Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Eliminate blind spots with complete visibility

  • Simplify security operations to cut mean time to respond (MTTR)

  • Harness the scale of the cloud for AI and analytics

  • Lower costs by consolidating tools and improving SOC efficiency.

Cortex XDR collector migration guide (from 1.x.x to 2.x.x)

If you need to migrate an old collector version to a more recent one, please check the migration process in this article.

Devo collector features



Allow parallel downloading (multipod)

not allowed

Running environments

  • collector server

  • on-premise

Populated Devo events


Flattening preprocessing


Requires IP Whitelisting


Data sources

Data source


API endpoint

Collector service name

Devo table

Available from release


Get a list of alerts with multiple events.



  • edr.cortex_xdr.alerts_multi


You can override this in override_devo_tag in the incident module definition.



Get Incidents:
Get a list of incidents filtered by a list of incident IDs, modification time, or creation time.

Get Incident Alerts:
Get extra data fields of a specific incident including alerts and key artifacts.

List Incidents:

List Incident Alerts:



List Incidents:

  • edr.cortex_xdr.incidents


You can override this in override_devo_tag in the incident module definition.

List Incident Alerts:

  • edr.cortex_xdr.incident_alert


You can override this in override_devo_tag in the incident module definition.


All Alerts

Get a list of alerts.





You can override this in override_devo_tag in the incident module definition.


Audit Managements

Get audit management logs.



  • edr.cortex_xdr.audit_management


You can override this in override_devo_tag in the incident module definition.



Minimum Length
Rw ui tabs macro
Rw tab
titleCloud collector

The Collector Server is a managed platform that allows running sets of different collectors grouped by Devo domain destinations.

To run an instance of this data collector, the next steps must be followed:

  1. In the Collector Server GUI, access the domain where you want to create this instance, click Add Collector, search for “Cortex XDR - Integrations Factory”, then click on the result.

  2. In the Version field, select the latest value.

  3. In the Collector Name field, set the value you prefer (this name must be unique inside the same Collector Server domain).

  4. In the Parameters section, establish the Collector Parameters as follows below:Collector services detail


Please, replace the placeholders <api_key_value>, <api_key_id_value>, and <api_fqdn_value> in the next section with the values obtained in previous sections of this document, except the <short_unique_identifier> that can have the value you choose. Do not substitute the occurrences of {api_fqdn}.

Code Block
  "global_overrides": {
    "debug": <debug_status>
  "inputs": {
    "cortex_xdr": {
      "id": "<short_unique_id>",
      "enabled": true,
      "credentials": {
        "api_key": "<api_key>",
        "api_key_id": "<api_key_id>"
      "services": {
        "incidents": {
          "api_fqdn": "<api_fqdn>",
          "request_period_in_seconds"  },: <request_period_in_seconds>",
          "alertsstart_time": {"<start_time>",
          "apiinclude_incident_fqdnalerts": "<api<include_incident_fqdn>alerts>"
      },         "all_alerts"override_devo_tag": {"<override_devo_tag>"
          "api_fqdnoverride_incident_alert_tag": "<api_fqdn><override_incident_alert_tag>"
        "violationsalerts": {
          "api_fqdn": "<api_fqdn>",
          "request_period_in_seconds"  }: <request_period_in_seconds>",
        "audit_managements  "start_time": "<start_time>",
          "override_devo_tag": "<override_devo_tag>"
        "all_alerts": {
          "api_fqdn": "<api_fqdn>",
          "request_period_in_seconds" : <request_period_in_seconds>",
         } "start_time": "<start_time>",
          }"override_devo_tag": "<override_devo_tag>"
    }   } }

All defined service entities will be executed by the collector. If you do not want to run any of them, just remove the entity from the services object.


Please replace the placeholders with real world values following the description table below


Data type


Value range / Format





Minimum Lenght 5

Use this param to give a unique id to this input service.


This parameter is used to build the persistence address, do not use the same value for multiple collectors. It could cause a collision.




false / true

Use this param to enable or disable the given input logic when running the collector. If the value is true, the input will be run. If the value is false, it will be ignored.




        "audit_managements": {
          "api_fqdn": "<api_fqdn>",
          "request_period_in_seconds" : <request_period_in_seconds>",
          "start_time": "<start_time>",
          "override_devo_tag": "<override_devo_tag>"

All defined service entities will be executed by the collector. If you do not want to run any of them, just remove the entity from the services object.


Please replace the placeholders with real world values following the description table below


Data type


Value range / Format





Minimum Lenght 5

Use this param to give a unique id to this input service.


This parameter is used to build the persistence address, do not use the same value for multiple collectors. It could cause a collision.




false / true

Use this param to enable or disable the given input logic when running the collector. If the value is true, the input will be run. If the value is false, it will be ignored.




Minimum Length 1

The API Key is your unique identifier used as the Authorization:{key}.




Minimum Length 1

The API Key ID is your unique token used to authenticate the API Key. It is used in headers as x-xdr-auth-id:{key_id}




Minimum Length 1

The FQDN is a unique host and domain name associated with each tenant. When you generate the API Key and Key ID, you are assigned an individual FQDN. ex: https://{api-fqdn}/public_api/v1/incidents/get_incidents




Minimum Length 1

Period in seconds used between each data pulling, this value will overwrite the default value 60 seconds




A devo tag

This parameter allows to define a custom devo tag.




A Incident Alert tag

This Tag is only applicable for Incidents service to override the tag of Incident alerts( Extra incident endpoint). Ex:




A boolean to Include Incidents alerts

By default the value of this boolean is ‘true’. If given ‘alsefalse’ we will not be able to get incident alerts data (Extra incidents data

for endpoint: v1/incidents/get_incident_extra_data). Ex : true, false




start time in utc
format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ

This parameter allows to get the data from provided start time. If not provided it will take current-time as time. Ex:- 2024-01-01T01:50:00Z

Rw tab
titleOn-premise collector

This data collector can be run in any machine that has the Docker service available because it should be executed as a docker container. The following sections explain how to prepare all the required setup for having the data collector running.


The following directory structure should be created for being used when running the collector:

Code Block
└── devo-collectors/
    └── <product_name>/
        ├── certs/
        │   ├── chain.crt
        │   ├── <your_domain>.key
        │   └── <your_domain>.crt
        ├── state/
        └── config/ 
            └── config.yaml 

Replace <product_name> with the proper value.

