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Table of Contents


What permissions do I need to schedule reports?

To schedule reports, you need to have the Manage version of the Activeboards report scheduler permission, otherwise, you will not be able to see the option in the Activeboards area.

If you only have the view version, you will not be able to create them but you will be able to see which Activeboards have scheduled reports and use the dedicated filter to find them, as explained a few sections below (more info about permissions here).


Scheduling reports

If you want to generate a PDF at a set periodicity and send it to someone’s email, you can use the Schedule report option. This option is always available, whether you activated the editing mode or not.

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Click the ellipsis menu and select the Add scheduled report option.

20_Schedule reports in ActiveboardsV2.png
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Introduce the desired settings in the scheduled report window.


Enabled: if you leave this box checked, the report will start being generated and sent as specified, otherwise, it will remain inactive until you edit it and enable it.

30_Schedule reports in Activeboards.png


Start date: select the date you want the report to start being generated and sent.


Repeats: select the desired periodicity from the dropdown.

  • Daily: if you select this option, you must select the time of the day. The time of the day can also be written using the 24h-format (hh:mm).

  • Weekly: if you select this option, you must select the day(s) of the week and the time of the day.

  • Monthly: if you select this option, you must select the day(s) of the month and the time of the day.


Timezone: the timezone you want for the data displayed in the report, which will display the date and time accordingly adjusted.


Send to: introduce the email address(es) of the users you want to receive the report. Write emails one by one, pressing

on your keyboard after each of them.


Attach a zip file: marking this checkbox will generate a single CSV for each table widget present in the Activeboard and all of them will be inserted into a ZIP file, which will be attached to the email along with the PDF report.


Special considerations

The combined size of the PDF and ZIP files cannot exceed 10MB, otherwise, the ZIP file will not be attached. The name of the ZIP file corresponds to the name of the Activeboard, while the names of the CSV files correspond to the names of the table widgets (in lowercase and with non-alphanumeric characters converted to hyphens).


Activeboard configuration: this is a non-editable section. To modify the Activeboard configuration or date range you must close this dialog and perform the modifications directly in the Activeboard.

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Click Save to apply the settings.

Receiving scheduled reports

When a scheduled report is enabled, the indicated email address or addresses will receive an email at the specified time, with the specified periodicity.



Activeboards with inputs

When your Activeboard contains inputs, it is highly advisable to configure widgets to show default values without having to introduce them in the input, otherwise, the PDF might display widgets without any data.

Activeboards with table widgets

If you chose to attach them as CSV in a ZIP (see settings in the table above), you will receive it along with the PDF. If the ZIP cannot be generated for whatever reason, this does not affect the PDF, which will be sent anyway.

Activeboards with widgets or inputs using Load on demand

When your Activeboard contains widgets or inputs with this setting enabled, the data fetch will be forced before generating the PDF so that they will appear populated.


How do I recognize Activeboards with a scheduled report?

If you have the required permission (see first section above), you can recognize those Activeboards that have an active scheduled report because they display this icon next to their name in the Activeboard Manager.




With the very same permission, you have at your disposal a special filter in the Activeboard manager to show only those Activeboards that have a scheduled report.




One scheduled report per Activeboard

You can create only one scheduled report per Activeboard. If you want another scheduled report with different settings, your only option is to edit the existing one as explained below.

Editing scheduled reports

Once you create a scheduled report, it will remain accessible for you to edit when necessary. To edit a scheduled report you must use the same menu you used to create it (notice the option is now Edit scheduled report).


Deleting scheduled reports

If you no longer need a scheduled report, you can easily delete it using the Delete scheduled report option that appears in the ellipsis menu when the Activeboard already has one.
