The tags beginning with box.win_cloudwatch identify events generated by
Valid tags and data tables
The full tag must have 4 levels. The first two are fixed as box.win_cloudwatch. The third level identifies the type of events sent, and the fourth level indicates the event subtype.
Technology | Brand | Type | Subtype |
box | win_cloudwatch | security
| us |
These are the valid tags and corresponding data tables that will receive the parsers' data:
Tag | Data table |
---|---| | box.win_cloudwatch |
Table structure
This is the set displayed by these tables.
Field | Type | Extra label |
eventdate |
| - |
machine |
| - |
machineIp |
| - |
application |
| - |
aws_region |
| - |
logSource |
| - |
serverdate |
| - |
keywords |
| - |
eventID |
| - |
sourceName |
| - |
username |
| - |
logType |
| - |
computer |
| - |
category |
| - |
srcIp |
| - |
srcPort |
| - |
dstIp |
| - |
dstPort |
| - |
secId |
| - |
account |
| - |
domain |
| - |
subjectSecId |
| - |
subjectUsername |
| - |
subjectDomain |
| - |
subjectLogonId |
| - |
logonType |
| - |
impersonationLevel |
| - |
restrictedSidCount |
| - |
elevatedToken |
| - |
reasonCode |
| - |
status |
| - |
subStatus |
| - |
logonId |
| - |
logonGuid |
| - |
procId |
| - |
procName |
| - |
newProcId |
| - |
newProcName |
| - |
commandLine |
| - |
workstation |
| - |
logonProc |
| - |
authPkg |
| - |
transitedService |
| - |
pkgName |
| - |
keyLength |
| - |
samAccount |
| - |
displayName |
| - |
principalName |
| - |
homeDir |
| - |
homeDrive |
| - |
scriptPath |
| - |
profilePath |
| - |
userWorkstations |
| - |
lastPass |
| - |
accExpire |
| - |
groupId |
| - |
delegate |
| - |
oldUac |
| - |
newUac |
| - |
userAccountControl |
| - |
userParams |
| - |
sidHistory |
| - |
logonHours |
| - |
service |
| - |
serviceSid |
| - |
serviceFileName |
| - |
serviceType |
| - |
serviceStartType |
| - |
serviceAccount |
| - |
imagePath |
| - |
startType |
| - |
accountName |
| - |
ticketOpts |
| - |
ticketEncType |
| - |
privileges |
| - |
member |
| - |
memberSid |
| - |
filePath |
| - |
objName |
| - |
objValueName |
| - |
objType |
| - |
objServer |
| - |
objHandle |
| - |
oldValueType |
| - |
oldValue |
| - |
newValueType |
| - |
newValue |
| - |
resourceAttr |
| - |
tokenElevType |
| - |
mandatoryLabel |
| - |
layerRuntimeId |
| - |
accessMask |
| - |
accesses |
| - |
shareName |
| - |
shareLocalPath |
| - |
relativeTargetName |
| - |
className |
| - |
targetObject |
| - |
dsName |
| - |
dsType |
| - |
dsDN |
| - |
dsGUID |
| - |
dsClass |
| - |
dsLDAPName |
| - |
dsSyntax |
| - |
dsValue |
| - |
dsCorrelationId |
| - |
dsApplicationCorrelationId |
| - |
operationType |
| - |
device |
| - |
pipeName |
| - |
queryName |
| - |
queryStatus |
| - |
queryResults |
| - |
signature |
| - |
initiated |
| - |
properties |
| - |
auditPolicyChanges |
| - |
data |
| - |
message |
| - |
id |
| - |
timestamp |
| - |
win_message |
| - |
owner |
| - |
logGroup |
| - |
logStream |
| - |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |