The table cef0.paloAltoNetworks identifies events in CEF format generated by Palo Alto.
Tag structure
Events in CEF format don’t have a specific tag structure, as explained in Technologies supported in CEF syslog format. They are always sent to a table with the structure cef0.deviceVendor.deviceProduct.
Tag | Data table |
CEF | cef0.paloAltoNetworks.panOs |
CEF | cef0.paloAltoNetworks.lf |
CEF | cef0.paloAltoNetworks.cortexXdrAgent |
CEF | cef0.paloAltoNetworks.paloAltoNetworksCortexXsoar |
Table structure
This is the set displayed by these tables.
Field | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate |
| - |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
hostname |
| - |
priorityCode |
| - |
cefTag |
| - |
cefVersion |
| - |
embDeviceVendor |
| - |
embDeviceProduct |
| - |
deviceVersion |
| - |
signatureID |
| - |
name |
| - |
severity |
| - |
_cefVer |
| - |
act |
| - |
app |
| - |
cat |
| - |
cn1Label |
| - |
cn1 |
| - |
cn2Label |
| - |
cn2 |
| - |
cn3Label |
| - |
cn3 |
| - |
cnt |
| - |
cs1Label |
| - |
cs1 |
| - |
cs2Label |
| - |
cs2 |
| - |
cs3Label |
| - |
cs3 |
| - |
cs4Label |
| - |
cs4 |
| - |
cs5Label |
| - |
cs5 |
| - |
cs6Label |
| - |
cs6 |
| - |
destinationTranslatedAddress |
| - |
destinationTranslatedPort |
| - |
deviceExternalId |
| - |
deviceInboundInterface |
| - |
deviceOutboundInterface |
| - |
dst |
| - |
duser |
| - |
dvchost |
| - |
dvc |
| - |
externalId |
| - |
filePath |
| - |
fileType |
| - |
fname |
| - |
in |
| - |
msg |
| - |
out |
| - |
proto |
| - |
request |
| - |
rt |
| - |
sourceTranslatedAddress |
| - |
sourceTranslatedPort |
| - |
spt |
| - |
src |
| - |
start |
| - |
suser |
| - |
agt |
| - |
ahost |
| - |
aid |
| - |
arcSightEventPath |
| - |
art |
| - |
assetCriticality |
| - |
at |
| - |
atz |
| - |
av |
| - |
catdt |
| - |
categoryBehavior |
| - |
categoryDeviceGroup |
| - |
categoryObject |
| - |
categoryOutcome |
| - |
customerID |
| - |
customerURI |
| - |
destinationAssetId |
| - |
destinationGeoCountryCode |
| - |
destinationGeoLocationInfo |
| - |
destinationGeoPostalCode |
| - |
destinationGeoRegionCode |
| - |
destinationZoneExternalID |
| - |
destinationZoneID |
| - |
destinationZoneURI |
| - |
deviceAssetId |
| - |
deviceFacility |
| - |
deviceSeverity |
| - |
deviceZoneID |
| - |
deviceZoneURI |
| - |
dlat |
| - |
dlong |
| - |
dpt |
| - |
dtz |
| - |
eventAnnotationAuditTrail |
| - |
eventAnnotationEndTime |
| - |
eventAnnotationEventId |
| - |
eventAnnotationFlags |
| - |
eventAnnotationManagerReceiptTime |
| - |
eventAnnotationModificationTime |
| - |
eventAnnotationStageID |
| - |
eventAnnotationStageUpdateTime |
| - |
eventAnnotationStageURI |
| - |
eventAnnotationVersion |
| - |
eventId |
| - |
flexNumber1 |
| - |
flexNumber1Label |
| - |
flexString1 |
| - |
flexString1Label |
| - |
flexString2 |
| - |
flexString2Label |
| - |
generatorID |
| - |
locality |
| - |
modelConfidence |
| - |
mrt |
| - |
priority |
| - |
relevance |
| - |
slat |
| - |
slong |
| - |
sourceAssetId |
| - |
sourceGeoCountryCode |
| - |
sourceGeoLocationInfo |
| - |
sourceGeoPostalCode |
| - |
sourceGeoRegionCode |
| - |
sourceTranslatedZoneExternalID |
| - |
sourceTranslatedZoneID |
| - |
