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Simple value widgets

About simple value widgets

Simple value widgets allow you to highlight a single KPI or datum of interest. This can be of any data type, but a common example would be the count or average value of a KPI.

This is useful when you want to put a spotlight on a KPI in your Activeboard.    

What data do I need for this widget?

Any kind of data will work but the query must indicate a single datum.

Widget settings

To edit the widget settings, you must first activate the Edit mode.

Click the widget title bar to open its settings. Alternatively, the settings are accessible via the Ellipsis icon → Properties. The widget settings are contained in three tabs, Data, Visual, and Raw.

The settings in the Data and Raw tabs are described in the Create a widget article. These are the Visual settings for the Simple Value widget:









Select the field you want to represent in the widget.


Number format

Select one of the following options:

  • Rounded - Rounds the value to the number of decimal places indicated in the Decimal places field (for example: 2.52931 → 2.53 if you enter 2 in the Decimal places field). This is the default option.

  • Original - Shows the original value with no decimal limitation.

  • Humanize millisecond duration - Considers the value as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds and transforms it into a human-readable string (for example: a few minutes, 12 hours...)

  • Seconds to DD HH:MM:SS - Considers the value as a Unix timestamp in seconds and transforms it into DD HH:MM:SS format.

  • Milliseconds to date - Considers the value as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds and gives you the corresponding UTC date.

  • Bytes - decimal base - Converts the value into a number of bytes using the decimal system (bytes), where 1kilobyte is equivalent to 1000bytes.

  • Bytes - binary base - Converts the value into a number of bytes using the binary system (bits), where 1kilobyte is equivalent to 1024bytes.

  • Scientific - Shows the value written in scientific notation.

  • Abbreviation - Formats values in thousands (K), millions (M)...

  • Add separators - Adds the thousand separator corresponding to your browser's locale to values with four or more digits.

  • Percentage - Multiplies the value by 100 and adds a percentage symbol.

  • Currency - Adds the currency symbol that corresponds to your browser's locale.

Decimal places

Specify the required number of decimal places to be shown when you select the Rounded option.



Select the default color of the KPI text. This may be overridden when a KPI meets the threshold condition. See the Conditions settings below.


Size (px)

The default font size of the widget text.


Sets the font weight used for displaying the KPI. Choose from Normal, Bold, and standard CSS font weights between 100 and 900.


Link format

Turn on to transform a value into a hyperlink.

Once activated, you can modify the link pattern. By default, the pattern will be $ value, where this value becomes a link.

The default URL protocol is https//: and other supported protocols are http, htpps and fttp.



Enter any characters that should appear before the KPI value in the widget.


Enter any characters that should appear after the KPI value in the widget.


The label will appear below the KPI in normal font weight and black characters.




Add conditional formatting to the appearance of this widget. Click the + icon to add a condition. Set the following fields for each condition.

Operator & Value

Specify the condition by combining the Operator with the Value. For the operator, choose from > (greater than), < (less than), = (equal to) or != (not equal to).


Select the color of the KPI text when the condition is true.

Background Color

Select the color of the widget background when the condition is true.

Icon Url

Enter the URL of the image you want to include in the widget when the condition is true.

Query example

This is the source query used and the fields mapped to generate the widget shown above:

query(from siem.logtrust.web.activity group every 30m select avg(responseTime) as avgResponseTime)

Fields: Value


Text: Label

avg response time

Condition 1

Red background when the average response time for each period is greater than 50.

  • Operator: > / Value: 50 / Background color: red

Condition 2

Green background when the average response time for each period is less than 50.

  • Operator: < / Value: 50 / Background color: green