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titleExamples of time expressions

Let's suppose the current time (which we refer to as "now()") is Sunday, 05 February 2017, 13:37:05. The table below shows the resulting time when different expressions are applied. Note that this isn't an exhaustive list:

Time expression


Resulting time

now() - 60m

60 minutes ago

Sunday, 05 February 2017, 12:37:05

now() @ 1h

Now (rounded to the beginning of the hour)

Sunday, 05 February 2017, 13:00:00

now() - 24h

24 hours ago

Saturday, 04 February 2017, 13:37:05

(now() - 1d) @ 1d

Yesterday (rounded to the beginning of the day)

Saturday, 04 February 2017, 00:00:00

(now() - 2d) @ 1d

2 days ago (rounded to the beginning of the day)

Friday, 03 February 2017, 00:00:00

(now() - 2d) @ 1m

2 days ago (rounded to the beginning of the minute)

Friday, 03 February 2017, 13:37:00

((now() - 2d) @ 1d) - 2h

2 days ago (rounded to the beginning of the day minus 2 hours)

Thursday, 02 February 2017, 22:00:00

now() @ 1w

Locale week

Sunday, 05 February 2017, 00:00:00

now() @ 1W

ISO week

Monday, 30 January 2017, 00:00:00

now() ^ 6d

Replace the day with 6

Monday, 06 February 2017, 13:37:05

now() ^ 2018y3M6d15h30m20s

Replaces the year with 2018
Replaces the month with 3
Replaces the day with 6
Replaces the hour with 15
Replaces the minutes with 30
Replaces the seconds with 20

Tuesday, 06 March 2018, 15:30:20

now() >> 2M

Forward to next second month

Monday, 05 February 2018, 13:37:05

now() << 2M

Backward to previous second month

Friday, 05 February 2016, 13:37:05

now() >> 2M6d15h20m10s

Forward to next second month, sixth day, fifteenth hour, twentieth minute and 10 seconds

Tuesday, 06 February 2018, 15:20:10

now() << 1h/1d

Goes back to the first hour of the current day. Minutes and seconds don't change.

Sunday, 05 February 2017, 01:37:05


  1. Click Filter at the top and a menu opens below.

  2. Type or select a value in the field you want to use as filtering criteria.

    • Some of the fields admit several options. This will find alerts that match one or the other.

    • Several fields can be used at the same time. This will find alerts that match all of them.

  3. Click Apply when you finish choosing the filtering criteria. All the filters applied appear below and the alerts will be filtered accordingly.

    • To reset them, remove them individually by clicking the X next to each of them or click Clear all.


Search triggered alerts by ID

Every triggered alert is assigned a unique ID at the time it’s generated, which can be used to find it. Simply click the Search alert by ID button above the new alerts counter, at the top right of the screen.

Inserting an ID automatically triggers a validity check, and upon confirmation of its validity, you can proceed by clicking the Search button to open its details window.


Related articles:

Child pages (Children Display)
pageVisualize triggered alerts