Triaging alerts
Alerts that match the criteria of the filters applied will appear at the top of the Triage area after clicking the Filter button.
Depending on how you group the alerts filtered, that is, the option you choose in the Group by setting, the results will be displayed in a different way. See below the things you can do in each specific case.
No grouping
This option will show alerts displayed individually in the results table.
1 | Click the arrow next to each alert ID to show the entities related to the alert. |
2 | Click to copy the alert ID to your clipboard. |
3 | Click the alert description to see more details about the alert. Learn more about this view here. |
4 | Change the status of the alert. |
5 | Assign the alert to a specific user in the domain. |
6 | Add a comment to the alert. |
7 | Add the alert to the investigation list. |
Alerts grouped by entity
This option will retrieve groups of triggered alerts that have a set of entities in common. You will see a set of common entities with the corresponding alerts below it, as shown in the picture below:
1 | Check the diversity and count of the alert properties in the group. |
2 | Number of triggered alerts in the group. |
3 | Click to see more details about each triggered alert in the group. Learn more about this view here. |
4 | See more details about this entity. |
5 | Change the status of the alerts in the group. |
6 | Add tags to this alert group. |
7 | Add the alert to the investigation list. |
8 | This icon indicates that this alert group has been added to an investigation. |
Alerts grouped by type
This option will retrieve groups of alerts that have the same type, priority and ATT&CK tactic/technique.
1 | Number of triggered alerts in the group. |
2 | Click to check the alerts in the group. |
3 | Click the ID to see more details about the alert. Learn more about this view here. |
4 | Click to copy the alert ID to your clipboard. |
5 | Change the status of this alert. |
6 | Assign the alert to a specific user in the domain. |
7 | Add tags to this alert. |
8 | See more details about this entity. |
9 | Add this group of alerts alert to the investigation list. |
10 | Change the status of all the alerts in the group. You can also add a comment to indicate the update in the same window that appears. |
11 | Add a comment to the alert. |
12 | Add the alert to the investigation list. |
After filtering alerts, users can perform the following actions:
Run an investigation from a filter
After applying a filter in the Triage area, you can create an investigation based on a single alert or a group of suspicious alerts by clicking the Add to investigation button (see where to find it depending on how you’re filtering alerts in the section above).
All the alerts added to an investigation in this way will be stored in the Investigation list, which you can access by clicking the paper clip icon at the top right of the application.
Note that the investigation will not be created until you click the paper clip icon, select the required elements, and define the required investigation. Learn more about this in the Investigations section.
Check the details of a group of alerts
After filtering alerts in the Triage area, you can get both individual alerts or groups of alerts. In the case of groups, you can see the number of alerts in the group by checking the number in the lightning icon next to each group.
To obtain more details about the alerts in each group, click the name of the group in the Description column (if you are not grouping your alerts or grouping them by entities), or the alert ID (if you’re grouping alerts by type).
You will access a window that shows a description in the top area, and different areas: