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Working with the Devo Relay CLI


Devo Relay comes along with a command-line interface (CLI) that allows administrators to easily manage and set up their relays. 

After installing the Devo Relay CLI in your machine, you can launch it anytime by executing the following command:

Ubuntu / Red Hat / CentOS



Type devo and press the TAB ↹ key and the command will be automatically completed.


sudo docker-compose run devo-ng-relay-cli

The CLI connects to relay via TCP by default to a relay in localhost and thought port 12998. If you want to change these values, you can specify them using these parameters after the CLI executing command:

--host=<HOST> --port=<PORT>

For example, if you're working on an Ubuntu machine and want to specify a different host and port, you must use the following command:

CLI local logs are stored in ~/.devo/client.log

Devo Relay CLI commands

These are the available commands in the Devo Relay CLI:






Clears the command shell.

exit, quit

Exits the CLI.


Shows all the available CLI commands and their descriptions.

local-syslog-fwd action

You can decide to send local syslog configuration logs to Devo in order to monitor your OS logs. The events collected will be available in the box.unix table of your Devo domain. This option is disabled by default. 

Type the required action next to the command. These are the available actions:

  • enable - Enable local machine system log forwarding to Devo.

  • disable - Disable local machine system log forwarding to Devo.

  • status - Check if local machine system log forwarding is enabled or disabled.

You can also enable or disable this option in the Devo application. To do it, go to Administration → Relays and ELBs → Relays, click the Edit option in the ellipsis menu of the required relay, and check/uncheck the Local syslog logs forwarding option in the Relay Input (Rules) tab. Click Apply configuration to save the changes.

mirror relayName

Copies the configuration of other relay and applies it to your current relay. To do it, you must enter the name of the relay whose configuration you want to copy after the mirror command.

Relay name

Take into account that Devo always adds relay- to the beginning of the names of your relays listed in the Administration → Relays and ELBs → Relays area of the application.

When using the mirror command, you must enter the relay name as specified in the setup process, without the relay- part added by Devo.

You can also do this from the Devo application. To do it, go to Administration → Relays and ELBs → Relays, open the ellipsis menu of the relay that you want to modify with the configuration of another relay, and click the Clone configuration from... option. Then, choose the required Source relay from the dropdown list and click Clone.


Launches the relay setup process. Learn more about this in Set up your relay.


Checks the status of your relay. See all the possible relay statuses and what they mean in the article Relay status workflow.


Sends some sample data to your relay to test if it is configured correctly and is working properly.

Devo Relay CLI local logs

Note that Devo Relay CLI local logs are stored in ~/.devo/client.log