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Google animated heat map


This chart displays data animated over time, represented as heat points and geolocated on a world map using coordinates (latitude and longitude). The higher the values the brighter the color and bigger the area of the heat points.

What data do I need for this widget?

The option to create this map will be disabled unless your query contains at least three columns with numeric values. Furthermore, to show meaningful content on the map, two of those columns must correspond to longitude and latitude and your data must be grouped.

Creating a Google animated heat map

Working with Google animated heat maps

To change the visualization style use the options at the bottom:

  • Map: click it to activate the street map view.
    Upon activation of this option, the Terrain option is displayed with a checkbox for you to mark. When marked, the map is displayed together with the topographic features.

  • Satellite: Click it to activate the satellite imagery.
    Upon activation of this option, the Labels option is displayed with a checkbox for you to mark. When marked, the map is displayed together with the geo-political namings.

To change the visualization area you can perform the following actions:

  • Click the + button to zoom in.

  • Click the - button to zoom out.

  • Left-click and drag to pan the map to the desired area.

  • Scroll up or down with the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

  • Click the button at the top right to toggle fullscreen mode.

You can hit the following keys to perform different visualization actions:

Shortcut keys


Shortcut keys



Increases the radius of the heat points representing locations and values.


Decreases the radius of the heat points representing locations and values.


Increases the color gradient for temperature representation. This will change the color scale for another with a different base color and number of colors to represent the lowest/coldest and highest/warmest. When you get to the las available gradient, pressing the key will go back to the first.

This might be useful when the values are very similar and belong to the same range so they would be represented in the same or very similar color. This way we might be overlooking the differences in the values because of the lack of contrast and changing the gradient could help so that the values would be represented differently.


Applies a logarithmic operation to normalize the data, which will be reflected in the heat points represented on the map. This might be useful when some values are too far from the general range so normalization is needed for a more cohesive representation. 


Applies an arctangential operation to normalize the data, which will be reflected in the heat points represented on the map. This might be useful when some values are too far from the general range so normalization is needed for a more cohesive representation. 


Resets configuration to revert the applied operations.


Toggles the display of the daylight animation.


Increases the speed of the animation.


Decreases the speed of the animation.


If you have your data grouped by period, it shows the first period.  For example, if your query groups data every 30 seconds press G to see the data bubble for the first 30-second period.


If you have your data grouped by period, it shows previous periods. For example, if your query groups data every 30 seconds press 0-9 to see the data bubble for the previous 30-second periods.


Shows/hides the list of shortcut keys.

+ / -

Zooms in/out on the map.

← / ↑ / → / ↓

Moves the map in the direction of the arrow.

Query example

You can recreate the example shown in the gif above with the data from the following query as mapping the fields as follows:


Required field

Column added


Required field

Column added

from siem.logtrust.web.activity select ip4(srcHost) as ipHost, mmlatitude(ipHost) as latitude, mmlongitude(ipHost) as longitude group every 15m by longitude, latitude, responseTime every 1h





