About the autoparser
When data enters Devo through a non-standardized method, it cannot be automatically parsed at that moment of reception due to the lack of Devo tags to interpret its structure. However, it can still be parsed automatically thanks to the Autoparser. This functionality analyzes the data patterns in search of possible ways to parse your data, allowing you to choose the one you consider most adequate to resemble the originally intended structure.
How does it work?
The Autoparser uses internal logic to analyze the content of up to 200 sample events in an unparsed table in order to identify:
Non-alphanumeric ASCII characters that might be field delimiters.
Units of data that follow a common and fixed syntax; i.e. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, strings enclosed in quotation marks, floating-point decimal values, and more.
Based on this analysis, it recommends a selection of characters that are likely (and less likely) to be delimiters. You can then use the Autoparser controls to select the delimiters you need or analyze a different sample.
Delimiter analysis
The Autoparser will only offer as delimiters those characters that appear in all the 200 logs analyzed. For example, the comma will not be offered as a delimiter in the following set because the third element does not have any:
a, b, c, d // x, y, z // sampleLog
Invalid delimiters
The Autoparser never selects wrappers such as ()
, []
, {}
, ""
, ''
as delimiters, nor does it choose delimiters inside them.
What data do I need?
Tables | The table must be one of the following:
Events | Events must comply with the following conditions:
Disparate data If the events do not conform to these requirements, it may be impossible to extract a pattern and an error will pop up informing you that your data has been parsed with errors. This means that some fields could not be parsed properly and you will see To avoid this, you can parse this data manually using operations such as Split (split) and later create a custom table. For |
What permissions do I need?
To use this feature, you need two different permissions:
View level of the Finders permission. This permission is required to access a search, which is necessary to use the autoparser.
The Log autoparser permission. This permission is required to enable the option in the toolbar menu of the search window.