The tables beginning with cef0.barracudanetworks
identify events in CEF format generated by Barracuda Networks.
Tag structure
Events in CEF format don't have a specific tag structure, as explained in Technologies supported in CEF syslog format. They are always sent to a table with the structure cef0.deviceVendor.deviceProduct.
In this case, the valid data tables are:
Tags | Data tables |
How is the data sent to Devo?
Learn more about CEF syslog format and how Devo tags these events in Technologies supported in CEF syslog format.
Field | Type | Source field name | Extra fields |
eventdate |
hostname |
priorityCode |
cefTag |
cefVersion |
embDeviceVendor |
embDeviceProduct |
deviceVersion |
signatureID |
name |
severity |
_cefVer |
dvc |
cs3Label |
deviceProcessName |
msg |
reason |
cs4Label |
cs1 |
ExternalId |
cs6 |
rt |
cs4 |
end |
out |
cs2Label |
cs5Label |
shost |
duser |
suser |
src |
act |
cs5 |
in |
cs6Label |
sourceServiceName |
start |
cs1Label |
categoryDeviceGroup |
dtz |
sourceZoneID |
slong |
deviceZoneID |
categoryObject |
eventAnnotationAuditTrail |
eventAnnotationVersion |
eventAnnotationModificationTime |
art |
categorySignificance |
eventId |
originalAgentAddress |
at |
mrt |
customerURI |
originalAgentZoneURI |
sourceZoneURI |
assetCriticality |
eventAnnotationFlags |
agt |
categoryBehavior |
sourceGeoCountryCode |
modelConfidence |
aid |
amac |
slat |
Severity |
relevance |
av |
eventAnnotationStageUpdateTime |
categoryOutcome |
locality |
ahost |
originalAgentVersion |
customerID |
atz |
originalAgentMacAddress |
originalAgentType |
flexString1 |
originalAgentId |
eventAnnotationManagerReceiptTime |
originalAgentHostName |
priority |
deviceZoneURI |
eventAnnotationEndTime |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| cefTag | ✓ |
rawMessage |
Field | Type | Source field name | Extra fields |
eventdate |
hostname |
priorityCode |
cefTag |
cefVersion |
embDeviceVendor |
embDeviceProduct |
deviceVersion |
signatureID |
name |
severity |
_cefVer |
app |
dst |
dpt |
in |
out |
requestMethod |
request |
rt |
src |
spt |
host |
httpStatus |
httpVersion |
logType |
query |
referer |
serverTime |
timeTaken |
userAgent |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| cefTag | ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |