Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Sort data

You can modify the default sort in a data table using the arrow icons next to every field name. Click the arrows in the field by which you want to sort to apply an ascending sort (from A to Z, or smallest number to largest). Click again to perform a descending sort (from Z to A, or largest number to smallest). 


  • Note that table fields don’t sort independently from each other—all the cells in a row stay together when you sort a field.

  • You can sort rows by multiple fields at once by clicking on their field headers while pressing the CTRL key. The chosen fields will appear highlighted in green. The sorting order is from left to right, according to the order of the selected fields in the table. Be aware that if the selected fields are reordered then the row sorting is reset.

Incomplete sorting

When sorting field data, you must select the event loading indicator at the left corner of the search window and turn on the Load all only when sorting option to consider all the events. In case it is not activated, only the events currently downloaded to the table will be sorted. A warning message appears when you sort data without activating this option, prompting you to activate this mode or reset the sorting.

Learn more about the available event loading preferences here.