Search history

Search history

In the Devo web application, select Data Search → Search History to browse searches previously run and filter them during a specific time period.

You can perform the following operations in the Search History area:

Some of these tasks can be performed only on your own searches because they imply a change in the status of the search. It is the case of those tasks related to blocking, the aliased finder and favorites.

The rest of the tasks are meant for information check and can be performed on any search regardless of the person who originally run it. It is the case of filtering, opening and copying.

Filter the search history list

There are different ways to filter the search history list:

  • Select the icons at the top to show only blocked searches

    searches added to your aliased finder

    or favorite searches

  • Click slider at the top to show only those searches accessed by you (User searches) or those accessed in the domain (Account searches).

  • Use the time buttons at the top to filter the searches accessed within a specific time period up to that moment; from the last hour to the last year.

  • You can also type in text in the search box and select Filter. The table will only display those searches containing the string you entered in their alias, table name or user who defined the search. Click Clear filter to show all the favorite searches again.

  • Add tags to the searches to easily filter them on the list.

    • Add tags → Hover over the desired search row, select the  icon that appears at the end of it and select Add Tag. Alternatively, you can simply click under the Tags column. An extra row appears below for you to manage the tags for that search. Click the Add tag field, type in a keyword and click the + icon.

    • Filter by tag →  The existing tags appear above the table, in the Tags section. Click one to activate it and filter the table accordingly. You can select several tags to display only those searches tagged with all of them. Alternatively, you can make the extra row appear and click one of the tags applied to that search to activate it as a filter for the whole table.
      Tags created here are also shown in the tags section of the favorite searches for you to use them as filters.

You can combine different criteria to narrow the results of your filter. For example, you can filter those recent searches that are added to the aliased finder, have been accessed during the last day, are tagged with "demo" and whose alias contains "commerce".

Open a search

You can open a search to check its data by clicking on the name. If you want to open the full search with all the operations performed, click on the name under the Alias column. If you want to open the original table click on the name under the Table Name column.

Add or remove a search to or from your favorite searches

Select the  icon in the required search row to add the search to your favorite searches. Click the icon again to remove the search from your favorite searches.

See Favorite searches to learn more.

Add or remove a search to or from your aliased finder

Select the  icon in the required search row to add the search to your aliased finder. Click the icon again to remove the search from the aliased finder.

See Use the aliased finder to learn more.

Copy a query to clipboard

You can copy a query to use it somewhere else. Hover over the name under the Alias column, click the icon that appears next to it and a dialog with the full query will show. Click the copy button on the right side and a pop-up message will confirm it.

Copy a search ID to clipboard

Instead of copying the search, you can copy the search ID, which you can use for APIs. Select the  icon and click Copy search ID to clipboard. A pop-up will confirm it has been copied.

Block or unblock a search

Select the  icon in the required search row to block it, avoiding any modification in the search. Click the icon again to unblock the search.

See Block a search to learn more.

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