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Heatmap widgets

The heatmap widget displays the density of data points on a geographical map and helps you see the intensity of phenomena visualized through a color scale. 

These are useful when you need to analyze big geographical datasets. They are especially suited to display indicative trends at a high level. Patterns can be identified quickly, and relevance determined for even the largest datasets.

What data do I need for this widget?

The source query must include columns with geolocation coordinates (longitude and latitude), as well as a numerical value to determine the magnitude of each record plotted on the map.

Widget settings

To edit the widget settings, you must first be in Edit mode.

Click the widget title bar to open its settings. Alternatively, the settings are accessible via the Ellipsis icon → Properties. The widget settings are contained in three tabs, Data, Visual, and Raw.

The settings in the Data and Raw tabs are described in the Create a widget article. These are the Visual settings for the heatmap widget:







Map configuration


Set the default zoom level. A higher number will set a higher zoom level.


Choose one of the four map types available:

  • Hybrid - displays a mixture of normal and satellite views.

  • Roadmap - displays the default road map view. This is the default map type.

  • Satellite - displays Google Earth satellite images.

  • Terrain - displays a physical map based on terrain information.


Select this option to enable the possibility of dragging the map to see a different area. Unselect it if you want to keep a specific area and zoom level in your map.


Background color

Select a color for the map background. This is only visible when you zoom out a certain distance.



Choose the field you want to get the latitude values from.


Choose the field you want to get the longitude values from.


Select the field you want to use to determine the magnitude of each record on the map. This field must be a number.

Series (10 values)

Select a field to plot a specific data series on the map and analyze the intensity of each of their values. After doing it, you can show/hide specific values using the checkboxes that appear on the map. Each value is automatically assigned a color palette to differentiate it from the rest.

Tips for using a heatmap widget

Here are a few tips to get the most out of your heatmap widget:

  • Use the + and - buttons to adjust the zoom level. Alternatively, you can hold the CTRL key and scroll the mouse wheel.

  • Select the button in the top right corner of the heatmap to activate the full-screen mode. Click it again to restore the default view.

  • Apply the Map or Satellite views to the map using the buttons in the top left corner.

  • Click the Google logo to see the area displayed in the heatmap on Google Maps.

Query example

This is the source query used and the fields mapped to generate the widget shown above:

query( from select mmlatitude(clientIpAddress) as lat select mmlongitude(clientIpAddress) as lng where isnotnull(lat) and isnotnull(lng) group every 30m by lat, lng, statusCode select count() as count )





