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Generate a new API Key using the Actions button under the API keys section.
Minimum configuration required for basic pulling
Although this collector supports advanced configuration, the fields required to retrieve data with basic configuration are defined below.
This minimum configuration refers exclusively to those specific parameters of this integration. There are more required parameters related to the generic behavior of the collector. Check setting sections for details.
The API key from SOCRADAR.
The company identification gien by SOCRadar.
See the Accepted authentication methods section to verify what settings are required based on the desired authentication method.
Accepted authentication methods
Authentication method
Authentication method
Run the collector
Once the data source is configured, you can either send us the required information if you want us to host and manage the collector for you (Cloud collector), or deploy and host the collector in your own machine using a Docker image (On-premise collector).
API limitations
SOCRadar collector has some API limitations according to the contract.
This value should be introduced in the request_per_minute value described above.
If this limit is exceeded, a 429 error is returned by the SOCRadar API. In the event the collector encounters a 429 (that is, the requests hit a rate limit), the collector will attempt to gracefully respect the 429 rate limit and re-attempt the request three times before failing.
Collector services detail
This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific actions for services.
Events service
Once the collector has been launched, it is important to check if the ingestion is performed in a proper way. To do so, go to the collector’s logs console.
This service has the following components:
The setup module is in charge of authenticating the service and managing the token expiration when needed.
The setup module is in charge of pulling the data in a organized way and delivering the events via SDK.
Setup output
A successful run has the following output messages for the setup module:
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPullerSetup(SOCRadar_collector,socradar#17812,audit_logs#predefined) -> Testing access to SOCRadar API for audit_logs
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPullerSetup(SOCRadar_collector,socradar#17812,audit_logs#predefined) -> Access to SOCRadar is OK
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPullerSetup(SOCRadar_collector,socradar#17812,audit_logs#predefined) -> Setup for module <SOCRadarPuller> has been successfully executed
Puller output
A successful initial run has the following output messages for the puller module:
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPuller(socradar,17812,audit_logs,predefined) -> Detected initial start time in UTC change: {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': <class 'pendulum.datetime.DateTime'>, 'new_type': <class 'NoneType'>, 'old_value': DateTime(2023, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC')), 'new_value': None}}}. Setting last run time to 2023-01-20T00:00:00+00:00
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,IP) -> [pre_pull] -> Creating a new lookup_job_factory to be used by the pull method
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,IP) -> Detected initial start time in UTC change: {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': <class 'pendulum.datetime.DateTime'>, 'new_type': <class 'NoneType'>, 'old_value': DateTime(2023, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC')), 'new_value': None}}}. Setting last run time to 2023-01-20T00:00:00+00:00
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPuller(socradar,17812,audit_logs,predefined) -> Starting data collection every 60 seconds
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,IP) -> Starting data collection every 3600 seconds
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Domain) -> [pre_pull] -> Creating a new lookup_job_factory to be used by the pull method
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,URL) -> [pre_pull] -> Creating a new lookup_job_factory to be used by the pull method
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Domain) -> Detected initial start time in UTC change: {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': <class 'pendulum.datetime.DateTime'>, 'new_type': <class 'NoneType'>, 'old_value': DateTime(2023, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC')), 'new_value': None}}}. Setting last run time to 2023-01-20T00:00:00+00:00
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPuller(socradar,17812,audit_logs,predefined) -> Retrieving audit_logs events since 2023-01-20T00:00:00+00:00 to 2023-01-25 12:05:14.444890+00:00
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,URL) -> Detected initial start time in UTC change: {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': <class 'pendulum.datetime.DateTime'>, 'new_type': <class 'NoneType'>, 'old_value': DateTime(2023, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC')), 'new_value': None}}}. Setting last run time to 2023-01-20T00:00:00+00:00
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,IP) -> Retrieving threat_feed events
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPuller(socradar,17812,audit_logs,predefined) -> Query range exceeds 1 day. Chunking into 6 query windows
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Hash) -> [pre_pull] -> Creating a new lookup_job_factory to be used by the pull method
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Domain) -> Starting data collection every 3600 seconds
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,IP) -> Retrieving IP indicators from SOCRadar
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,URL) -> Starting data collection every 3600 seconds
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPuller(socradar,17812,audit_logs,predefined) -> Querying window 1 of 6 (2023-01-20T00:00:00+00:00 - 2023-01-20T23:59:59.999999+00:00)
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Hash) -> Detected initial start time in UTC change: {'type_changes': {'root': {'old_type': <class 'pendulum.datetime.DateTime'>, 'new_type': <class 'NoneType'>, 'old_value': DateTime(2023, 1, 20, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC')), 'new_value': None}}}. Setting last run time to 2023-01-20T00:00:00+00:00
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Domain) -> Retrieving threat_feed events
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,URL) -> Retrieving threat_feed events
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Domain) -> Retrieving Domain indicators from SOCRadar
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Hash) -> Starting data collection every 3600 seconds
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,URL) -> Retrieving URL indicators from SOCRadar
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Hash) -> Retrieving threat_feed events
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarThreatIntelligencePuller(socradar,17812,threat_feed,predefined,Hash) -> Retrieving Hash indicators from SOCRadar
After a successful collector’s execution (that is, no error logs found), you will see the following log message:
INFO InputProcess::SOCRadarPuller(socradar,17812,audit_logs,predefined) -> Retrieving audit_logs events since 2023-01-25T13:05:14.546952+00:00 to 2023-01-25 13:06:14.547341+00:00
This collector uses persistent storage to download events in an orderly fashion and avoid duplicates. In case you want to re-ingest historical data or recreate the persistence, you can restart the persistence of this collector by following these steps:
Edit the configuration file.
Change the value of the initial_start_time_in_utc parameter to a different one.
Save the changes.
Restart the collector.
The collector will detect this change and will restart the persistence using the parameters of the configuration file or the default configuration in case it has not been provided.
This collector has different security layers that detect both an invalid configuration and abnormal operation. This table will help you detect and resolve the most common errors.
Error type
Error ID
Error message
Error type
Error ID
Error message
Error during auth check. Please doublecheck your credentials: [..]
SOCRadar reject the credentials.
Obtain new api_key from SOCRadar.
Error while fetching collector variables: [..]
One of required parameters is absent or a parameter has an incorrect type
Add the parameter or correct the type.
Error validating collector variables: [...]
One of the parameters has the correct type but it is not correct.
For instance, a date is not a valid date, or a number is out of its range.
Correct the parameter in the configuration file.
Error while creating client: [..]
Other error inizializing the collector.
Solution depends on specific error message.
Prepull Error
Error during pre_pull: [...]
Something was wrong creating the checkpoints
Review the initial_start_time_in_utc
Pull Error
Encountered pull error: [...]
Something was wrong contacting the API.
Read the HTTP error code as long as the response’s text. This information should be enough to understand why is the error happening.
Collector operations
This section is intended to explain how to proceed with specific operations of this collector.
The initialization module is in charge of setup and running the input (pulling logic) and output (delivering logic) services and validating the given configuration.
A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:
Events delivery and Devo ingestion
The event delivery module is in charge of receiving the events from the internal queues where all events are injected by the pullers and delivering them using the selected compatible delivery method.
A successful run has the following output messages for the initializer module:
Sender services
The Integrations Factory Collector SDK has 3 different senders services depending on the event type to delivery (internal, standard, and lookup). This collector uses the following Sender Services:
Sender services
Sender services
In charge of delivering internal metrics to Devo such as logging traces or metrics.
In charge of delivering pulled events to Devo.
Sender statistics
Each service displays its own performance statistics that allow checking how many events have been delivered to Devo by type:
Logging trace
Logging trace
Number of available senders: 1
Displays the number of concurrent senders available for the given Sender Service.
sender manager internal queue size: 0
Displays the items available in the internal sender queue.
Standard - Total number of messages sent: 57, messages sent since "2023-01-10 16:09:16.116750+00:00": 0 (elapsed 0.000 seconds
Displayes the number of events from the last time and following the given example, the following conclusions can be obtained:
44 events were sent to Devo since the collector started.
The last checkpoint timestamp was 2023-01-10 16:09:16.116750+00:00.
21 events where sent to Devo between the last UTC checkpoint and now.
Those 21 events required 0.00 seconds to be delivered.