Devo credentials

In Devo, go to Administration → Credentials → X.509 Certificates, download the Certificate, Private key and Chain CA and save them in <product_name>/certs/. Learn more about security credentials in Devo here.


Replace <product_name> with the proper value.

Editing the config.yaml file

Code Block
  debug: false
  id: not_used
  name: cortex_xdr
    type: filesystem
      directory_name: state

    type: devo_platform
      port: 443
      type: SSL
      chain: chain.crt
      cert: <devo_domain>.crt
      key: <devo_domain>.key
    type: console

    id: <short_unique_id>
    enabled: true
      api_key: <api_key>
      api_key_id: <api_key_id>
        api_fqdn: <api_fqdn>
        request_period_in_seconds : <request_period_in_seconds> #optional
        start_time: <start_time> #optional
        include_incident_alerts: <include_incident_alerts> #Optional
        override_devo_tag: <override_devo_tag> #optional
        override_incident_alert_tag: <override_incident_alert_tag> #optional
        api_fqdn: <api_fqdn>
        start_time: <start_time> # Example 2024-01-01T01:50:00Z
        request_period_in_seconds: <request_period_in_seconds> #optional
        override_devo_tag: <override_devo_tag> #optional
        api_fqdn: <api_fqdn>
        start_time: <opt_start_time> # Example 2024-01-01T01:50:00Z #optional
        request_period_in_seconds: <opt_request_period_in_seconds> #optional
        override_devo_tag: <override_devo_tag> #optional
        api_fqdn: <api_fqdn>
        start_time: <opt_start_time> # Example 2024-01-01T01:50:00Z #optional
        request_period_in_seconds: <opt_request_period_in_seconds> #optional
        override_devo_tag: <override_devo_tag> #optional
        api_fqdn: <api_fqdn>
        start_time: <opt_start_time> # Example 2024-01-01T01:50:00Z #optional
        request_period_in_seconds: <opt_request_period_in_seconds> #optional
        override_devo_tag: <override_devo_tag> #optional

All defined service entities will be executed by the collector. If you do not want to run any of them, just remove the entity from the services object.


Please replace the placeholders with real world values following the description table below


Data type


Value range / Format





Minimum Lenght 5

Use this param to give a unique id to this input service.


This parameter is used to build the persistence address, do not use the same value for multiple collectors. It could cause a collision.




false / true

Use this param to enable or disable the given input logic when running the collector. If the value is true, the input will be run. If the value is false, it will be ignored.




Minimum Length 1

The API Key is your unique identifier used as the Authorization:{key}.




Minimum Length 1

The API Key ID is your unique token used to authenticate the API Key. It is used in headers as x-xdr-auth-id:{key_id} while calling the API.




Minimum Length 1

The {api_fqdn} FQDN is a unique host and domain name associated with each tenant. When you generate the API Key and Key ID, you are assigned an individual FQDN. ex: https://{api-fqdn}/public_api/v1/incidents/get_incidents




Minimum Length 1

Period in seconds used between each data pulling, this value will overwrite the default value 60 seconds




A devo tag

This parameter allows to define a custom devo tag.




A Incident Alert tag

This Tag is only applicable for Incidents service to override the tag of Incident alerts ( Extra incident endpoint). Ex:




A boolean to Include Incidents alerts

By default the value of this boolean is ‘true’. If given ‘false’ we will not be able to get incident alerts data (Extra incidents data for endpoint: v1/incidents/get_incident_extra_data). Ex : true, false




start time in utc
format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ

This parameter allows to get the data from provided start time. If not provided it will take current-time as time. Ex:- 2024-01-01T01:50:00Z

Download the Docker image

The collector should be deployed as a Docker container. Download the Docker image of the collector as a .tgz file by clicking the link in the following table:

Collector Docker image

SHA-256 hash



Use the following command to add the Docker image to the system:

Code Block
gunzip -c <image_file>-<version>.tgz | docker load

Once the Docker image is imported, it will show the real name of the Docker image (including version info). Replace <image_file> and <version> with a proper value.

The Docker image can be deployed on the following services:


Execute the following command on the root directory <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/

Code Block
docker run 
--name collector-<product_name> 
--volume $PWD/certs:/devo-collector/certs 
--volume $PWD/config:/devo-collector/config 
--volume $PWD/state:/devo-collector/state 
--env CONFIG_FILE=config.yaml 

Replace <product_name>, <image_name> and <version> with the proper values.

Docker Compose

The following Docker Compose file can be used to execute the Docker container. It must be created in the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/ directory.

Code Block
version: '3'
    image: <image_name>:${IMAGE_VERSION:-latest}
    container_name: collector-<product_name>
      - ./certs:/devo-collector/certs
      - ./config:/devo-collector/config
      - ./credentials:/devo-collector/credentials
      - ./state:/devo-collector/state
      - CONFIG_FILE=${CONFIG_FILE:-config.yaml}

To run the container using docker-compose, execute the following command from the <any_directory>/devo-collectors/<product_name>/ directory:

Code Block
IMAGE_VERSION=<version> docker-compose up -d

Replace <product_name>, <image_name> and <version> with the proper values.


titleCommon sections for Services

Verify data collection

Service components

Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.

This service has the following components:




The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.


The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.

Setup is common for every service, so its output is displayed in this section.

On the other hand, Pullers are specific to each Service, so their outputs are shown in their corresponding sections below.

Setup output

A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:07:25.139    INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> Started all objects from "MainProcess" process
2024-09-06T15:07:25.144    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Process started (pid=19803, ppid=19784, multiprocessing.start_method="fork")
2024-09-06T15:07:25.220    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManager;standard_senders;devo_1.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.223    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.224    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/5bdbabbd30e1988d6e2b0b74b6ec3289"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.227    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;incidents;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.json
2024-09-06T15:07:25.231    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.231    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/6a3859facec8d617720d39590e169164"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.232    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/c620dfb5bdc3fc1a386e4924e99aa3e7"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.232    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(standard_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSender;standard_senders;devo_sender_0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.233    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Checking if old persisted data must be removed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.233    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/6a3859facec8d617720d39590e169164"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.233    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/c620dfb5bdc3fc1a386e4924e99aa3e7"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.235    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(standard_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.235    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(standard_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/b1ee30ea2c4b3be1eb50c8b2ca80d8d8"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.235    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.236    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
2024-09-06T15:07:25.238    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/OutputStandardConsumer;standard_senders;0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.241    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.241    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/de28663278a264d05d531fbc1db51a93"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.242    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2024-09-06T15:07:25.243    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManager;lookup_senders;devo_1.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.246    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.246    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/a28c135f3fc69ece87d8fc2fdb029e8c"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.251    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSender;lookup_senders;devo_sender_0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.252    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.253    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.253    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/df8895fef2a509cbd87fcc9850dc0c81"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.255    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/OutputLookupConsumer;lookup_senders;0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.256    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.257    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.257    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/865a79c1b99ad39b22becc235c9732cb"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.259    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.259    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManager;internal_senders;devo_1.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.260    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2024-09-06T15:07:25.260    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/e784c94a6fe28de5937e50674407d82e"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.265    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.265    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSender;internal_senders;devo_sender_0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.268    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.268    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/4ff7b345dc444ac050cf75f93e5dcb3b"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.269    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;alerts;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.json
2024-09-06T15:07:25.271    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/OutputInternalConsumer;internal_senders;0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/50e7b9f5b3320841b223e83e5b156b5f"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/5a07c27e666ce7c4400ef58d5b89f174"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.273    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/10dd360c86621afd5a28a029a0dddcf6"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.273    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(standard_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Checking if old persisted data must be removed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/50e7b9f5b3320841b223e83e5b156b5f"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/5a07c27e666ce7c4400ef58d5b89f174"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(standard_senders,devo_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.276    INFO OutputProcess::OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.276    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
2024-09-06T15:07:25.276    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.277    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.00
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2024-09-06T15:07:25.280    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.280    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.280    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.282    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(internal_senders,devo_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283    INFO OutputProcess::OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283    INFO OutputProcess::OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.01
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.00
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.01
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.286    INFO OutputProcess::OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.287    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.289    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.289    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.00
2024-09-06T15:07:25.294    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.298    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.299    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2024-09-06T15:07:25.300    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.301    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2024-09-06T15:07:25.302    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.302    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.307    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;all_alerts;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.json
2024-09-06T15:07:25.310    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.311    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/30e04fb750908b6e56aa65c0390708bf"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.311    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/9e181361d214f7eaac0dcc0853396aef"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.312    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Checking if old persisted data must be removed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.313    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/30e04fb750908b6e56aa65c0390708bf"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.313    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/9e181361d214f7eaac0dcc0853396aef"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.314    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.315    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
2024-09-06T15:07:25.321    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2024-09-06T15:07:25.339    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.339    INFO OutputProcess::OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.340    INFO OutputProcess::OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.05
2024-09-06T15:07:25.341    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 42.0% -> 42.0%, process: RSS(41.21MiB -> 41.21MiB), VMS(929.01MiB -> 929.01MiB)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.349    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.353    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.354    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2024-09-06T15:07:25.356    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.357    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2024-09-06T15:07:25.358    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.359    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.367    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;audit_managements;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.json
2024-09-06T15:07:25.373    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.373    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/ae374cefc744c8268f07d37056e660e2"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.373    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/93607031cbbdac722344eb2b8746cfdc"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.375    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Checking if old persisted data must be removed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.376    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/ae374cefc744c8268f07d37056e660e2"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.376    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/93607031cbbdac722344eb2b8746cfdc"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.378    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.379    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
2024-09-06T15:07:25.386    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2024-09-06T15:07:25.399    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.405    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.408    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.409    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2024-09-06T15:07:25.410    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.411    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2024-09-06T15:07:25.413    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.415    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.419    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> InputThread(cortex_xdr,1243598) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.420    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(cortex_xdr,1243598,incidents,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.421    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrPullerSetup(cortex_xdr,cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.422    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) - Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.430 WARNING InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.431    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(cortex_xdr,1243598,alerts,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.432    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrPullerSetup(cortex_xdr,cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.433    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) - Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.435 WARNING InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.438    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(cortex_xdr,1243598,all_alerts,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.440    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrPullerSetup(cortex_xdr,cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.440    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) - Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.444 WARNING InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.445    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ServiceThread(cortex_xdr,1243598,audit_managements,predefined) - Starting thread (execution_period=60s)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.446    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrPullerSetup(cortex_xdr,cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.448    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) - Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.451 WARNING InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.494    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 42.1% -> 42.1%, process: RSS(41.61MiB -> 41.73MiB), VMS(1.05GiB -> 1.05GiB)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.780    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Created a sender: {"name": "DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0)", "url": "", "chain_path": "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/certs/chain.crt", "cert_path": "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/certs/int-if-integrations-india.crt", "key_path": "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/certs/int-if-integrations-india.key", "transport_layer_type": "SSL", "last_usage_timestamp": null, "socket_status": null}, hostname: "2023-apac-0046", session_id: "124794842200288"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.781    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:28.870 InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> Waiting until setup will be executed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.494    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 42.1% -> 42.1%, process: RSS(41.61MiB -> 41.73MiB), VMS(1.05GiB -> 1.05GiB)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.780    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Created a sender: {"name": "DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0)", "url": "", "chain_path": "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/certs/chain.crt", "cert_path": "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/certs/int-if-integrations-india.crt", "key_path": "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/certs/int-if-integrations-india.key", "transport_layer_type": "SSL", "last_usage_timestamp": null, "socket_status": null}, hostname: "2023-apac-0046", session_id: "124794842200288"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.781    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:28.870    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrPullerSetup(cortex_xdr,cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> Setup for module <CortexXdrBasePuller> has been successfully executed

Restart the persistence

Some services in this collector use persistent storage to download events in an orderly fashion and avoid duplicates. In case you want to re-ingest historical data or recreate the persistence, you can restart the persistence of this collector by following these steps:

  1. Edit the configuration file.

  2. Change the value of the start_date parameter to a different one.

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Restart the collector.

The collector will detect this change and will restart the persistence using the parameters of the configuration file or the default configuration in case it has not been provided.


Note that this action clears the persistence and cannot be recovered in any way. Resetting persistence could result in duplicate or lost events.

titleAlerts Service
  • This Service no longer uses edr.cortex_xdr.alerts_multi_event table to ingest the events Data. Now, All the Data will be ingested in edr.cortex_xdr.alerts_multi .

  • We are using v2/alerts/get_alerts_multi_events endpoint now but earlier we were using v1/alerts/get_alerts_multi_eventsendpoint to fetch the data.

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
024-09-06T15:30:53.884    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> Pull Started
2024-09-06T15:30:53.886    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1725616793881 
2024-09-06T15:30:53.887    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Consumed messages: 11 messages (60.001491 seconds) => 0 msg/sec
2024-09-06T15:30:59.379    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725616853882):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2024-09-06T15:30:59.380    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrPullerSetupCortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr,cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> Setup for module <CortexXdrBasePuller> has been successfully executed

Restart the persistence

Some services in this collector use persistent storage to download events in an orderly fashion and avoid duplicates. In case you want to re-ingest historical data or recreate the persistence, you can restart the persistence of this collector by following these steps:

  1. Edit the configuration file.

  2. Change the value of the start_date parameter to a different one.

  3. Save the changes.

  4. Restart the collector.

The collector will detect this change and will restart the persistence using the parameters of the configuration file or the default configuration in case it has not been provided.


Note that this action clears the persistence and cannot be recovered in any way. Resetting persistence could result in duplicate or lost events.

titleAlerts Service
  • This Service no longer uses edr.cortex_xdr.alerts_multi_event table to ingest the events Data. Now, All the Data will be ingested in edr.cortex_xdr.alerts_multi .

  • We are using v2/alerts/get_alerts_multi_events endpoint now but earlier we were using v1/alerts/get_alerts_multi_eventsendpoint to fetch the data.

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
024-09-06T15:30:53.884xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> Sent 0 events to Devo.
2024-09-06T15:30:59.382    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725616853882):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2024-09-06T15:30:59.383    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725616853882):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2024-09-06T15:30:59.383    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> The data is up to date!

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:30:59.382    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> Pull Started
2024-09-06T15:30:53.886    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1725616793881 
2024-09-06T15:30:53.887    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Consumed messages: 11 messages (60.001491 seconds) => 0 msg/sec
2024-09-06T15:30:59.379    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725616853882):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.
2024-09-06T15:30:59.380Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725616853882):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in the Data Search area of Devo.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

titleIncidents Service

Table edr.cortex_xdr.alerts has been deprecated. Now, the data of incident Alerts (v1/incident/get_incident_alert_data) is ingested in the table edr.cortex_xdr.incident_alert

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:13:57.587    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> Pull Started
2024-09-06T17:13:57.588    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefinedincidents#predefined) -> Sent 0 events to Devo.start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1724098800000 
2024-09-06T1506T17:3013:59.382093    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefinedincidents#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=17256168538821725623037578):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 015; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 0; Average of events per second: 0.000 events generated and sent: 15; Average of events per second: 9.958.
2024-09-06T17:13:59.094    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> Sent 15 events to Devo.
2024-09-06T1506T17:3013:59.383095    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefinedincidents#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=17256168538821725623037578):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 015; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 015; Average of events per second: 09.000950.
2024-09-06T1506T17:3013:59.383095    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> The data is up to date!

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:30:59.382    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) incidents#predefined) -> Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725616853882):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 0; 1725623037578):Number of duplicated events filtered outrequests made: 01; Number of events generated and sentreceived: 015; AverageNumber of duplicated events per second: 0.000.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in the Data Search area of Devo.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

titleIncidents Service

Table edr.cortex_xdr.alerts has been deprecated. Now, the data of incident Alerts (v1/incident/get_incident_alert_data) is ingested in the table edr.cortex_xdr.incident_alert

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
 filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 15; Average of events per second: 9.948.
2024-09-06T17:13:5759.587095    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> Pull Started The data is up to date!
2024-09-06T17:13:5759.588096    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1724098800000 
Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 1.518 seconds. Waiting for 58.482 second(s) until the next one

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:13:59.093095    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623037578):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 15; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 15; Average of events per second: 9.958.
; Average of events per second: 9.948.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in Loxcope.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

titleAudit manegements Service (New Service)

Devo categorization and destination

All events of this service are ingested into table edr.cortex_xdr.audit_management

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:1317:5905.094936    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedaudit_managements#predefined) -> SentPull 15 events to Devo.
2024-09-06T17:1317:5905.095939    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedaudit_managements#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623037578):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 15; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 15; Average of events per second: 9.950.
start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1725623165933 
2024-09-06T17:1316:5909.095137    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedaudit_managements#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=17256230375781725623165933):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 152; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 152; Average of events per second: 90.948627.
2024-09-06T17:1316:5909.095139    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedaudit_managements#predefined) -> TheSent data2 is upevents to date!Devo.
2024-09-06T17:1316:5909.096143    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedaudit_managements#predefined) -> Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 1.518 seconds. Waiting for 58.482 second(s) until the next one

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
 (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623165933):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 2; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 2; Average of events per second: 0.626.
2024-09-06T17:1316:5909.095145    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedaudit_managements#predefined) -> Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=17256230375781725623165933):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 152; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 15; Average of events per second: 9.948.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in Loxcope.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

titleAudit manegements Service (New Service)

Devo categorization and destination

All events of this service are ingested into table edr.cortex_xdr.audit_management

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
 0; Number of events generated and sent: 2; Average of events per second: 0.626.
2024-09-06T17:17:0509.936094    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> Pull Started The data is up to date!
2024-09-06T17:17:0509.939094    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1725623165933 
Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 3.160 seconds. Waiting for 56.840 second(s) until the next one

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:16:09.137145    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,audit_managements#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623165933):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 2; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 2; Average of events per second: 0.627.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in Loxcope.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

titleAll Alerts Service (New Service)

Devo categorization and destination

All events of this service are ingested into table edr.cortex_xdr.all_alert

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:1624:0944.139923    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,auditall_managements#predefinedalerts#predefined) -> SentPull 2 events to Devo.
2024-09-06T17:1624:0944.143925    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,auditall_managements#predefinedalerts#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623165933):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 2; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 2; Average of events per second: 0.626.
start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1725308400000 
2024-09-06T17:1624:0952.145766    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,auditall_managements#predefinedalerts#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=17256231659331725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 277; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 277; Average of events per second: 09.626819.
2024-09-06T17:1724:0952.094767    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,auditall_managements#predefinedalerts#predefined) -> TheSent data77 isevents up to date!Devo.
2024-09-06T17:1724:0952.094768    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,auditall_managements#predefinedalerts#predefined) -> Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 3.160 seconds. Waiting for 56.840 second(s) until the next one

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
 (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 77; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 77; Average of events per second: 9.817.
2024-09-06T17:1624:0952.145768    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,auditall_managements#predefinedalerts#predefined) -> Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=17256231659331725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 277; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 277; Average of events per second: 09.626.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in Loxcope.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

titleAll Alerts Service (New Service)

Devo categorization and destination

All events of this service are ingested into table edr.cortex_xdr.all_alert

Verify data collection

Puller output

A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:

Note that the PrePull action is executed only one time before the first run of the Pull action.

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:24:52.769    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> The data is up to date!
2024-09-06T17:24:4452.923770    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> Pull Started
Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 7.871 seconds. Waiting for 52.129 second(s) until the next one

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:24:4452.925768    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> start time_stamp to fetch the data is: 1725308400000 
2024-09-06T17:24:52.766    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 77; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 77; Average of events per second: 9.819.
2024-09-06T17:24:52.767    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> Sent 77 events to Devo.
2024-09-06T17:24:52.768    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined) -> (Partial) Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 77; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 77; Average of events per second: 9.817.
2024-09-06T17:24:52.768> Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 77; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 77; Average of events per second: 9.816.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in Loxcope.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

Collector operations

This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific operations of this collector.

titleVerify collector operations

The initialization module is in charge of setup and running the input (pulling logic) and output (delivering logic) services and validating the given configuration.


The initialization module is in charge of setup and running the input (pulling logic) and output (delivering logic) services and validating the given configuration.

A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module, including all services together:

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:07:25.139    INFO MainProcess::MainThread -> Started all objects from "MainProcess" process
2024-09-06T15:07:25.144    INFO InputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefined)MainThread -> StatisticsProcess for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 77; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 77; Average of events per second: 9.816.
2024-09-06T17:24:52.769started (pid=19803, ppid=19784, multiprocessing.start_method="fork")
2024-09-06T15:07:25.220    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManager;standard_senders;devo_1.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.223    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefinedMainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> The data is up to date![EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T1706T15:2407:5225.770224    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefinedMainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Data collection completed. Elapsed time: 7.871 seconds. Waiting for 52.129 second(s) until the next one

After a successful collector’s execution (this is, no error logs were found), you should be able to see the following log message:

Code Block
2024-09-06T17:24:52.768[EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/5bdbabbd30e1988d6e2b0b74b6ec3289"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.227    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,all_alerts#predefinedincidents#predefined) -> Statistics for this pull cycle (@devo_pulling_id=1725623684899):Number of requests made: 1; Number of events received: 77; Number of duplicated events filtered out: 0; Number of events generated and sent: 77; Average of events per second: 9.816.

The @devo_pulling_id value is injected into each event to allow grouping all events ingested by the same pull action. You can use it to get the exact events downloaded on that Pull action in Loxcope.

Restart the persistence

This service makes use of persistence. You can check how to restart it above.

Collector operations

This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific operations of this collector.

titleVerify collector operations

The initialization module is in charge of setup and running the input (pulling logic) and output (delivering logic) services and validating the given configuration.


The initialization module is in charge of setup and running the input (pulling logic) and output (delivering logic) services and validating the given configuration.

A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module, including all services together:

Code Block
[PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;incidents;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.json
2024-09-06T15:07:25.231    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.231    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/6a3859facec8d617720d39590e169164"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.139232    INFO MainProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> Started all objects from "MainProcess" process
2024-09-06T15:07:25.144    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Process started (pid=19803, ppid=19784, multiprocessing.start_method="fork")CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/c620dfb5bdc3fc1a386e4924e99aa3e7"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.220232    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerDevoSender(standard_senders,manager,devo_1sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManagerDevoSender;standard_senders;devo_1sender_0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.223233    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerCortexXdrBasePuller(standardcortex_senders,manager,devo_1xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous SYSTEM] Checking if old persisted data willmust be migratedremoved
2024-09-06T15:07:25.224233    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerCortexXdrBasePuller(standardcortex_senders,manager,devo_1xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 12), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/5bdbabbd30e1988d6e2b0b74b6ec32896a3859facec8d617720d39590e169164"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.227233    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] CreatedNo previous persistence instance file exists (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;incidents;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.jsonc620dfb5bdc3fc1a386e4924e99aa3e7"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.231235    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePullerDevoSender(cortexstandard_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedsenders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.231235    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePullerDevoSender(cortexstandard_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedsenders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 21), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/6a3859facec8d617720d39590e169164b1ee30ea2c4b3be1eb50c8b2ca80d8d8"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.232235    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/c620dfb5bdc3fc1a386e4924e99aa3e7"Starting the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.236    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
2024-09-06T15:07:25.232238    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderOutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders,devo_senderconsumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderOutputStandardConsumer;standard_senders;devo_sender_0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.233241    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedOutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Checking if old There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data mustwill be removedmigrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.233241    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedOutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 21), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/6a3859facec8d617720d39590e169164de28663278a264d05d531fbc1db51a93"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.233242    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefinedValidating defined module definition
2024-09-06T15:07:25.243    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] NoCreated previous persistence file exists (Version 1)instance, filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/c620dfb5bdc3fc1a386e4924e99aa3e7"not_used/DevoSenderManager;lookup_senders;devo_1.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.235246    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderDevoSenderManager(standardlookup_senders,manager,devo_sender_01) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.235246    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderDevoSenderManager(standardlookup_senders,manager,devo_sender_01) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/b1ee30ea2c4b3be1eb50c8b2ca80d8d8"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.235    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.236    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata
 migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/a28c135f3fc69ece87d8fc2fdb029e8c"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.238251    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputStandardConsumerDevoSender(standardlookup_senders,devo_consumersender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/OutputStandardConsumerDevoSender;standardlookup_senders;devo_sender_0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.252    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.241253    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputStandardConsumerDevoSender(standardlookup_senders,devo_consumersender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.241253    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputStandardConsumerDevoSender(standardlookup_senders,devo_consumersender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/de28663278a264d05d531fbc1db51a93df8895fef2a509cbd87fcc9850dc0c81"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.242255    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating defined module definition
2024-09-06T15:07:25.243    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerOutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManagerOutputLookupConsumer;lookup_senders;devo_10.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.246256    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.257    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerOutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.246257    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerOutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/a28c135f3fc69ece87d8fc2fdb029e8c"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.251    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSender;lookup_senders;devo_sender_0.json.gz865a79c1b99ad39b22becc235c9732cb"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.252259    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> ValidatingRunning commonoverriding inputrules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.253259    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderDevoSenderManager(lookupinternal_senders,manager,devo_sender_01) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] ThereCreated is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManager;internal_senders;devo_1.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.253260    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/df8895fef2a509cbd87fcc9850dc0c81"Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2024-09-06T15:07:25.255260    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> OutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/OutputLookupConsumer;lookup_senders;0.json.gz<requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.256261    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service input configAdding raw config to the collector store
2024-09-06T15:07:25.257261    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputLookupConsumerDevoSenderManager(lookupinternal_senders_consumer_0,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.257261    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputLookupConsumerDevoSenderManager(lookupinternal_senders_consumer_0,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/865a79c1b99ad39b22becc235c9732cbe784c94a6fe28de5937e50674407d82e"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.259265    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rulesCortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.259265    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerDevoSender(internal_senders,manager,devo_sender_10) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSenderManagerDevoSender;internal_senders;devo_sender_10.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.260268    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2024-09-06T15:07:25.260    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector storeDevoSender(internal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261268    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerDevoSender(internal_senders,manager,devo_1sender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] ThereNo isprevious nopersistence datafile persistedexists withto themigrate latest(Version format1), any previous persisted data will be migrated
filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/4ff7b345dc444ac050cf75f93e5dcb3b"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261269    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rulesCortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;alerts;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.json
2024-09-06T15:07:25.261271    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerOutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders,manager,devo_1_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] NoCreated previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1)instance, filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/e784c94a6fe28de5937e50674407d82e"/not_used/OutputInternalConsumer;internal_senders;0.json.gz
2024-09-06T15:07:25.265272    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,incidents#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.265272    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderCortexXdrBasePuller(internalcortex_senders,devo_sender_0xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] CreatedNo previous persistence instancefile exists to migrate (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/DevoSender;internal_senders;devo_sender_0.json.gz50e7b9f5b3320841b223e83e5b156b5f"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.268272    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderOutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders,devo_senderconsumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
2024-09-06T15:07:25.268272    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderCortexXdrBasePuller(internalcortex_senders,devo_sender_0xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/4ff7b345dc444ac050cf75f93e5dcb3b5a07c27e666ce7c4400ef58d5b89f174"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.269273    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefinedOutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] CreatedNo previous persistence instance file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/cortex_xdr;1243598;alerts;predefined;CortexXdrBasePuller.json10dd360c86621afd5a28a029a0dddcf6"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.271273    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputInternalConsumerDevoSender(internalstandard_senders,devo_consumersender_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Created persistence instance, filename_path: /home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/not_used/OutputInternalConsumer;internal_senders;0.json.gzStarting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Checking if old persisted data must be removed
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272274    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] ThereNo isprevious nopersistence datafile persistedexists with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated(Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/50e7b9f5b3320841b223e83e5b156b5f"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272274    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 21), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/50e7b9f5b3320841b223e83e5b156b5f5a07c27e666ce7c4400ef58d5b89f174"
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272274    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputInternalConsumerDevoSenderManagerMonitor(internalstandard_senders,devo_consumer_01) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] There is no data persisted with the latest format, any previous persisted data will be migrated
 Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.272275    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] NoRecovering previousany persistenceavailable filecontent existsfrom tothe migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/5a07c27e666ce7c4400ef58d5b89f174"
persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.273276    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> OutputInternalConsumer(internalOutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists to migrate (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/10dd360c86621afd5a28a029a0dddcf6"Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.273276    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(standard_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting threadValidating service metadata
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274276    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePullerDevoSender(cortexlookup_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefinedsenders,devo_sender_0) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Checking if old persisted data must be removedStarting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274277    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePullerDevoSenderManagerMonitor(cortexlookup_xdr#1243598senders,alerts#predefineddevo_1) -> [PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] No previous persistence file exists (Version 2), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/50e7b9f5b3320841b223e83e5b156b5f"
Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274279    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefinedDevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] NoNothing previousavailable persistencein filethe exists (Version 1), filename_path: "/home/md_tausif/gitlab/devo-collector-cortex-xdr/state/5a07c27e666ce7c4400ef58d5b89f174"
persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.274279    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitorDevoSenderManager(standard_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275279    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(standardlookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275279    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) Starting the execution of init_variables()Validating defined module definition
2024-09-06T15:07:25.275280    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManager(standardlookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.276280    INFO OutputProcess::OutputStandardConsumerOutputLookupConsumer(standardlookup_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.276    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating service metadata -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.276280    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(lookupinternal_senders,devo_sender_0) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.277282    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookupinternal_senders,devo_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds)
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279283    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerOutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders,manager,devo_1_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279283    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerOutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders,manager,devo_1_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.0001
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279283    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerOutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1_consumer_0) -> Starting thread [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.279283    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThreadOutputLookupConsumer(lookup_senders_consumer_0) -> Validating defined module definition[EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.00
2024-09-06T15:07:25.280285    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(lookupinternal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
_1) -> Starting thread
2024-09-06T15:07:25.280285    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumerDevoSenderManager(lookup_senders_consumer_0,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] RecoveringNothing any available content fromin the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.280285    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSender(internalDevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_sender_01) -> Starting thread [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.01
2024-09-06T15:07:25.282285    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManagerMonitorDevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting thread (every 300 seconds) [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283286    INFO OutputProcess::OutputStandardConsumerOutputInternalConsumer(standardinternal_senders_consumer_0) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering Nothingany available incontent from the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283287    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::OutputStandardConsumer(standard_senders_consumer_0)MainThread -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.01Validating common input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283289    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumerDevoSenderManager(lookupinternal_senders_consumer_0,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system
2024-09-06T15:07:25.283289    INFO OutputProcess::OutputLookupConsumerDevoSenderManager(lookupinternal_senders_consumer_0,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.00
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285294    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::MainThread -> DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1) -> Starting threadValidating service input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.298    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285299    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1)MainThread -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence system Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285300    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::DevoSenderManager(lookup_senders,manager,devo_1)MainThread -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.01<requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.285301    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::DevoSenderManager(internal_senders,manager,devo_1)MainThread -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content fromAdding raw config to the persistencecollector systemstore
2024-09-06T15:07:25.286302    INFO OutputProcessInputProcess::OutputInternalConsumer(internal_senders_consumer_0)MainThread -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Recovering any available content from the persistence systemRunning custom validation rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.287302    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Validating common input config
 CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
titleEvents delivery and Devo ingestion

The event delivery module is in charge of receiving the events from the internal queues where all events are injected by the pullers and delivering them using the selected compatible delivery method.

