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Event loading indicator

Devo automatically controls how events are loaded in order to maintain optimal browser performance while at the same time fulfilling user requests for viewing and working with their data.

The indicator at the top left of the search window shows what percentage of the query's time range has been loaded in the browser so far. For example, if the time range is set to 24 hours and 12 hours of data has been loaded, the progress indicator will report 50%.

Click the indicator to open the Event loading preferences. This shows you a more detailed summary of the event loading status and gives you access to some preferences that give you greater control over how events are loaded.

Keep in mind that both the Event count and Browser memory are limited by the thresholds established in the Domain preferences, with the inferior value being the limit.

Prevent performance degradation

Exercise caution when modifying these preferences. By forcing Devo to load and maintain large amounts of data in the browser, you are likely to experience performance degradation and even browser failure.

Event loading preferences

Event loading preferences

Smart event loading

This is the default behavior. When on, it loads and manages a subset of the query's events to maintain browser performance and satisfy the user's requests for data. Turn this off to stop loading the query's remaining events into the browser.

Load all events

Turn ON to load all of the query's events in the selected date range. Exercise caution with this setting because when turned on, there is a risk of overloading the browser and causing it to crash.

Load all only when sorting

To sort a field, the data needs to be downloaded to the browser in order to take into account all of the field's values. Turn this setting on to load all events only when you sort the contents of a field.

Load all only when chart-building

To build a chart that plots data from individual events, all of the query's events need to be downloaded to the browser. Turn this setting on to load all events only when you build one of these types of charts. Examples of charts that are built using individual event data (not grouped events with aggregate functions) are scatter charts and some world maps.

Retain all events

By default, Devo employs a memory management process that can remove events from the browser's memory in order to make room for events that are more relevant. Turn this setting on to prevent loaded events from being removed from the browser's memory.

This also prevents the progress indicator to fluctuate. Fluctuation may occur due to the fact that memory is liberated and used again. When all the events are retained, no event is removed and therefore the progress won't fluctuate.

Set thresholds. Event count, Browser memory (MB)

This becomes available when you turn Retain all events on. Turn on Set thresholds to enforce an upper limit to the amount of data to load. This amount can be expressed in number of events, Event count, or in MB used by the query in the Browser memory. If you define upper limits in both fields, event loading will stop when either one is met. Warnings will appear next to the amounts indicated in case the browser might be overloaded.

Event loading status


This reports what percentage of the query's time range has been loaded in the browser so far. For example, if the time range is set to 24 hours and 12 hours of data has been loaded, the progress indicator will report 50%.

Events loaded

This reports the number of events loaded and the corresponding use of memory.

Gaps remaining

Devo loads a query's events to the browser in blocks. This leaves gaps in the event timeline that contain the missing events. This tells you how many gaps exist in the current query.