Risk Groups
About this page
Entity risk groups are an optional feature that can be leveraged by the risk calculator. A risk group is a configurable list of entity names (i.e., the group members) and a single risk score multiplier. If an entity is a member of a risk group, then that risk group’s multiplier will be applied to the entity’s risk score as a final step in the risk calculator. To learn more, see the Key concepts > Risk Groups section of this documentation.
The Content Manager > Risk Groups page displays a table of the risk groups that you have configured so far (if any).
The table columns display information about each alert configuration, including the following:
Name: The name of the risk group.
Risk Score Multiplier: The multiplier which will be applied to the risk score of each group member during the next run of the risk calculator.
Configuring a Risk Group
To configure a new risk group:
Click the New Risk Group button above the table (right). This opens the risk group editor.
In the risk group editor, provide a name and a risk score multiplier from zero to 10.
Click Save Settings.
The table will then update and the new risk group will be included in its contents.
Note that creating a new risk group does not initially populate its members list. By default, new risk groups have an empty members list initially.
To add members to a risk group:
In the risk groups table, click the action menu (labeled “…”) to the right of the risk group. Then click “Edit List”. This opens the members table UI for the selected risk group.
By default, the members table of a new risk group will be empty. You may add members by either manually entering the names or uploading the names from a CSV file.
To manually enter the names, click the Add Entities button above the list (right). You will be prompted to enter the entity names, separated by carriage returns.
To upload the names from a CSV file, click the Upload CSV button above the list (right). You will be prompted to browse the file or drop it in.
Once you have provided the entity names, the members table will update to include the given names. Each name will be displayed with a trash icon beside it. Click the trash icon to remove individual names from the members table.
To remove members from a risk group:
In the risk groups table, click the action menu (labeled “…”) to the right of the risk group. Then click “Edit List”. This opens the members table UI for the selected risk group.
In the members table UI, each member’s name will be displayed with a trash icon beside it. Click the trash icon to remove individual names from the members table.
Working with Risk Groups
The action menu (pictured below) for a selected risk group enables the user to perform the following actions:
Edit Score Multiplier: Edit the risk score multiplier of the group. Note that the new multiplier value will be applied going forward only; it is not retroactive.
Edit List: Edit the members list of the group. (See previous section above for details.)
Download CSV: Download the members list of the selected group as a CSV file.
Upload New CSV: Upload the members list of the selected group from a CSV file. The previous members list of the group will be overwritten by the uploaded CSV file.
Delete Risk Group: Delete the definition of this group, including the members list and risk score multiplier.