Authorizing Alerts API requests
Authorization header
To authorize your requests, add a standAloneToken
header to your API request that contains a valid token.
You can generate this token in the Administration → Credentials → Tokens area of Devo. Click New token and choose any token type (currently, any type is valid for this API). Give your token a name, enter the authorized user and required target data tables you want to work with, and click Apply to generate it.
Token permissions
Note that the actions you can perform when you authorize your API access using a token are the ones you can perform according to your Role permissions in Devo.
You can see the role permissions you need for each request type in Working with the Alerts API.
The generated token will appear in the same area, in the table below. Click its name and copy the token value from the details window that appears.
Learn more about tokens in Devo in Authentication tokens.
Header example
The following is an Alerts API request in cURL language authorized with the corresponding header:
curl -H "standAloneToken:YOUR_TOKEN" -X GET ""