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Sankey diagram


This is a flow diagram from source to target where the width of the arrows is proportional to the flow quantity.

What data do I need for this widget?

The option to create this chart will be disabled unless your query contains at least three columns, one of them with numeric values. Furthermore, to show meaningful content on the chart, you must group your data.

Creating a sankey diagram

Working with sankey diagrams

Hover over a flow arrow to highlight it and view a tooltip with the variables it connects and the value. Hover over a variable segment on the left or on the right to highlight the set of flow arrows coming to or departing from it as well as the sum of the values.

Click on Stats to show/hide the explanatory information displayed at the top and bottom of the diagram about the links, joins, grouping and nodes.

Click on the button at the top right of the diagram to export the content as a CSV file.

Query example

You can recreate the example shown in the picture above with the data from the following query and mapping the fields as follows:

from group every 5m by method, statusCode, bytesTransferred every 5m

Required field

Column added

Required field

Column added