A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:0732:2547.289810    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerDevoSenderManagerMonitor(internallookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Nothing available in the persistence systemNumber of available senders: 1, sender manager internal queue size: 0
2024-09-06T15:0732:2547.289810    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerDevoSenderManagerMonitor(internallookup_senders,manager,devo_1) -> [EMERGENCY_PERSISTENCE_SYSTEM] Elapsed seconds: 0.00enqueued_elapsed_times_in_seconds_stats: {}
2024-09-06T15:0732:2547.294810    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThreadDevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_1) -> Validating service input config
2024-09-06T15:07:25.298    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running overriding rules
Sender: DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0), status: {"internal_queue_size": 0, "is_connection_open": False}
2024-09-06T15:0732:2547.299811    INFO InputProcessOutputProcess::MainThreadDevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_1) -> Validating the rate limiter config given by the user
Lookup - Total number of messages sent: 0, messages sent since "2024-09-06T1506 09:0757:25.300    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> <requests_limits> setting has not been defined. The generic settings will be used instead.
2024-09-06T15:07:25.301    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Adding raw config to the collector store
2024-09-06T15:07:25.302    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> Running custom validation rules
2024-09-06T15:07:25.302    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> CortexXdrBasePuller(cortex_xdr#1243598,alerts#predefined) Finalizing the execution of init_variables()
titleEvents delivery and Devo ingestion

The event delivery module is in charge of receiving the events from the internal queues where all events are injected by the pullers and delivering them using the selected compatible delivery method.

A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:32:47.810    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_1) -> Number of available senders: 1, sender manager internal queue size: 0
2024-09-06T15:32:47.810    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_1) -> enqueued_elapsed_times_in_seconds_stats: {}
2024-09-06T15:32:47.810    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_1) -> Sender: DevoSender(lookup_senders,devo_sender_0), status: {"internal_queue_size": 0, "is_connection_open": False}
2024-09-06T15:32:47.81147.810025+00:00": 0 (elapsed 0.000 seconds)

By default, these information traces will be displayed every 10 minutes.

Sender statistics

Each service displays its own performance statistics that allow checking how many events have been delivered to Devo by type:

Logging trace


Number of available senders: 1

Displays the number of concurrent senders available for the given Sender Service.

sender manager internal queue size: 0

Displays the items available in the internal sender queue.

This value helps detect bottlenecks and needs to increase the performance of data delivery to Devo. This last can be made by increasing the concurrent senders.

Total number of messages sent: 0, messages sent since "2024-09-06 09:57:47.810025+00:00": 0 (elapsed 0.000 seconds)

Displayes the number of events from the last time and following the given example, the following conclusions can be obtained:

  • 0 events were sent to Devo since the collector started.

  • The last checkpoint timestamp was 2024-09-06 09:57:47.810025+00:00.

  • 0 events where sent to Devo between the last UTC checkpoint and now.

  • Those 0 events required 0.000 seconds to be delivered.

By default these traces will be shown every 10 minutes.

titleCheck memory usage

To check the memory usage of this collector, look for the following log records in the collector which are displayed every 5 minutes by default, always after running the memory-free process.


Some collectors can be tuned to reduce the memory impact when pulling data in large infrastructures.

  • The used memory is displayed by running processes and the sum of both values will give the total used memory for the collector.

  • The global pressure of the available memory is displayed in the global value.

  • Al metrics (Global, RSS, VMS) include the value before freeing and after: previous -> after freeing memory

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:07:25.494    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 42.1% -> 42.1%, process: RSS(41.61MiB -> 41.73MiB), VMS(1.05GiB -> 1.05GiB)
2024-09-06T15:09:25.375    INFO OutputProcess::DevoSenderManagerMonitor(lookup_senders,devo_1)MainThread -> Lookup - Total number of messages sent: 0, messages sent since "2024-09-06 09:57:47.810025+00:00": 0 (elapsed 0.000 seconds)

By default, these information traces will be displayed every 10 minutes.

Sender statistics

Each service displays its own performance statistics that allow checking how many events have been delivered to Devo by type:

Logging trace


Number of available senders: 1

Displays the number of concurrent senders available for the given Sender Service.

sender manager internal queue size: 0

Displays the items available in the internal sender queue.

This value helps detect bottlenecks and needs to increase the performance of data delivery to Devo. This last can be made by increasing the concurrent senders.

Total number of messages sent: 0, messages sent since "2024-09-06 09:57:47.810025+00:00": 0 (elapsed 0.000 seconds)

Displayes the number of events from the last time and following the given example, the following conclusions can be obtained:

  • 0 events were sent to Devo since the collector started.

  • The last checkpoint timestamp was 2024-09-06 09:57:47.810025+00:00.

  • 0 events where sent to Devo between the last UTC checkpoint and now.

  • Those 0 events required 0.000 seconds to be delivered.

By default these traces will be shown every 10 minutes.

titleCheck memory usage

To check the memory usage of this collector, look for the following log records in the collector which are displayed every 5 minutes by default, always after running the memory-free process.


Some collectors can be tuned to reduce the memory impact when pulling data in large infrastructures.

  • The used memory is displayed by running processes and the sum of both values will give the total used memory for the collector.

  • The global pressure of the available memory is displayed in the global value.

  • Al metrics (Global, RSS, VMS) include the value before freeing and after: previous -> after freeing memory

Code Block
2024-09-06T15:07:25.494    INFO InputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 42.1% -> 42.1%, process: RSS(41.61MiB -> 41.73MiB), VMS(1.05GiB -> 1.05GiB)
2024-09-06T15:09:25.375    INFO OutputProcess::MainThread -> [GC] global: 42.4% -> 42.4%, process: RSS(44.46MiB -> 44.46MiB), VMS(929.14MiB -> 929.14MiB)

Differences between RSS and VMS memory usage:

  • RSS is the Resident Set Size, which is the actual physical memory the process is using

  • VMS is the Virtual Memory Size which is the virtual memory that process is using

titleEnable/disable the logging debug mode

Sometimes it is necessary to activate the debug mode of the collector's logging. This debug mode increases the verbosity of the log and allows you to print execution traces that are very helpful in resolving incidents or detecting bottlenecks in heavy download processes.

  • To enable this option you just need to edit the configuration file and change the debug_status parameter from false to true and restart the collector.

  • To disable this option, you just need to update the configuration file and change the debug_status parameter from true to false and restart the collector.

For more information, visit the configuration and parameterization section corresponding to the chosen deployment mode.



This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the common errors for the current services.


Error type


Error ID


Error message










HTTP Error occurred while checking the server health for cortex


If 401 client error, credentials used are not valid.
or issue with the API request process.


Ensure correct credentials are used if 401 client error. Else Contact devo support team




Some error occurred while checking the server health for cortex. Error details


The authentication was correct, but returned an unexpected status code.


This is an internal issue. Contact with Devo Support team.






Expected 200 status code, received {status code}


There has been an error upon API request process.


This is an internal issue. Contact with Devo Support team.




Expected 200 status code, received {status code}


You will get the status code with error msg.


Kindly reach the develop with the exact msg.

Change log




Released on


Release type




[GC] global: 42.4% -> 42.4%, process: RSS(44.46MiB -> 44.46MiB), VMS(929.14MiB -> 929.14MiB)

Differences between RSS and VMS memory usage:

  • RSS is the Resident Set Size, which is the actual physical memory the process is using

  • VMS is the Virtual Memory Size which is the virtual memory that process is using

titleEnable/disable the logging debug mode

Sometimes it is necessary to activate the debug mode of the collector's logging. This debug mode increases the verbosity of the log and allows you to print execution traces that are very helpful in resolving incidents or detecting bottlenecks in heavy download processes.

  • To enable this option you just need to edit the configuration file and change the debug_status parameter from false to true and restart the collector.

  • To disable this option, you just need to update the configuration file and change the debug_status parameter from true to false and restart the collector.

For more information, visit the configuration and parameterization section corresponding to the chosen deployment mode.


This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the common errors for the current services.

Error type

Error ID

Error message





HTTP Error occurred while checking the server health for cortex from remote source: {e}

You will get the status code with error msg.

Ensure that the collector has the necessary permissions and proper credentials to access the Cortex xdr API and contact the developer with exact error message



Error while fetching the event data for service {service_name} and error: {e}

You will get the status code with error msg.

This is an internal issue. Contact with Devo Support team.



HTTP ERROR 400: Bad request: The server could not understand the request

Bad Request

Kindly reach out to the developer


HTTP ERROR 401: Unauthorized: Authentication is required and has failed or has not been provided

Credentials provided is not correct

Please check and provide the correct credentials


Unauthorized access. User does not have the required license type to run this API

User doesn't have the required permission

Kindly get required permission and reach the developer with the exact msg.


HTTP ERROR 500: Server Error: An error occurred on the server

Internal server error. An unverified status of API communication type error

Kindly reach the developer with the exact msg.


Request Error: Received status code {status_code}

You will get the status code with error msg.

Kindly reach the developer with the exact msg.


HTTP ERROR 429: Too Many Requests: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

Number of request has exceeded for the cortex api

Kindly reach the developer with the exact msg.


HTTP ERROR 429: Too Many Requests: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

Number of request has exceeded for the cortex api

Kindly reach the developer with the exact msg.


HTTP ERROR 429: Too Many Requests: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

Number of request has exceeded for the cortex api

Kindly reach the developer with the exact msg.


HTTP Error occurred while retrieving events from cortex server, summary: {str(e)}, details: {details_str}

You will get the status code with error msg

Kindly reach the developer with the exact msg.


Some error occurred while retrieving events from cortex server. Error details {str(e)}

You will get the status code with error msg

Kindly reach the developer with the exact msg.

Change log

bug fixing violations, Upgrade Initial version


Released on

Release type




Recommended version



  • Added 2 new puller and a base puller

  • Improved unit tests to added some extra tests

  • Added checks for validating the start_time and if the time is not in future



titlebug fixing




  • Updated DCSDK from 1.12.4 to 1.13.1

    • Fixed bug related to module_global_status value in message_metrics

    • PEP8 Cleanup

    • New metric endpoint (

    • Changed some metric structure that were already sent to Devo before (devo.collector.metric.*)

    • Improved MacOS compatibility (for the development phase)

    • Updated DevoSDK to version 6.0.0

    • Puller and PullerSetup now have the same id structure

    • Changed some console log traces to DEBUG

    • Fixed bug related to rate_limiter object (the object was not properly internally released)

    • Improved Filesystem persistence behavior

    • New libraries installed:

      • uvicorn==0.31.1

      • fastapi==0.115.0

      • Updated libraries:

      • jsonschema==4.19.1 -> jsonschema==4.23.0

      • psutil==5.9.6 -> psutil==5.9.8

      • python-dateutil==2.8.2 -> python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0


  • Modified paging logic so that the collector responds correctly to controlled stops.


titlebug fixing





  • upgraded the docker base image to 1.3.1

Bug fixing

  • Added condition to resolve the infinite issue


titleIMPROVEMENTbug fixing





  • Added new services:

  • audit_management and all_alert.

  • Modified the table of incident alert.

  • Removed the usage of alert multi event table.

  • Using v2 API for alert service.

  • Unified all the puller services in a single puller.

  • Moved api_endpoint in the collector definition.

Recommended version






  • Added start_time as an optional parameters for both of the services.

  • Added deduplication logic for both services

  • Updated Docker image base to version v1.3.0 in Dockerfile

  • Updated DCSDK from v1.11.1 to v1.12.4

    • Added new sender for relay in house + TLS

    • Added persistence functionality for gzip sending buffer

    • Added Automatic activation of gzip sending

    • Improved behaviour when persistence fails

    • Upgraded DevoSDK dependency

    • Fixed console log encoding

    • Restructured python classes

    • Improved behaviour with non-utf8 characters

    • Decreased defaut size value for internal queues (Redis limitation, from 1GiB to 256MiB)

    • New persistence format/structure (compression in some cases)

    • Removed dmesg execution (It was invalid for docker execution)

    • Applied changes to make DCSDK compatible with MacOS

    • Improved behavior with non-utf8 characters

    • Decreased defaut size value for internal queues (Redis limitation, from 1GiB to 256MiB)

    • New persistence format/structure (compression in some cases)

    • Removed dmesg execution (It was invalid for docker execution)

    • DevoSDK has been updated to version 5.4.0






  • Upgrade DC SDK to the latest version 1.11.1

  • Upgrade the Docker base image to 1.2.0




 Initial version



  • Added 'start_time' in config file for alerts service

  • Added logs