Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Data source


API endpoint

Collector service name

Devo table

Available from release

Blocked clicks

Fetch events for clicks to malicious URLs blocked in the specified time period





Permitted clicks

Fetch events for clicks to malicious URLs permitted in the specified time period





Blocked messages

Fetch events for messages blocked in the specified time period that contained a known threat.





Delivered message

Fetch events for messages delivered in the specified time period which contained a known threat.






Rw ui tabs macro
Rw tab
titleOn-premise collector

This data collector can be run in any machine that has the Docker service available because it should be executed as a docker container. The following sections explain how to prepare all the required setup for having the data collector running.


The following directory structure should be created for being used when running the collector:

Code Block
└── devo-collectors/
    └── <product_name>/
        ├── certs/
        │   ├── chain.crt
        │   ├── <your_domain>.key
        │   └── <your_domain>.crt
        ├── state/
        └── config/ 
            └── config.yaml 

Replace <product_name> with the proper value.

Devo credentials

In Devo, go to Administration → Credentials → X.509 Certificates, download the Certificate, Private key and Chain CA and save them in <product_name>/certs/. Learn more about security credentials in Devo here.


Replace <product_name> with the proper value.

Editing the config.yaml file

Code Block
  debug: false
  id: not_used
  name: proofpoint_tap_collector
    type: filesystem
      directory_name: state

    type: devo_platform
      address: <your-ingestion-endpoint>
      port: 443
      type: SSL
      chain: chain.crt
      cert: <your_domain>.crt
      key: <your_domain>.key
    id: <short_unique_id>
    enabled: true
      username: <username_value>
      password: <password_value>
         start_time_in_utc_format: <start_time_in_utc_format>
         request_period_in_seconds: <request_period_in_seconds>
         start_time_in_utc_format: <start_time_in_utc_format>
         request_period_in_seconds: <request_period_in_seconds>
         start_time_in_utc_format: <start_time_in_utc_format> 
         request_period_in_seconds: <request_period_in_seconds>
         start_time_in_utc_format: <start_time_in_utc_format>
All defined service entities will be executed by the

         request_period_in_seconds: <request_period_in_seconds>

All defined service entities will be executed by the collector. If you do not want to run any of them, just remove the entity from the services object.

Replace the placeholders with your required values following the description table below:


Data type


Value range / Format





Minimum Lenght 5

Use this param to give a unique id to this input service.


This parameter is used to build the persistence address, do not use the same value for multiple collectors. It could cause a collision.




false / true

Use this param to enable or disable the given input logic when running the collector. If the value is true, the input will be run. If the value is false, it will be ignored.




Minimum Length 1

Provide the value of username used for authentication




Minimum Length 1

Provide the value of password used for authentication




Minimum Length 1


This configuration allows you to set a custom date as the beginning of the period to download. This allows the events but it can’t be more than 7 days in the past.




Minimum Length 1

This configuration allows us to set the “seconds” after which next pull cycle to be made. Allowed limit of number of api requests is 1800 per day so we have kept 600 seconds as a default value.




A devo tag

This parameter allows to define a custom devo tag.

Download the Docker image

The collector should be deployed as a Docker container. Download the Docker image of the collector as a .tgz file by clicking the link in the following table:

Collector Docker image

SHA-256 hash



Use the following command to add the Docker image to the system:

Code Block
gunzip -c <image_file>-<version>.tgz | docker load

Once the Docker image is imported, it will show the real name of the Docker image (including version info). Replace <image_file> and <version> with a proper value.

The Docker image can be deployed on the following services:


Execute the following command on the root directory <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/

Code Block
docker run 
--name collector-<product_name> 
--volume $PWD/certs:/devo-collector/certs 
--volume $PWD/config:/devo-collector/config 
--volume $PWD/state:/devo-collector/state 
--env CONFIG_FILE=config.yaml 

Replace <product_name>, <image_name> and <version> with the proper values.

Docker Compose

The following Docker Compose file can be used to execute the Docker container. It must be created in the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/ directory.

Code Block
version: '3'
    image: <image_name>:${IMAGE_VERSION:-latest}
    container_name: collector-<product_name>
      - ./certs:/devo-collector/certs
      - ./config:/devo-collector/config
      - ./credentials:/devo-collector/credentials
      - ./state:/devo-collector/state
      - CONFIG_FILE=${CONFIG_FILE:-config.yaml}

To run the container using docker-compose, execute the following command from the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/ directory:

Code Block
IMAGE_VERSION=<version> docker-compose up -d

Replace <product_name>, <image_name> and <version> with the proper values.

Rw tab
titleCloud collector

We use a piece of software called Collector Server to host and manage all our available collectors. If you want us to host this collector for you, get in touch with us and we will guide you through the configuration.


This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific actions for services.

Messages blocked


No. of request this service can make in a day is 220.

titleVerify data collection

Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.

This service has the following components:




The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.


The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.

Setup output

A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:

Code Block
2023-12-26T09:05:33.934    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:05:33.935    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T09:05:33.935    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:05:33.935    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:05:33.935    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T09:05:33.935    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:05:33.935    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:05:33.935    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2023-12-26T09:05:33.936    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:05:33.936    INFO OutputProcess::OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:05:33.936    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:05:33.939    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2023-12-26T09:05:33.940    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2023-12-26T09:05:33.940    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2023-12-26T09:05:33.941    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2023-12-26T09:05:33.941    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2023-12-26T09:05:33.941    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2023-12-26T09:05:33.941    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2023-12-26T09:05:33.941    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Creating API client.
2023-12-26T09:05:33.941    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Created request client: <agent.modules.proofpoint.commons.proofpoint_client.ProofPointClient object at 0x7f75040e44c0>
2023-12-26T09:05:33.941    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2023-12-26T09:05:33.942    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> InputThread(proofpoint_tap,123456) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-26T09:05:33.942    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-26T09:05:33.942    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesBlocked#predefined) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:05:33.942 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesBlocked#predefined) -> The token/header/authentication has not been created yet
2023-12-26T09:05:33.943    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) - Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:05:33.943 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2023-12-26T09:05:33.947    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 28.2% -> 28.2%, process: RSS(40.77MiB -> 41.64MiB), VMS(926.00MiB -> 926.00MiB)
2023-12-26T09:05:33.954    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 28.2% -> 28.2%, process: RSS(40.29MiB -> 40.29MiB), VMS(421.98MiB -> 421.98MiB)
2023-12-26T09:05:34.739    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Created a sender: {"name": "DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0)", "url": "", "chain_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/chain.crt", "cert_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.crt", "key_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.key", "transport_layer_type": "SSL", "last_usage_timestamp": null, "socket_status": null}, hostname: "2023-apac-0046", session_id: "140140610316704"
2023-12-26T09:05:36.819    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesBlocked#predefined) -> Setup for module <ProofPointPuller> has been successfully executed

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:


Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
023-12-26T09:05:36.953    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Pull Started
2023-12-26T09:05:36.956    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-10 11:00:00+00:00 TO: 2023-12-10 12:00:00+00:00
2023-12-26T09:05:36.956 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Start_Time_in_utc must be at most 7.00d into the past, Changing the time startTime to be in the specified time
2023-12-26T09:05:39.320    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561736946):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T09:05:39.321    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-19 04:35:36.946633+00:00 TO: 2023-12-19 05:35:36.946633+00:00
2023-12-26T09:05:41.780    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561736946):Number of requests made: 2; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T09:05:41.781    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-19 05:35:36.946633+00:00 TO: 2023-12-19 06:35:36.946633+00:00
2023-12-26T09:05:44.135    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561736946):Number of requests made: 3; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T09:05:44.136    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-19 06:35:36.946633+00:00 TO: 2023-12-19 07:35:36.946633+00:00
2023-12-26T09:05:46.495    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561736946):Number of requests made: 4; Number of events received: 1; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 1; Average of events per second: 0.105.

After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:

Code Block
2023-12-26T09:05:46.495    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561736946):Number of requests made: 4; Number of events received: 1; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 1; Average of events per second: 0.105.

The value @devo_pulling_id is injected in each event to group all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded in that Pull action in Devo’s search window.



This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the most common errors.

Error type

Error ID

Error message





HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server

username and password is not correct

Make sure that credentials are correct.


Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server

start_time_in_utc is in future or not in proper format

Make sure the start time is not in future and not in proper format



HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server : {summery} , {details}

This error happens when the collector tries to fetch the data from API.

In this error you will find the HTTP error code as well as the summary and details.



Some Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server : {Exception}

Some exception occured while making the API request.

Reach out to the developer with the exact error message.

Messages delivered


No. of request this service can make in a day is 220.

titleVerify data collection

Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.

This service has the following components:




The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.


The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.

Setup output

A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:

Code Block
2023-12-26T09:15:01.181    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> Process started
2023-12-26T09:15:01.182    INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> Started all object from "MainProcess" process
2023-12-26T09:15:01.182    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Process Started
2023-12-26T09:15:01.204    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2023-12-26T09:15:01.204    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
2023-12-26T09:15:01.206    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2023-12-26T09:15:01.207    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(standard_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.208    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(standard_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T09:15:01.208    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.208    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.208    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T09:15:01.208    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.209    INFO OutputProcess::OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.210    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2023-12-26T09:15:01.210    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2023-12-26T09:15:01.210    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2023-12-26T09:15:01.210    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.211    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2023-12-26T09:15:01.211    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2023-12-26T09:15:01.211    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Creating API client.
2023-12-26T09:15:01.211    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Created request client: <agent.modules.proofpoint.commons.proofpoint_client.ProofPointClient object at 0x7f364f0fe5e0>
2023-12-26T09:15:01.211    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2023-12-26T09:15:01.212    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> InputThread(proofpoint_tap,123456) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-26T09:15:01.212    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-26T09:15:01.212    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesDelivered#predefined) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.212    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) - Starting thread
2023-12-26T09:15:01.212 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2023-12-26T09:15:01.212 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesDelivered#predefined) -> The token/header/authentication has not been created yet
2023-12-26T09:15:01.221    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 28.0% -> 28.1%, process: RSS(40.77MiB -> 41.89MiB), VMS(926.00MiB -> 926.00MiB)
2023-12-26T09:15:01.225    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 28.0% -> 28.1%, process: RSS(40.29MiB -> 40.29MiB), VMS(421.98MiB -> 421.98MiB)
2023-12-26T09:15:01.713    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Created a sender: {"name": "DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0)", "url": "", "chain_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/chain.crt", "cert_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.crt", "key_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.key", "transport_layer_type": "SSL", "last_usage_timestamp": null, "socket_status": null}, hostname: "2023-apac-0046", session_id: "139871239825152"
2023-12-26T09:15:03.324    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesDelivered#predefined) -> Setup for module <ProofPointPuller> has been successfully executed

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:


Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
2023-12-26T09:15:04.224    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> Pull Started
2023-12-26T09:15:04.227    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-25 03:00:00+00:00 TO: 2023-12-25 04:00:00+00:00
2023-12-26T09:15:12.140    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703562304216):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T09:15:12.140    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-25 04:00:00+00:00 TO: 2023-12-25 05:00:00+00:00
2023-12-26T09:15:13.985    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703562304216):Number of requests made: 2; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T09:15:13.986    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-25 05:00:00+00:00 TO: 2023-12-25 06:00:00+00:00
2023-12-26T09:15:16.077    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703562304216):Number of requests made: 3; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T09:15:16.077    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-25 06:00:00+00:00 TO: 2023-12-25 07:00:00+00:00
2023-12-26T09:15:18.287    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703562304216):Number of requests made: 4; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.

After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:

Code Block
2023-12-22T10:28:58.153    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703220842731):Number of requests made: 164; Number of events received: 14; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 14; Average of events per second: 0.047.

The value @devo_pulling_id is injected in each event to group all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded in that Pull action in Devo’s search window.



This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the most common errors.

Error type

Error ID

Error message





HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server

username and password is not correct

Make sure that credentials are correct.


Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server

start_time_in_utc is in future or not in proper format

Make sure the start time is not in future and not in proper format



HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server : {summery} , {details}

This error happens when the collector tries to fetch the data from API.

In this error you will find the HTTP error code as well as the summary and details.



Some Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server : {Exception}

Some exception occured while making the API request.

Reach out to the developer with the exact error message.

Clicks permitted


No. of request this service can make in a day is 220.

titleVerify data collection

Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.

This service has the following components:




The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.


The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.

Setup output

A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:

Code Block
2023-12-26T08:57:18.936    INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> Started all object from "MainProcess" process
2023-12-26T08:57:18.957 WARNING InputProcess::MainThread -> A previous rate limiter with same "period_in_seconds" and "number_of requests" was already existing: "86400/1800"
2023-12-26T08:57:18.957    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2023-12-26T08:57:18.957    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
2023-12-26T08:57:18.959    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2023-12-26T08:57:18.962    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(standard_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(standard_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.963    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Creating API client.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Created request client: <agent.modules.proofpoint.commons.proofpoint_client.ProofPointClient object at 0x7f2d62685640>
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_us_1) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.964    INFO OutputProcess::OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY PERSISTENCE SYSTEM] OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> Nothing retrieved from the persistence.
2023-12-26T08:57:18.965    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> InputThread(proofpoint_tap,123456) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-26T08:57:18.965    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-26T08:57:18.965    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,clicksPermitted#predefined) -> Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.965    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) - Starting thread
2023-12-26T08:57:18.965 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2023-12-26T08:57:18.965 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,clicksPermitted#predefined) -> The token/header/authentication has not been created yet
2023-12-26T08:57:18.978    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 28.6% -> 28.7%, process: RSS(40.04MiB -> 40.04MiB), VMS(421.98MiB -> 421.98MiB)
2023-12-26T08:57:18.979    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 28.6% -> 28.7%, process: RSS(40.52MiB -> 41.39MiB), VMS(926.00MiB -> 926.00MiB)
2023-12-26T08:57:19.718    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Created a sender: {"name": "DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0)", "url": "", "chain_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/chain.crt", "cert_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.crt", "key_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.key", "transport_layer_type": "SSL", "last_usage_timestamp": null, "socket_status": null}, hostname: "2023-apac-0046", session_id: "139832919561120"
2023-12-26T08:57:22.226    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,clicksPermitted#predefined) -> Setup for module <ProofPointPuller> has been successfully executed

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:


Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
2023-12-26T08:57:22.974    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Pull Started
2023-12-26T08:57:22.980    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-21 13:48:14+00:00 TO: 2023-12-21 14:48:14+00:00
2023-12-26T08:57:25.954    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T08:57:25.955    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-21 14:48:14+00:00 TO: 2023-12-21 15:48:14+00:00
2023-12-26T08:57:27.948    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 2; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T08:57:27.949    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-21 15:48:14+00:00 TO: 2023-12-21 16:48:14+00:00
2023-12-26T08:57:29.784    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 3; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T08:57:29.785    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-21 16:48:14+00:00 TO: 2023-12-21 17:48:14+00:00
2023-12-26T08:57:31.515    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 4; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T08:57:31.516    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-21 17:48:14+00:00 TO: 2023-12-21 18:48:14+00:00
2023-12-26T08:57:33.312    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 5; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-26T08:57:33.313    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-21 18:48:14+00:00 TO: 2023-12-21 19:48:14+00:00
2023-12-26T08:57:42.836    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 6; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.

After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:

Code Block
2023-12-26T08:57:42.836    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 6; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.

The value @devo_pulling_id is injected in each event to group all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded in that Pull action in Devo’s search window.



This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the most common errors.

Error type

Error ID

Error message





HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server

username and password is not correct

Make sure that credentials are correct.


Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server

start_time_in_utc is in future or not in proper format

Make sure the start time is not in future and not in proper format



HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server : {summery} , {details}

This error happens when the collector tries to fetch the data from API.

In this error you will find the HTTP error code as well as the summary and details.



Some Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server : {Exception}

Some exception occured while making the API request.

Reach out to the developer with the exact error message.

Clicks blocked


No. of request this service can make in a day is 220.

titleVerify data collection

Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.

This service has the following components:




The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.


The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.

Setup output

A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:

Code Block
ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) - Starting thread
2023-12-21T19:10:16.127 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2023-12-21T19:10:16.127    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-21T19:10:16.127    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,clicksPermitted#predefined) -> Starting thread
2023-12-21T19:10:16.127    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) - Starting thread
2023-12-21T19:10:16.127 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksPermitted,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2023-12-21T19:10:16.127 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,clicksPermitted#predefined) -> The token/header/authentication has not been created yet
2023-12-21T19:10:16.127    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-21T19:10:16.128    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesBlocked#predefined) -> Starting thread
2023-12-21T19:10:16.129    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) - Starting thread
2023-12-21T19:10:16.129 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesBlocked#predefined) -> The token/header/authentication has not been created yet
2023-12-21T19:10:16.130 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesBlocked,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2023-12-21T19:10:16.131    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2023-12-21T19:10:16.131    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesDelivered#predefined) -> Starting thread
2023-12-21T19:10:16.131    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) - Starting thread
2023-12-21T19:10:16.131 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,messagesDelivered#predefined) -> The token/header/authentication has not been created yet
2023-12-21T19:10:16.131 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,messagesDelivered,predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2023-12-21T19:10:16.145    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 32.2% -> 32.2%, process: RSS(40.54MiB -> 40.54MiB), VMS(1.05GiB -> 1.05GiB)
2023-12-21T19:10:16.768    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Created a sender: {"name": "DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0)", "url": "", "chain_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/chain.crt", "cert_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.crt", "key_path": "/home/mdtausif/Gitlab/devo-collector-proofpoint-tap/certs/int-if-integrations-india.key", "transport_layer_type": "SSL", "last_usage_timestamp": null, "socket_status": null}, hostname: "2023-apac-0046", session_id: "140555598948768"
2023-12-21T19:10:18.447    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPullerSetup(proofpoint_tap_collector,proofpoint_tap#123456,clicksPermitted#predefined) -> Setup for module <ProofPointPuller> has been successfully executed

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:


Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
2023-12-22T10:24:02.739    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> Pull Started
2023-12-22T10:24:02.741    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-10 11:00:00+00:00 TO: 2023-12-10 12:00:00+00:00
2023-12-22T10:24:02.742 WARNING InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> Start_Time_in_utc must be at most 7.00d into the past, Changing the time startTime to be in the specified time
2023-12-22T10:24:04.567    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703220842731):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-22T10:24:04.568    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-15 05:54:02.731674+00:00 TO: 2023-12-15 06:54:02.731674+00:00
2023-12-22T10:24:06.173    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703220842731):Number of requests made: 2; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2023-12-22T10:24:06.174    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> Time Window FROM: 2023-12-15 06:54:02.731674+00:00 TO: 2023-12-15 07:54:02.731674+00:00
2023-12-22T10:24:07.839    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703220842731):Number of requests made: 3; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.

After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:

Code Block
2023-12-26T08:57:42.836    INFO InputProcess::ProofPointPuller(proofpoint_tap,123456,clicksBlocked,predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1703561242970):Number of requests made: 6; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.

The value @devo_pulling_id is injected in each event to group all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded in that Pull action in Devo’s search window.



This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the most common errors.

Error type

Error ID

Error message





HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server

username and password is not correct

Make sure that credentials are correct.


Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server

start_time_in_utc is in future or not in proper format

Make sure the start time is not in future and not in proper format



HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from Proof point server : {summery} , {details}

This error happens when the collector tries to fetch the data from API.

In this error you will find the HTTP error code as well as the summary and details.



Some Error occurred while retrieving events from ProofPoint server : {Exception}

Some exception occured while making the API request.

Reach out to the developer with the exact error message.



Recommended version




Released on

Release type







Released the first version of the Proofpoint TAP collector.

bug fixing

Recommended version



  • Fixed a bug related to request_time_in_seconds error for new endpoints



titlebug fixing




  • Upgraded the DCSDK to v1.13.1

    • Change internal queue management for protecting against OOMK

    • Extracted ModuleThread structure from PullerAbstract

    • Improve Controlled stop when both processes fails to instantiate

    • Improve Controlled stop when InputProcess is killed

    • Fixed error related a ValueError exception not well controlled

    • Fixed error related with loss of some values in internal messages


  • Resolved the bug related to rate limit and repeated logs



titleNew Features




  • Upgraded the DCSDK from 1.11.0 to 1.12.4:

  • Updated the base Docker Image to 1.3.0

New features

  • Added 4 new enpdoints

    • Threats

    • Campaigns

    • People

      • vap

      • top-clickers






  • Upgraded the DCSDK from 1.10.3 to 1.11.0:

    • Updated DevoSDK to v5.1.10

    • Fix for SyslogSender related to UTF-8

    • Enhance of troubleshooting. Trace Standardization, Some traces has been introduced.

    • Introduced a machanism to detect "Out of Memory killer" situation.



titleBUG fixing




  • Upgraded the DCSDK docker base image version to 1.1.0


  • Fixed the issue where the collector is unable to fetch data after a certain time period






Released the first version of the Proofpoint TAP collector.

Version migration

Child pages (Children Display)