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Add a comment to a triggered alert

About alert comments and tasks

Alerts are designed to inform us of conditions in our data that require attention and often, action. For this reason, Devo offers the ability to track all activity that occurs in response to an alert via comments.

Comments are attached to a triggered alert and are visible to all users of the Alerts Dashboard. Users can reply to comments to provide help or updates. In this way, they can coordinate their efforts to resolve the alert condition and share useful information.

Comments can be also transformed into tasks that need to be carried out to solve the problem described by the alert. This provides a more formal and structured approach to deal with the conditions that triggered the alert in the first place.

Add a comment and task

Find the desired alert in the Alerts Dashboard, click the ellipsis menu, and select Create annotation (visit Managing triggered alerts for more information).

If you want to add the same comment to several alerts, select the relevant alerts' checkboxes on the left (next to the status column) and click on the Annotate all selected alerts button that appears above the list of alerts.

In the Annotations window, enter the required information and click Save. Pay special attention to the Title and the full text of the comment, as well as the This annotation is a task checkbox if you want the annotation to be considered a task that needs to be addressed.

Once the annotation is created, the alert shows these icons at the end of the row to indicate that there are annotations and tasks, accompanied by a colored number to indicate how many of them and their status.

Reply to comment or add a separate one

A single alert condition can cause different conversations and workflows. To keep each topic of discussion separate, you can create multiple comments and reply to all of them as many times as you need.

After an annotation has been added, click the icon at the end of the row to open it (or click the ellipsis menu and select View annotations).

Click Reply to give information related to the same comment or click Create annotation to start a new thread if you have something different to say about the same alert.

Manage comments

Once you add annotations, there are several actions you can perform on them:

  • Show or hide the description of the annotation

  • Mark as not read: this will change the icon to draw other users' attention. The icon will be in green only when all the annotations are read, otherwise, the icon will be shown in red with the number of them that are still unread (4 read and 1 unread = 1 red)

  • Edit: you can change the settings of the annotation specified when created

  • Delete: this permanently removes the annotation

Manage tasks

If you marked an annotation as a task, it implies that some action needs to be taken and the task marked to reflect its status of completion (Pending, In progress, Done, Discarded). You can also reply to the task as you would do with a regular comment to provide additional information about its resolution.

This is how the different statuses are reflected both on the colored bar and the icons on the alert list. Bear in mind that the icon at the end of the alert row will be in green only when all the tasks are completed, otherwise, the icon will be shown in red with the number of them that are still pending or in progress (4 completed and 1 pending = 1 red).



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