The tags beginning with api.ibm
identify events generated by APIs belonging to IBM.
Valid tags and data tables
The full tag must have 4 levels. The first two are fixed as api.ibm
. The third level identifies the type of events sent. The fourth level indicates the event subtype.
These are the valid tags and corresponding data tables that will receive the parsers' data:
Product / Service | Tags | Data tables |
IBM API Connect |
For more information, read more About Devo tags.
Table structure
These are the fields displayed in these tables:
Field | Type | Field transformation | Source field name | Extra fields |
eventdate |
hostname |
| vhost |
cluster |
| split(tag, '.', 4) | tag |
instance |
| split(tag, '.', 5) | tag |
eventType |
timestamp |
version |
assetId |
assetType |
client_geoip_area_code |
client_geoip_city_name |
client_geoip_continent_code |
client_geoip_country_code2 |
client_geoip_country_code3 |
client_geoip_country_name |
client_geoip_dma_code |
client_geoip_ip |
client_geoip_latitude |
client_geoip_location |
client_geoip_longitude |
client_geoip_postal_code |
client_geoip_real_region_name |
client_geoip_region_name |
client_geoip_timezone |
consumerOrgId |
datetime |
envId |
gateway_geoip_area_code |
gateway_geoip_city_name |
gateway_geoip_continent_code |
gateway_geoip_country_code2 |
gateway_geoip_country_code3 |
gateway_geoip_country_name |
gateway_geoip_dma_code |
gateway_geoip_ip |
gateway_geoip_latitude |
gateway_geoip_location |
gateway_geoip_longitude |
gateway_geoip_postal_code |
gateway_geoip_real_region_name |
gateway_geoip_region_name |
gateway_geoip_timezone |
headers_http_host |
headers_http_accept |
headers_http_version |
headers_http_connection |
headers_http_user_agent |
headers_content_type |
headers_content_length |
headers_request_path |
headers_request_method |
headers_request_uri |
host |
id |
message |
nlsMessage_key |
nlsMessage_resource |
nlsMessage_replacements_str |
| join(nlsMessage_replacements, ",") | nlsMessage_replacements |
notificationType |
orgId |
source |
tags_str |
| tags |
| |
userId |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |
Field | Type | Field transformation | Source field name | Extra fields |
eventdate |
hostname |
| vhost |
cluster |
| tag |
| |
instance |
| tag |
| |
timestamp |
version |
api_id |
api_name |
api_version |
app_id |
app_name |
app_type |
billing_amount |
billing_currency |
billing_model |
billing_provider |
billing_trial_period_days |
bytes_received |
bytes_sent |
catalog_id |
catalog_name |
client_geoip_area_code |
client_geoip_city_name |
client_geoip_continent_code |
client_geoip_country_code2 |
client_geoip_country_code3 |
client_geoip_country_name |
client_geoip_dma_code |
client_geoip_ip |
client_geoip_latitude |
client_geoip_location_str |
| client_geoip_location |
| |
client_geoip_longitude |
client_geoip_postal_code |
client_geoip_real_region_name |
client_geoip_region_name |
client_geoip_region_code |
client_geoip_timezone |
client_id |
client_ip |
datetime |
developer_org_id |
developer_org_name |
endpoint_url |
env_id |
env_name |
gateway_geoip_area_code |
gateway_geoip_city_name |
gateway_geoip_continent_code |
gateway_geoip_country_code2 |
gateway_geoip_country_code3 |
gateway_geoip_country_name |
gateway_geoip_dma_code |
gateway_geoip_ip |
gateway_geoip_latitude |
gateway_geoip_location_str |
| client_geoip_location |
| |
gateway_geoip_longitude |
gateway_geoip_postal_code |
gateway_geoip_real_region_name |
gateway_geoip_region_name |
gateway_geoip_region_code |
gateway_geoip_timezone |
gateway_ip |
headers_content_length |
headers_content_type |
headers_http_connection |
headers_http_host |
headers_http_organization |
headers_http_version |
headers_http_via |
headers_http_x_client_ip |
headers_http_x_forwarded_host |
headers_http_x_forwarded_for |
headers_http_x_forwarded_server |
headers_http_x_global_transaction_id |
headers_http__ws_haprt_wlmversion |
headers_request_method |
headers_request_path |
headers_request_uri |
host |
http_user_agent |
immediate_client_ip |
latency_info_started_str |
| latency_info_started |
| |
latency_info_task_str |
| latency_info_task |
| |
latency_info2_started_str |
| latency_info2_started |
| |
latency_info2_task_str |
| latency_info2_task |
| |
log_policy |
org_id |
org_name |
plan_id |
plan_name |
plan_version |
product_name |
product_title |
product_version |
query_string_str |
| query_string |
| |
rateLimit_rate_limit_limit |
rateLimit_rate_limit_count |
rateLimit_rate_limit_1_limit |
rateLimit_rate_limit_1_count |
rateLimit_rate_limit_2_limit |
rateLimit_rate_limit_2_count |
rateLimit_per_minute_limit |
rateLimit_per_minute_count |
request_body |
request_http_headers_accept_str |
| request_http_headers_accept |
| |
request_http_headers_accept_encoding_str |
| request_http_headers_accept_encoding |
| |
request_http_headers_host_str |
| request_http_headers_host |
| |
request_http_headers_user_agent_str |
| request_http_headers_user_agent |
| |
request_http_headers_via_str |
| request_http_headers_via |
| |
request_http_headers_x_client_ip_str |
| request_http_headers_x_client_ip |
| |
request_http_headers_x_global_transaction_id_str |
| request_http_headers_x_global_transaction_id |
| |
request_http_headers_x_lbx_trace_id_str |
| request_http_headers_x_lbx_trace_id |
| |
request_http_headers_user_fingerprint_str |
| request_http_headers_user_fingerprint |
| |
request_method |
request_protocol |
resource |
resource_id |
resource_path |
response_body |
response_http_headers_accept_str |
| response_http_headers_accept |
| |
response_http_headers_accept_encoding_str |
| response_http_headers_accept_encoding |
| |
response_http_headers_access_control_allow_credentials_str |
| response_http_headers_access_control_allow_credentials |
| |
response_http_headers_access_control_allow_methods_str |
| response_http_headers_access_control_allow_methods |
| |
response_http_headers_access_control_allow_origin_str |
| response_http_headers_access_control_allow_origin |
| |
response_http_headers_access_control_expose_headers_str |
| response_http_headers_access_control_expose_headers |
| |
response_http_headers_content_type_str |
| response_http_headers_content_type |
| |
response_http_headers_date_str |
| response_http_headers_date |
| |
response_http_headers_user_agent_str |
| response_http_headers_user_agent |
| |
response_http_headers_via_str |
| response_http_headers_via |
| |
response_http_headers_x_client_ip_str |
| response_http_headers_x_client_ip |
| |
response_http_headers_x_global_transaction_id_str |
| response_http_headers_x_global_transaction_id |
| |
status_code |
tags_str |
| tags |
| |
time_to_serve_request |
transaction_id |
uri_path |
space_id_str |
| space_id |
| |
space_name_str |
| space_name |
| |
developer_org_title |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |