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Custom date chart aggregation


This chart displays numerical values in a timeline based on a date other than the Eventdate, which indicates the moment the event was received by Devo.

What data do I need for this widget?

The option to create this chart will be disabled unless your query groups events containing at least one numerical column. Furthermore, the grouping must be without a temporal option (no time-based grouping) and contain a timestamp column in order to have suitable data to complete de chart.

Creating a custom date chart aggregation

Working with chart aggregations

Hover over a point of the chart to see a tooltip with all the values.

Click the sliders and dropdown at the top of the chart to operate with the following options:

  • Null to zeros: when this option is activated, the chart will not show graphical representation for the points with zero values and the connections to them. 

  • Accumulate: activating this option will stack all the values of each variable over time. This way the last value will be the sum of all the previous values.

  • Limit Series: activating or deactivating this option makes the diagram show only the most significant values or all of them.

  • Period: this option will show the results over the selected period of time. The period will be the latest available in the specified time range.

Query example

You can recreate the example shown in the picture above with the data from the following query and mapping the fields as follows:


Required field

Column added


Required field

Column added

from select parsedate(timestamp, "DD/MMM/YYYY:hh:mm:ss +SSSS") as timeStampParsed group by bytesTransferred, timeStampParsed every -

Custom Date