sourceTranslatedZoneURI |
| - |
sourceZoneExternalID |
| - |
sourceZoneID |
| - |
sourceZoneURI |
| - |
type |
| - |
tag |
| ✓ |
Field | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate |
| - |
hostname |
| - |
priorityCode |
| - |
cefTag |
| - |
cefVersion |
| - |
embDeviceVendor |
| - |
embDeviceProduct |
| - |
deviceVersion |
| - |
signatureID |
| - |
name |
| - |
severity |
| - |
_cefVer |
| - |
act |
| - |
app |
| - |
cat |
| - |
c6a1Label |
| - |
c6a1 |
| - |
cn1Label |
| - |
cn1 |
| - |
cn2Label |
| - |
cn2 |
| - |
cn3Label |
| - |
cn3 |
| - |
cnt |
| - |
cs1Label |
| - |
cs1 |
| - |
cs2Label |
| - |
cs2 |
| - |
cs3Label |
| - |
cs3 |
| - |
cs4Label |
| - |
cs4 |
| - |
cs5Label |
| - |
cs5 |
| - |
cs6Label |
| - |
cs6 |
| - |
destinationServiceName |
| - |
destinationTranslatedAddress |
| - |
destinationTranslatedPort |
| - |
deviceExternalId |
| - |
deviceInboundInterface |
| - |
deviceOutboundInterface |
| - |
dhost |
| - |
dst |
| - |
dpt |
| - |
duser |
| - |
dvchost |
| - |
end |
| - |
externalId |
| - |
fileId |
| - |
fname |
| - |
in |
| - |
msg |
| - |
out |
| - |
proto |
| - |
reason |
| - |
requestClientApplication |
| - |
requestMethod |
| - |
requestContext |
| - |
request |
| - |
rt |
| - |
dtz |
| - |
shost |
| - |
sourceTranslatedAddress |
| - |
sourceTranslatedPort |
| - |
src |
| - |
spt |
| - |
start |
| - |
suser |
| - |
flexString2 |
| - |
flexString2Label |
| - |
PanOSAttemptedGateways |
| - |
PanOSAuthMethod |
| - |
PanOSBytes |
| - |
PanOSChunksReceived |
| - |
PanOSChunksSent |
| - |
PanOSChunksTotal |
| - |
PanOSConfigVersion |
| - |
PanOSConnectionError |
| - |
PanOSConnectionErrorID |
| - |
PanOSConnectionMethod |
| - |
PanOSContainerID |
| - |
PanOSContainerName |
| - |
PanOSContainerNameSpace |
| - |
PanOSContentVersion |
| - |
PanOSCountOfRepeats |
| - |
PanOSDescription |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceCategory |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceHost |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceMac |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceModel |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceOSFamily |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceOSVersion |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceProfile |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDeviceVendor |
| - |
PanOSDestinationDynamicAddressGroup |
| - |
PanOSDestinationEDL |
| - |
PanOSDestinationLocation |
| - |
PanOSDestinationUUID |
| - |
PanOSDeviceGroup |
| - |
PanOSDeviceName |
| - |
PanOSDeviceSN |
| - |
PanOSDGHierarchyLevel1 |
| - |
PanOSDGHierarchyLevel2 |
| - |
PanOSDGHierarchyLevel3 |
| - |
PanOSDGHierarchyLevel4 |
| - |
PanOSDynamicUserGroupName |
| - |
PanOSEndpointAssociationID |
| - |
PanOSEndpointDeviceName |
| - |
PanOSEndpointOSType |
| - |
PanOSEndpointOSVersion |
| - |
PanOSEndpointSerialNumber |
| - |
PanOSEndpointSN |
| - |
PanOSEventDescription |
| - |
PanOSEventIDValue |
| - |
PanOSEventResult |
| - |
PanOSEventStatus |
| - |
PanOSEventTime |
| - |
PanOSGateway |
| - |
PanOSGatewayPriority |
| - |
PanOSGatewaySelectionType |
| - |
PanOSGlobalProtectClientVersion |
| - |
PanOSGlobalProtectGatewayLocation |
