Abnormal Security

Abnormal Security

[ 1 Connect Abnormal Security with Devo SOAR ] [ 2 Actions for Abnormal Security ] [ 2.1 List Threats ] [ 2.1.1 Input Field ] [ 2.1.2 Output ] [ 2.2 Manage Threat ] [ 2.2.1 Input Field ] [ 2.2.2 Output ] [ 2.3 List Cases ] [ 2.3.1 Input Field ] [ 2.3.2 Output ] [ 2.4 Manage Case ] [ 2.4.1 Input Field ] [ 2.4.2 Output ] [ 2.5 Threat Intel (Beta) ] [ 2.5.1 Input Field ] [ 2.5.2 Output ] [ 2.6 Case Report Misjudgement ] [ 2.6.1 Input Field ] [ 2.6.2 Output ] [ 3 Release Notes ]

Abnormal Security is for managing threats to an organisation identified by Abnormal Security. The organisation should be integrated with Abnormal Security and enabled for real-time detection of malicious emails.

Connect Abnormal Security with Devo SOAR

  1. Navigate to Automations > Integrations.

  2. Search for Abnormal Security.

  3. Click Details, then the + icon. Enter the required information in the following fields.

  4. Label: Enter a connection name.

  5. Reference Values: Define variables here to templatize integration connections and actions. For example, you can use https://www.{{hostname}}.com where, hostname is a variable defined in this input. For more information on how to add data, see 'Add Data' Input Type for Integrations.

  6. Verify SSL: Select option to verify connecting server's SSL certificate (Default is Verify SSL Certificate).

  7. Remote Agent: Run this integration using the Devo SOAR Remote Agent.

  8. API Key: The API key required for authentication with Abnormal Security APIs.

  9. After you've entered all the details, click Connect.

Actions for Abnormal Security

List Threats

Fetches a list of the IDs of the top 100 threats identified in Threat Log.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input Name



Input Name




Jinja-templated text containing the value of filter. Example: receivedTime gte 2020-01-01T01:01:01Z lte {{time}}



Number of results to fetch (Default is 100000). Has no effect if filter is not specified. Example: 100


Extra params

Jinja-templated text containing the JSON of params to be sent. Example: {"subject":"sub1","topic":"Abnormal Activity"}



An array of objects containing information about the threatId.

``` {json}{ "error":null, "has_error":false, "threatId":"6124bd9c-9f4e-c0a8-3994-43a7a7e87f3f" }

## Threat Details Get details of a threat by threat ID. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :--------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Threat ID | Column name from the parent table containing UUID of the threat. | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing information about the threat. ``` {json}{ "threatId":"424ca4a6-9bb9-d0f5-1683-c77d262e6ee0", "messages":[ { "threatId":"424ca4a6-9bb9-d0f5-1683-c77d262e6ee0", "autoRemediated":false, "postRemediated":false, "attackType":"Reconnaissance", "attackStrategy":"Unknown Sender", "returnPath":"romanoanna@hotmail.com", "replyToEmails":[ ], "ccEmails":[ ], "senderIpAddress":"", "impersonatedParty":"None / Others", "attackVector":"Text", "attachmentNames":[ ], "summaryInsights":[ "Unusual Sender" ], "remediationTimestamp":"2021-02-19T15:59:38Z", "isRead":false, "attackedParty":"Employee (other)", "abxMessageId":-7922944339592178420, "abxPortalUrl":"https://portal.abnormalsecurity.com/home/threat-center/remediation-history/-7922944339592178420", "subject":"test", "fromAddress":"romanoanna@hotmail.com", "fromName":"Anna Romano", "toAddresses":"anna@example.ca", "recipientAddress":"anna@example.ca", "receivedTime":"2021-02-19T15:59:34Z", "sentTime":"2021-02-19T15:59:30Z", "internetMessageId":"<DM6PR13MB4068A0D738E4A2DF61CBFF27DF849@DM6PR13MB4068.namprd13.prod.outlook.com>", "urls":[ ] } ], "error":null, "has_error":false }

Manage Threat

Use this action to remediate or unremediate a threat. If the request is found to be something that can be processed, the server will an actionId and status URL in the response. This can be used to check the status of the request.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input Name



Input Name



Threat ID

Column name from the parent table containing UUID of the threat.



Select action that is to be taken on this threat. Default is Remediate



A JSON object containing information about the threat.

``` {json}{ "action_id":"3f506ad7-ed61-4b4a-8d5f-b842b48116d8", "status_url":"http://api.abnormalplatform.com/v1/threats/424ca4a6-9bb9-d0f5-1683-c77d262e6ee0/actions/3f506ad7-ed61-4b4a-8d5f-b842b48116d8", "error":null, "has_error":false }

## Threat Action Status Check the status of an action requested on a threat. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :--------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Threat ID | Column name from the parent table containing UUID of the threat. | Required | | Action ID | Column name from the parent table containing action ID for a threat. | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing information about the current status of the action performed on the threat. ``` {json}{ "status":"done", "description":"The request was completed successfully", "error":null, "has_error":false }

List Cases

A list of the top 100 cases identified in Abnormal Cases.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created to complete the connection.


An array of JSON object containing information about the caseId.

``` {json}{ "caseId":96609, "error":null, "has_error":false, "severity":"Suspicious Account Activity" }

## Case Details Get details of an abnormal case. ### Input Field Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection. | Input Name | Description | Required | | :--------- | :---------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | Case ID | Column name from the parent table containing case ID. | Required | ### Output A JSON object containing information about the case. ``` {json}{ "caseId":96609, "severity":"Suspicious Account Activity", "affectedEmployee":"test@example.ca", "firstObserved":"2021-02-17T09:00:13Z", "error":null, "has_error":false }

Manage Case

Use this action to acknowledge or take another remediation action on a case. If the request is found to be something that can be processed, the server will return an actionId and status URL in the response. This can be used to check the status of the request.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input Name



Input Name



Case ID

Column name from the parent table containing case ID.



Jinja-templated text containing action that is to be taken on this case.


Example: {{column_from_parent}}




A JSON object containing information about the action ID of the action that was performed.

``` {json}{ "action_id":"48244c42-a1a5-42f6-9c2d-3783bd67c554", "status_url":"http://api.abnormalplatform.com/v1/cases/96609/actions/48244c42-a1a5-42f6-9c2d-3783bd67c554", "error":null, "has_error":false }

Threat Intel (Beta)

Action to get the latest threat intel feed.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created to complete the connection.


Feed of threat intelligence in Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) format.

Case Report Misjudgement

To report a false negative or a false positive judgement by Abnormal Security.

Input Field

Choose a connection that you have previously created and then fill in the necessary information in the following input fields to complete the connection.

Input Name



Input Name



Report Type

Jinja-templated text containing report type Example: {{parent_table_report_type}}.



Jinja-templated text containing reporter Example: {{parent_table_reporter}}.



Jinja-templated text subject Example: {{parent_table_subject}}.


Recipient Email Address

Jinja-templated text containing recipient email address. Example: {{parent_table_recipient_email_address}}.


Sender Email Address

Jinja-templated text containing sender email address. Example: {{[parent_table_sender_email_address}}.



A JSON object containing information.

``` {json}{ "detail":"Thank you for your feedback! We have sent your inquiry to our support staff.", "error":null, "has_error":false }

Release Notes

  • v2.0.0 - Updated architecture to support IO via filesystem

  • v1.3.1 - Added Get Detection 360 Report action.

  • v1.2.1 - Added Extra params optional field in List Threats action.

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