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Affinity chord diagram


The affinity chord diagram is used to organize and display data according to affinity. This affinity is measured by relating data using a point of interconnection, meaning the degree of affinity is determined by the number of times both source and target connect to that point. The data is arranged radially in two sectors that represent the source and the target values and connected by arcs that represent their affinity and its magnitude. It is commonly used to sort parameters into groups, based on their natural relationships.

What data do I need for this widget?

The option to create this chart will be disabled unless your query contains at least three columns, one of them with numeric values. Furthermore, it is advisable to group your data and aggregate it in order to show meaningful content on the diagram.

Creating an affinity chord diagram

Affinity vs Bipartite

Even though these two diagrams look very similar, they have a major difference. While the Bipartite establishes relations between the elements of two different columns, the Affinity establishes relations between the elements of the same column.

Working with affinity chord diagrams

Hover over a segment or arch in the diagram to display the relationship between a source and a target, as well as the value used to measure their affinity.

You can hit the following keys to perform different visualization actions:

Shortcut keys


Shortcut keys



Shows/hides a legend displaying the number and percentage of the values in the chart.


Shows/hides the labels indicating the values of each diagram section.


Switches between viewing the data of the argument selected as the Source and the data of the argument selected as the Target.


Shows/hides the list of shortcut keys.

Query example

You can recreate the example shown in the picture above with the data from the following query and mapping the fields as follows:

from siem.logtrust.web.activity group every 5m by url, referer every 5m select count() as count

Required field

Column added

Required field

Column added





