The tags beginning with firewall.iptables
identify events generated by Linux iptables.
Valid tags and data tables
The full tag must have 3 levels. The first two are fixed as firewall.iptables
. The third level identifies the type of events sent.
These are the valid tags and corresponding data tables that will receive the parsers' data:
Product / Service | Tags | Data tables |
Linux kernel firewall - iptables |
For more information, read more About Devo tags.
Table structure
These are the fields displayed in this table:
Field | Type | Source field name | Extra fields |
eventdate |
host |
| vhost |
application |
stamp |
logtype |
srcIp |
dstIp |
srcPort |
dstPort |
ifaceIn |
ifaceOut |
srcMac |
dstMac |
etherType |
proto |
len |
window |
tos |
prec |
ttl |
id |
frag |
opt |
ceFlag |
dfFlag |
mfFlag |
seq |
ack |
res |
urgp |
urgFlag |
ackFlag |
pshFlag |
rstFlag |
synFlag |
finFlag |
protoOpt |
protoLen |
icmpType |
icmpCode |
icmpId |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| rawSource | ✓ |