Geolocated Region Name (mmregionname)

Geolocated Region Name (mmregionname)


Geolocates an IPv4 address and returns its corresponding region name.

This operation returns data for public IP addresses. If an IP is private, it will return null.

How does it work in the search window?

This operation needs only one argument:


Data type


Data type

Ip mandatory


The data type of the new column is string.


We want to get the region names corresponding to the IP addresses in ourclientIpAddress column, so we click Create column and select the Geolocated Region Name operation. Select clientIpAddress as the argument and assign a name to the new column - let's call it regionName.

You will get the following result:

How does it work in LINQ?

Use the operator select... as...  and add the operation syntax to create the new column. 

  • mmregionname(ip)


Copy the following LINQ script and try the above example on the demo.ecommerce.data table. 

from demo.ecommerce.data select mmregionname(clientIpAddress) as regionName