOC", "expiration":-1, "owningUser":"admin@cybereason.com", "firstSeen":1641378554120, "lastUpdated":1641378554120 }, { "key":"db8a4847285b41d09aa90ecbd4290526", "reputationType":"FILE", "isBlocking":true, "maliciousType":"blacklist", "comment":"registed by SOC", "expiration":-1, "owningUser":"admin@yourserver.com" "firstSeen":1641378554120, "lastUpdated":1641487820991 } ], "total":760 } } |
Release Notes
- Added 2 new action:Get Custom Reputation
andCheck Remediation Progress
- Added 1 new action:Get AI Hunt MalOp Details
- Added 5 new actions:Isolate Malop Machine
,Set Reputation
,Remediate Items
,Retrieve All Malops
andGet Malop Details
- Updated architecture to support IO via filesystem