The Content Manager > Notable Entities page is for configuring the list of notable entities, a configurable watch list of entities which are pinned to the Overview dashboard for ease of monitoring.
Entities can be added/removed from the notables list in other pages of the Behavior Analytics User Interface (UI) as well:
In the Entity Analysis page, a star “star” icon is displayed to the left of each entity name. If the entity is a notable entity, the inside of the star will be filled yellow; otherwise the inside of the star is not filled. Clicking the star “star” icon with add/remove the entity from the notables list.
Similarly in the Entity Details page, a star icon is displayed in the page header (top right). If the selected entity is a notable entity, the inside of the star will be filled yellow; otherwise the inside of the star is not filled. Clicking the star “star” icon with add/remove the entity from the notables list.