Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Creating a map


It is possible to create a map from scratch. To do it, go to the General settings and click on Manage maps under Maps on the left menu side. Then, click on Create a new map button in the right-down corner.

The map editing mode will open showing a blank canvas for the newly created one. Use the following buttons to configure the new map.

Left-side menu

Click to expand or collapse the menu.

Zoom options

Use the + and - buttons to adjust the zoom level of your view, or use the scroll on your mouse. Use the Home button to return to the default zoom.

Data sources and entities


Use the buttons to add new entities or add data sources.

More information

More information

Refer to the Add data sources and Add entities to know more about this.

Right-side menu


Click to expand or collapse general configuration:

  • Global settings

  • Modules

  • Administrations

More information

Go to the General settings section to know more.

Publish button


Save the current map configuration.

General configuration

These settings describe the general configuration and behavior of a map. There are three general configurations. Click each of them to see the parameters.







Map name

Name of the map.


Map description

Map description.



Icon of the map.

(e.g., http://****.com/icon.png)


Logical group the map belongs to.



Logical subgroup the entity belongs to.


Map required tables

Required tables used by queries in this map, as they will be displayed in the tooltip.


Amount and Unit

Default time window utilized to define the amount of time back to be displayed by default in graphs.


Level - N name

Descriptive name of the N-level in the hierarchy.


Visual theme

Application visualization theme or visual skin.

  • Light

  • Dark

Loader background image

Background for intersitial loader.

(e.g., http://****.com/loader.jpg)

Accent color

Main application color for visual components and texts.

Color picker







Sort modules

Location in Service Operations main menu.

  • Enabled

  • Disabled


Status of the module.

  • Enabled

  • Disabled


Default layout schema applied to the nodes visualization in the map.

  • Hierarchy

  • Radial

  • Standard

  • Sequential

  • Organic

  • Structural

  • Lens


Default layer to show when map is loaded.

  • Summary

  • Topology

  • Geo

  • 3D


Default layout orientation.

  • Left to right

  • Right to left

  • Top to bottom

  • Bottom to top


Default maximum number of levels to display when map is loaded.


KPIs view mode

Define the way to visualize the KPIs on the map. The type of display chosen can greatly affect the performance of the layout view especially when there is a significant number of entities.

Each option has an indicative value:

  • LP (Low Perfomance)

  • MP (Medium Performance)

  • HP (High Performance)

  • Glyph info (HP)

  • Glyph and combos (LP)

  • Opened Glyph Grouping (LP)

  • Donuts (MP)

  • Donuts and combos (LP)

  • Visibles (LP)

Summary mode background image

Background image applied in the Summary layer.

Image URL

Rescale to container

 Background summary image could be rescalated or maintain its original size.

Rescale to container, do not rescale.

Status panel

Availability of the status tiles panel.

  • Enabled

  • Disabled

Status panel expanded

Show the status panel by default when accessing the topology map.

  • Enabled

  • Disabled

Incidents Viewer

Availability of the incidents viewer module.

  • Enabled

  • Disabled

Close incidents after

Incidents are closed after selected interval. An incident whose status is "new" will be closed after the indicated period of time.

  • Number

  • List of predefined values

Archive incidents after

Incidents are archived after selected interval. An incident whose status is “closed” will be archived after the specified period of time.

  • Number

  • List of predefined values

Delete incidents after

Incidents are deleted after selected interval. An incident whose status is archived will be deleted after the specified period of time.

  • Number

  • List of predefined values


Availability of the monitors module.

  • Enabled

  • Disabled

User experience

Availability of the user experience module.

  • Enabled

  • Disabled







Combine map

Allows the addition of the entities and nodes definition of another existing map within the current one.

Map selector via dropdown menu.

Rename / copy

Creates a copy of the current map.

New map's name input.


Erases the current map definition.



Download the current definition of the map to a local .json file.

Json file

Import (only in new maps)

Upload an existing map definition from a local .json file.

Json file

Add data sources

A data source is a query that you will be able to reuse in the configuration of a map. The data sources added are specific to the map you are creating.

To configure data sources on the configuration panel click on the data icon to add a new data source and a form display. Click on Create a data source. You need to use LinnQ format for the data source query. You can also create a data source from the field you select the data source.

Add entities

On the configuration, panel click on the + button to add a new entity to the map, and a form displays with all the necessary parameters that you need to set.

There are three different tabs to configure:

Linking entities

Once you have created at least two entities in the map editor, then it is possible to link them to impact rules.

To link an entity you have to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the source entity. The entity highlights and the + green icon appears.

  2. Click on the + icon. Keep the button pressed and draw it to its destination.

  3. Release the button.

To unlink entities follow these steps:

  1. Click on the arrow that connects the entities to another one.

  2. Click on the paper bin icon at the top of the screen.


The relationship you are establishing is based upon impact. That means links should be read as source entity impacts the status of the targetted entity.

Linking entities using link criteria

The mechanism described in the Linking entities section is the standard method to link entities in an any-to-any. The following table of results shall be expected when linking entities using this approach:

Cardinality of source entity

Cardinality of target entity

Expected result

Cardinality of source entity

Cardinality of target entity

Expected result

One (for example no discovery key defined or only one entity value discovered).


The established link is rendered as a one-to-one relationship


Many (for example, a discovery key has been defined and there are multiple discovered entities)

Single one-to-one links are rendered, one per discovered target entity



Single one-to-one links are rendered, one per discovered source entity



Full all to all relationships mesh

The procedure to implement linking criteria is as follows:

Assign relative weight

It is possible to assign a relative weight to the established linked. The link weight is used in the calculation of the final score for auto entities, more specifically, as a multiplier to the normalized value of the underlying child node.

For example, if an auto parent entity called Server had two child nodes ('CPU' and ‘Memory’) implemented as KPIs and linked to the parent entity, the overall status score for Server would be automatically calculated using the normalized values for ‘CPU’ and ‘Memory’ and then by applying the weighting factor for each of the two nodes.

If the specified weight for ‘Memory’ were 0, then the overall score of the Server entity would be a normalized version of the ‘CPU’ metric alone. The weight value can be specified either by a static number (for example, 1, 0, 0.5, etc.) or as the result of a query using the Dynamic weight input field. Use that dropdown to specify a query whose evaluated numeric result will be the applicable weighting factor for the link.

Summary view

Summary views consist of a reduced number of high-level entities and metrics displayed on a background image that condenses all information calculated by Service Operations in an efficient, easy-to-interpret interface.

It is possible to create and navigate through different levels of visualizations. While the first level of the Summary always corresponds to the level-1 entities defined with such visualization type, users can navigate to a second and subsequent level by linking level-2, and level-3 entities to the parent ones and defining them also with the Summary value in their respective Visualization type input.

For each entity defined as Summary in the Visualization type, a green box will be shown on the screen, with a sample value and unit text (0 unit). The size of the boxes is easily modifiable by dragging and dropping them with the mouse. Click on the blue box and drag it through the screen to position it in its wished location on top of the defined background image.

A double-click action on the blue boxes will, on its side, show the Summary Mode Settings form for the selected entity:



Value type



Value type


Elements to be displayed in the summary item:

  • value

  • unit

  • name

  • chart

Each entity can be configured to be displayed as a combination of those elements, with value being the last evaluated numeric value of the entity, unit the textual description of the numeric value, name to make the node name visible.

List of combinable values

Chart (able with Chart element)

Number of graphical widgets to display the entity’s value: gauge or sparkline.

List of charts:

  • Gauge

  • Sparkline

Sparkline color (able with Sparkline chart element)

Color of the sparkline on the data square

Color picker

Summary node background image

The image of the background image for the child nodes in the topology level n+1 will correspond to the background defined in their parent node (level n).

URL to an image resource.


Specific the width of the data square



Specific the height of the data square


Font color

Text font color of the value and unit fields

Color picker

Font size

Text font size of the value and unit fields



Alignment of the value and unit fields

List of predefined values.

Blink with statuses

If the entity reports any of the statuses listed in this input (e.g., ‘critical’), ‘value’ and ‘unit’ fields will be displayed as blinking text).

List of predefined values.

Warning status color

Text color when the entity reports a warning status.

Color picker.

Critical status color

Text color when the entity reports a critical status.

Color picker.

Use borders / Border color

Border color of the selected node

  • Enable

  • Disable

Use background image / Background image URL

An image to the selected background node

  • Enable

  • Disable

  • URL to an image resource

Use background color / Background

Background color of the selected node

  • Enable

  • Disable

  • Color picker

X coord

Specific X coordinate point of the box with a value between 0 and 1000


Y coord

Specific Y coordinate point of the box with a value between 0 and 1000


Summary multicomponent nodes

There is the possibility to configure summary screens with component nodes. To do this, a node must be created with auto-discovery criteria and summary mode activated in its display settings, it is recommended to add an inventory query to ensure that there will be data to display at all times.

When navigating to a summary level with this type of nodes, an editing form will be enabled. This form allows you to execute the query indicated in the inventory query to add the components, you can also add them manually and remove components that no longer apply.



Initiating the data processor

In order to see the maps and be able to work with them, it is necessary to initiate the data processor jobs. To do this, it is necessary to go to Available Maps and click on the play icon.

Three options are displayed:

  • Sampling period seconds: the period of time in which we want to monitor a map.

  • Enable incidents module: enable or disable to init or stop the incidents identification processor.

  • Incidents events module: multiple selectors to active detection modules.