| - |
| - |
PanOSHASessionOwner |
| - |
PanOSHipMatchType |
| - |
PanOSHostID |
| - |
PanOSHTTP2Connection |
| - |
PanOSHTTPHeaders |
| - |
| - |
| - |
PanOSInlineMLVerdict |
| - |
PanOSLinkChangeCount |
| - |
PanOSLinkSwitches |
| - |
PanOSLoginDuration |
| - |
PanOSNSSAINetworkSliceDifferentiator |
| - |
PanOSNSSAINetworkSliceType |
| - |
PanOSPacketsReceived |
| - |
PanOSPacketsSent |
| - |
PanOSParentSessionID |
| - |
PanOSParentStarttime |
| - |
PanOSPortal |
| - |
PanOSPrivateIPv4 |
| - |
PanOSPrivateIPv6 |
| - |
PanOSPublicIPv4 |
| - |
PanOSPublicIPv6 |
| - |
PanOSQuarantineReason |
| - |
PanOSReferer |
| - |
| - |
PanOSSDWANCluster |
| - |
PanOSSDWANClusterType |
| - |
PanOSSDWANDeviceType |
| - |
PanOSSDWANPolicyName |
| - |
| - |
PanOSSequenceNo |
| - |
PanOSSessionStartTime |
| - |
PanOSSigFlags |
| - |
PanOSSource |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceCategory |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceHost |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceMac |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceModel |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceOSFamily |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceOSVersion |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceProfile |
| - |
PanOSSourceDeviceVendor |
| - |
PanOSSourceDynamicAddressGroup |
| - |
PanOSSourceEDL |
| - |
PanOSSourceLocation |
| - |
PanOSSourceRegion |
| - |
PanOSSourceUser |
| - |
PanOSSourceUserName |
| - |
PanOSSourceUUID |
| - |
PanOSSSLResponseTime |
| - |
PanOSStage |
| - |
PanOSTag |
| - |
PanOSTemplate |
| - |
PanOSThreatID |
| - |
PanOSThreatCategory |
| - |
PanOSTimeGeneratedHighResolution |
| - |
PanOSTimestampDeviceIdentification |
| - |
PanOSTunnel |
| - |
PanOSTunnelType |
| - |
PanOSUGFlags |
| - |
PanOSURLCategoryList |
| - |
PanOSURLCounter |
| - |
PanOSUserIdentifiedBySource |
| - |
PanOSVirtualSystem |
| - |
PanOSVirtualSystemID |
| - |
PanOSVirtualSystemName |
| - |
PanOSXForwardedFor |
| - |
PanOSXForwardedForIP |
| - |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |
Field | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate |
| - |
hostname |
| - |
priorityCode |
| - |
cefTag |
| - |
cefVersion |
| - |
embDeviceVendor |
| - |
embDeviceProduct |
| - |
deviceVersion |
| - |
signatureID |
| - |
name |
| - |
severity |
| - |
_cefVer |
| - |
cs1Label |
| - |
cs1 |
| - |
cs2Label |
| - |
cs2 |
| - |
suser |
| - |
startTime |
| - |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| - |
Field | Type | Extra Label |
eventdate |
| - |
hostname |
| - |
priorityCode |
| - |
cefTag |
| - |
cefVersion |
| - |
embDeviceVendor |
| - |
embDeviceProduct |
| - |
deviceVersion |
| - |
signatureID |
| - |
name |
| - |
severity |
| - |
dvchost |
| - |
shost |
| - |
cat |
| - |
end |
| - |
rt |
| - |
cs1Label |
| - |
cs1 |
| - |
cs2Label |
| - |
cs2 |
| - |
cs3Label |
| - |
cs3 |
| - |
cs4Label |
| - |
cs4 |
| - |
msg |
| - |
tenantname |
| - |
tenantCDLid |
| - |
CSPaccountname |
| - |
hostchain |
| ✓ |
tag |
| ✓ |
rawMessage |
| ✓ |
How is the data sent to Devo?
Learn more about CEF syslog format and how Devo tags these events in Technologies supported in CEF syslog format.