Calling an input value from a widget

Calling an input value from a widget


Both types of inputs can be used as variable elements for widgets. To do this, it is necessary to introduce specific functions both in the widget and input data sources. Remember that you need to activate the edit mode for this.

  • The widget's query must reference the required input through a script placed in the part of the query you want to substitute with the input values. This script consists of the input ID, a dot, and the word value (InputID.value), and can be accompanied by an operator depending on the function the input values fulfill inside the query.

  • The input data source must reference the required functions that will translate into options to substitute the widget query with.

About IDs

All widget and input ID values are assigned automatically when created and can be read in the Data settings of the widget or input element.

Expressions and operators

Depending on the data to be entered in the input and their function inside the widget query, you can use the types of expressions and operators described below.

In the widget

In the input

In the widget

In the input


Use this expression in the widget query as a placeholder for whole queries.

Enter the required query in the input and the widget will display the query results.




Input0 → from demo.ecommerce data where method = GET


Use the $ operator in the widget query to indicate that the text specified in the input has a specific format and matches that of the parameter to be replaced. This is used as a placeholder for specific values, which is mostly required in the case of filter operations.

Enter the required filtering options in the input and the widget will display the result of the filter operation.



query(from demo.ecommerce.data
where method=$Input0.value)


Input0 → GET, POST, PUT


Use the $* operator in the widget query to indicate that the text specified in the input has no specific format and is just a string of characters to replace query options or fields instead of specific values. This is used as a placeholder for whole query parts or fields.

Enter the required query part or field in the input and the widget will display the results.


query(from $*Select0.value
group every $*Select1.value
by $*Select2.value)


Select0 → demo.ecommerce.data, siem.logtrust.web.activity

Select1 → 10m, 20m,30m

Select2 → method, locale, username

These expressions will make your widgets show data according to the content introduced in the inputs referenced in their queries, however, they will not show anything until the input contains valid values. If you want them to show content prior to manual selection, you can further configure them as explained in the following article: Show data in widgets before entering values in inputs


You can use multiple inputs simultaneously to generate a widget able to display different sets of data with just a few clicks. Below are some examples that may help you better understand the potential of inputs.

Use the following query in a table widget to create a dynamic table that allows you to specify the source data table, the grouping period, and the grouping key.

query( from $*Select0.value group every $*Select1.value by $*Select2.value select count() as count)

The table is linked to three different Select-type inputs populated with the values shown below.







["siem.logtrust.web.activity", "siem.logtrust.web.navigation"]

[“1m”, “2m”, “5m”, “10m”]

[“type”, “city”]

The following capture shows the table after selecting siem.logtrust.web.activity as source table, 5m as grouping time and type as key column for the grouping.

Use the following query to feed a column widget to display the count of methods with response times greater than a specified value and grouped by a period selected from a list of values.

query(from siem.logtrust.web.activity where responseTime > $*Input0.value group every $*Select0.value by method select count() as count)

The inputs are populated with the values shown below.





["5m", "10m", "15m"]


The following capture shows the column widget after selecting 15m in the select input as grouping period and entering 500 in the free-text input as filtering value, so that only methods with response times greater than 500 are shown in each five-minute. You must select the count field as the y-axis value and add the method field as a series in the Visual settings of the column widget.


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