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title1. Service overview

This view consists of various visualisation and customization options.

Use the view selector at the top to switch between the various visualization options available in this area.


This is the default area of the Service Overview view. Here you will see a summary of all stats to analyze in your map.

Entity details panel

Click an entity to open the details pane on the right-hand side, where you will find the following information:

  • Interval and grouping time of the chart: There are two drop-downs at the top of the chart that allow you to modify the interval of visualized time and the grouping time to use. In order to avoid a huge amount of data that can’t be represented and try to improve the performance, when a long interval is selected, the grouping time is adapted automatically.

  • Chart type and options: Select different types of representation of the data related to the entity (time series, histogram, pie chart). Clicking on the options icon allows users to set additional configurations to the displayed chart:

    • Compare to another entity: Select a second entity to be represented in the same chart for comparison purposes.

    • Compare to historical data: Creates another series including historical data of the same entity. The previous time to compare can be defined with the drop-down.

    • Show warning / critical threshold: Display the threshold settings for the selected entities.

  • Description: Textual description of the monitored entity.

  • Status: Entity status based on calculated value and defined thresholds.

  • Type / subtype: Metadata fields describing the category and subcategory of the entity (KPI / performance). The two fields are actionable, so clicking on each value will configure a filtering option using that value as filtering criteria. For example, if the type of the entity is KPI and that value is clicked on, Service Operations will recalculate the displayed map offering only those defined as KPIs.

  • Metadata: Additional data configured for the entity in the map. They can be static or calculated fields.

  • Key performance indicators: List of children entities related to the node that are defined with type = “KPI”.

  • Affected by: List of children entities whose type is not KPI and that, based on the topology map defined, can potentially impact the status of the selected entity.

  • Impacts: List of father nodes in the tree whose the selected entity might impact their status.


When details panel is opened, real-time is stopped.


This view provides an overview of the structure of entities in the map, color-coded according to severity.


This view plots entities on an interactive map.


This view plots the hierarchical structure of the nodes onto a 3D model.

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title2. Incidents viewer

In Service Operations, incidents are defined as logical groups of events, each one of those corresponding to an anomalous condition or status experienced by the entities and metrics in the model. For example, a single incident can encapsulate all threshold violations of a key metric in the service — such as CPU consumption —over a period of time.

The incidents viewer gathers all information related to the incidents detected by Service Operations. This information can be used to understand the nature of the problems affecting all modeled services in a specific map, as well as their relationships, the root cause of issues, and other options to explore.

This view provides:

  • Comprehensive list of incidents affecting the service or services.

  • Breakdown of incidents in terms of their related events (automatic, individually detectable issues).

  • Events timeline representation.

  • Correlation of incident data for full diagnostics and root cause determination.

  • Incidents scored based on impact level calculations.

  • Access to raw events for further diagnostics.

On the left, you will see a list of all incidents detected by Service Operations in the specified time range. The default sorting order for the list is time-based, where the most recent incidents appear at the top of the list. Each incident is listed with the following information fields:

  • Top-level affected entity name, timestamp, and incident criticality level.

  • Service impact estimation determines the incident-criticality level.

Click on one to open its details on the right.

Incident details

  1. Severity value: A value from 0 to 100 to specify the severity of the incident. Sometimes there is no impact information, so the severity does not apply and the value is N/A.

  2. Incident status: The incident can be in four different statuses, corresponding to the actions of the user. An incident is New when it is created. When a user sees the incident and it is under investigation, the user can change the status to ACK. When the actions have been reviewed and taken to resolve the incident, the user can change its status to Closed. Another status can be Archived if it is not necessary to investigate the incident. The user can delete an incident with the Deleted status.

  3. Incident date: The date when the incident was created.

  4. Severity indicator: The name of the affected entity by the incident.

  5. Total events: The events associated with this incident.

It is possible to search, filter, and/or apply different sorting criteria for the incidents in the list by accessing the different tools in the heading part of this section.

  • Filtering/sorting criteria selector: Opens up a modal dialogue that allows the user to choose from a number of criteria to filter out the list (incident status, owner, and so on). There are also different sorting mechanisms in the same modal menu as options.

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  • Sort by: Timestamp, status, severity, or action:

    • Order: By ascendent (from past to present) or descendent (from present to past) date.

    • By search text: Filter the list of incidents by those that match the text entered in the search component with their respective descriptions.

    • By state: New, ACK, closed, archived.

    • By severity: High, Medium, Low, Unknown, No impact.

Incidents Drill-Down

Incidents overview

  • Severity score: A value from 0 to 100. The severity score depends on the number of users impacted by the incident.

  • Average service impact: The percentage of the service impact.

  • Max service impact: The maximum of impacted users. For example 40 of 200 users have been impacted by this incident.

  • Last service impact: The impacted users in the last moment that the app received information about the incident. For example 20 of 200 users have been impacted in the last update of the incident.

  • Entities involved: The number of entities that are involved in the incidents.

  • Status: The current status of the incident. There is a button to change the status of the incident from New to ACK to Closed.

  • Owner: The owner of the incident. There is a button to change and choose new owners of the incident.

  • Creation date: The date when the incident was created.

  • Last event date: The date of the last event.

Modal to change the status

Once the incident is open you can change manually the status.

Modal to change the owner

Once the incident is open you can change manually the owner.

Involved data tables

In this section, there is a list of tables that are involved in the events that make up the incident. The information that this section provides is the name of the entity related to the affected table that you can access by clicking on the search icon.

Events timelines

This lists the full list of events that Service Operations considers to be part of the incident.

  1. Type of severity: This color changes depending on whether it is high, medium or low severity.

  2. Entity name: The name of the affected entity by the event.

  3. Query: The result of the query in the moment that the event happens.

  4. Table: Table that contains the data of this event.

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title3. Monitors

Monitors provide customizable, tab-based dashboards that allow for the comparison of status and evolution of multiple metrics in the same interface. Using monitors, the application users can run effective side-to-side comparisons of entities and their KPIs with minimum configuration effort for their low-level analysis of incidents and issues.

This module provides the following set of use cases:

  • Quick configuration of dashboards based on the entities defined for a model.

  • Multiple charts support (time series, histograms, historic comparisons, mathematical operations between series, and so on).

  • Multi-tab support for different, simultaneous analysis processes.

  • Possibility to save dashboards for later usage.

Multi-entity monitors

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Entity selector

Use the vertical menu on the left-hand side of the user interface to select/unselect the entities you want to be displayed on the custom dashboard. To achieve that, follow the next steps:

  1. Expand, if not fully visible, the vertical menu on the left by clicking on the right-pointing arrow.

  2. Click on the names of the entities you want to expand or collapse, to navigate through their hierarchy.

  3. Click on the checkbox on the right of each entity to enable or disable its visual representation on the dashboard.

  4. In the upper part of the vertical menu, click on the X button by each displayed entity name to eliminate it from the dashboard.

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Chart options

Each displayed chart corresponding to the selected entities is configurable individually using its corresponding toolbar. Use the buttons there to retrieve information from the entity under analysis or to perform any of the available actions:

  1. Options icon: Additional chart options and operations.

  2. Additional options dialogue:

    1. Chart type: Select between series (default), histogram, and pie chart.

    2. Chart size: Select the width of the chart. Board is compounded of 4 gaps per row. Selecting 4, the chart will occupy the full width of the board.

    3. Compare to: Select a second entity to be represented in the same chart for comparison purposes.

    4. Operate with the compared entity: A third entity will be created dynamically showing the result of the selected mathematical operation between the first two entities: sum, average, median, variance, and standard deviation.

    5. Compare to historical data: Creates another series including historical data of the same entity. The previous time to compare can be defined with the drop-down.

    6. Show warning / critical threshold: Display the threshold settings for the selected entities.

    7. Multiple Y-axis: Enable or disable multiple Y axis for the representation of multiple entities.

  3. Click Apply if you want to save the changes or Cancel if you don’t want to.

  4. Trash bin icon: Remove the chart from the dashboard.

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Tabs toolbar

The upper bar provides a number of additional options to manage the monitor dashboard. These are:

  1. Tab name input: Double-click on any tab name to edit it. Press enter after entering the new name to save it.

  2. Tab removal: Click on the X button to delete a monitor tab completely.

  3. Create a new monitor tab: Click on the + to create a new, blank monitor ready for its editing.

  4. Related Activeboards: In the creation and editing of maps it is possible to associate them with Devo Activeboards. Use this selector to invoke an existing activeboard and load it from here.

  5. Reload button: Loads up the existing monitor configuration as it was stored in Service Operations. Use this button to recover previous versions of the monitor.

  6. Monitor saving: Save the current monitor configuration, including all charts and visualization options.

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title4. User experience

This view provides an overview of user activity.

The UX module aims to complement the total visibility over a monitored service by implementing a number of functions that deal specifically with the concept of end-users and their relationship with the service itself.


It is a pre-requisite that the service or application defined in Service Operations has a user interaction component so that effective usage of this element can be achieved. An entity definition is also mandatory as well as a number of metrics to be able to measure the user experience itself.

Users are purposely open-ended concepts for Service Operations. While they will be commonly utilized to measure the quality of experience (QoE) or quality of service (QoS) of the real users of an application or service, in some other scenarios the user might capture other meanings. For example, it would be perfectly valid to model a fleet of connected vehicles as users within the context of an IoT platform, and the user experience measurement, in that scenario, would be gauged utilizing metrics that have to do with latency, performance, connectivity errors ratio and so on.

The concepts users are sessions and devices are not mandatory but they are used as a model and keep track of everything related to the user’s perception of service and how to monitor it. All information captured and presented by the module is automatically discovered using the entities' definition form in Service Operations' administration tool. This is done by tagging the relevant entities in the mapas user, device, or session in their type.


For more details, please refer to the map configuration section of this article.

Likewise, all relevant metrics and KPIs are automatically discovered by an association rule. That is to say, all KPIs depending on an entity with the type user are considered by Service Operations as the ones that matter to characterize the user’s experience, device performance, or session stats.

This module provides the following set of use cases:

  • Automatic discovery of users, devices, and session entities.

  • Automatic discovery of all associated KPIs and KQIs that define end user’s quality of experience and quality of service.

  • Granular analysis per user, with full access to devices and history of sessions.

  • Direct linkage to raw data sources and monitors for forensic data analysis.

User Experience Monitoring

The module provides two different views of the general end-user experience of a service:

  • Aggregated, summarized overview of the status of the service from an end-users standpoint.

  • Users experience, session health, and devices performance analysis.

  • Drill-down analysis per user.

UX Summary and Key Stats

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This view is formed by the analysis of the three main elements in the user experience handling: users, sessions and devices status. The top indicators show the total numbers of each of these entities, both totals and those that present some sort of abnormal status — warning or critical in each case —. Furthermore, all identified metrics related to each of them are listed on the lower half of the screen, also displaying a sparkline chart that illustrates the overall trend for each KPI. Click Send to monitor button in each block of KPIs to take the analysis to a specific monitor that includes all listed metrics.

By using the Search by user dropdown/predictive search element, it is possible to select a single user of the modeled service for a more detailed view of its particular status.

User Drill-Down

By entering a unique ID, all relevant metrics and metadata fields related to its session, devices, and user data display a new section of the module.

Each block is composed by:

  • Metadata associated with each user, device, or session entity.

  • A list of their respective KQIs / KPIs with current values.

Use the following controls to navigate or get additional information:

  1. Go back to the UX summary section.

  2. Device selector: Since a single user can run different devices, a drop-down selector is implemented to filter out the information and metrics based on a concrete device instance.

  3. Sessions analysis: All sessions can be analyzed in detail by navigating their respective raw data by clicking on the Analyze button available on the right column on the session details table.

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Navigate back to the Users Experience summary, by clicking on the Back button.