Favorite searches
After running a search that is very relevant to you for whatever reason, you can mark it as favorite. Searches saved as favorites are available to easily re-run, share with other Devo users in your domain and much more.
Mark a search as favorite
Mark as favorite any searches that you will use frequently or searches that are complex to define. There are three ways to mark a search as a favorite:
After accessing a data table, select Additional Tools → Search Actions → Add to favorites in the search window toolbar.
After accessing a data table, click the heart icon next to the search name under the Data Search option in the navigation panel.
From the Data Search → Search History area, click the heart symbol at the end of the row.
Favorite Searches list
You can check the searches you have marked as favorites by accessing the favorite searches list, which facilitates several related actions. You can find it by selecting Data Search → Finders, in the My Favorite searches.
You can perform the following operations in the favorite searches list (click to expand and see the details):