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Provisioning API

The Devo Provisioning API can be used to:

  • Retrieve information of users and domains.
  • Create, update, delete and modify Devo domains, and also enable or disable them. 
  • Create, update, delete and modify Devo users, and also enable or disable them.
  • Get lists of available reseller domains and users in a specific domain.
  • Retrieve and update a domain's plan configuration and ingestion limits in Devo.
  • Retrieve lists of plans associated to a reseller and information of specific plans.
  • Get the certificates associated to specific Devo domains.

To perform a request with the Provisioning API, use the endpoint corresponding to your Devo region. See the Devo Provisioning API documentation in Swagger to see in detail the paths and parameters you can add to your endpoint URL in order to perform the available types of requests:

RegionEndpointSwagger documentation
GCP (Spain)

The Provisioning API operations are divided into two main groups:

  • Common operations - These operations can be applied both for common and reseller domains. 
  • Reseller operations - See this article to see a set of operations related to reseller domains only.

Every Provisioning API response sends a special header named x-devo-cid, which contains the correlation ID generated for the request. In case of any problem, contact the Devo support team including this value in the message so that the problem can be traced more effectively.

Names format

Common and reseller domain names 

The name format for common and reseller domains is not the same. Common domains have regular names (with certain character restrictions, but they don't need to follow a fixed format), while reseller domain names are followed by the name of the reseller they belong to, separated by an @ (domain_name@reseller).

This tail can be ignored when you create a new reseller domain, but keep in mind that it must be added in all the operations that require the name of the domain; otherwise, they will return an error. For example, if you create a domain called my_domain in the reseller test, you will have a domain called my_domain@test. Any further operations will require this name format to work properly.

Name validation

Regular names, like domain names, can only contain specific characters and should match the regular expression [a-z0-9_-]{1,100}. Essentially, this requires the name to have a maximum of 100 characters, only use lowercase letters, numbers, or the special characters _ and -.

User names have less restrictions, allowing things such as accents, dots, @ characters, etc.