Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Status tab

This tab shows specific information about the domain, more specifically volume day gauges and information about dedicated data nodes (if any).

This tab is composed of a single section (Status info), which includes the following widgets:

Components status

This widget will be available or not depending on your required configuration, which will be analyzed by Devo in order to determine so. In case you do not have this widget available but you consider you should, you can contact us to assess the situation.

This widget shows the status of different web components such as login, finder, and Activebaords to analyze the general status of your domain.

This chart has four different statuses:

  • OK - The component is properly loaded in the expected time.

  • KO - The component is not loaded.

  • WARNING - The component loading time takes longer than expected. In this case, the real and expected values are shown.

  • NO DATA - No data about that component has been received.

Current day volume

This widget shows the percentage of GBs ingested so far and estimates how many GBs will be ingested by the end of the day if the same path is followed. The percentages are calculated over the data volume rate contracted. It is composed of two different pie charts:

  • CURRENT - Indicates the volume of data ingested in the domain during the current day.

  • ESTIMATED - This shows the foreseen ingestion by the end of the day at the current ratio. Therefore, it can be beyond 100% in case the MAX threshold is exceeded.

Datanodes CPU

This widget shows the status of the data nodes specific to the domain or customer.

Note that most data nodes should have a similar CPU load. This may change over time and an increase in the volume of data stored may indicate that the node loads should be revised and possibly improved.

This widget is not valid to all domains since not all of them have dedicated data nodes. Therefore, depending on the customer, this widget will or will not be displayed.Â