Share Activeboards

Share Activeboards

Shared and unshared Activeboards

When you create Activeboards, only you (the owner) and users with User Resources permission can see them in the Activeboards area. To make them available for other users, you need to share them as explained below.

Once they are either marked as shareable or actually shared, Activeboards are represented with an icon next to the creator name in the Activeboard manager (see picture below). If you hover over the icon, you will see a tooltip indicating so. Also, when you open one of these Activeboards, an icon appears next to the name, at the top left area (see picture below).

They will also appear inside the Activeboards tab of the Roles Management area, where a role manager can assign them to other roles. Check the Assign resources to a role article to know more.

Be aware that this process is reversible by removing all roles assigned and making them not shareable.

Who can share Activeboards and with whom?

Whether you are the owner of the Activeboard, a user who got edit access to it, or a user with User Resources permission, the roles you see as options to share depend on your own roles and permissions as well as theirs.

Remember that being the creator of an Activeboard or receiving edit access to it implies having the Activeboard (Manage) permission. Having only the view version would make it impossible for you to create them, mark then as shareable, or get edit access to them, and thus impossible for you to share them.

User resources permission

With this permission, you can see and manage all Activeboards in the domain without previously getting them shared. This default access cannot be revoked or modified during the sharing process.

If you have these permissions

You can share with:

Scope of access


...with permissions



Activeboards (Manage)

Roles assigned to yourself

Activeboards (View)
Activeboards (Manage)
User resources

User resources

All roles in the domain

Activeboards (View)
Activeboards (Manage)
User resources

Scope of access

Be aware that having a role with the manage version of the Activeboards permissions does not forcibly grant you Edit access when an Activeboard is shared with you. It only means that you can have it, not that you will have it.

In other words, your permissions dictate the scope of access you can potentially receive but it is the user sharing the Activeboard who will determine your degree of implication in that specific lookup.

How can you share Activeboards?

There are two different methods to share Activeboards and they are compatible and complementary. This means you can use one or the other at will and still get the same result, which is visible in the interfaces of both methods.

Making an Activeboard shareable:

Regardless of the method chosen, you need to make it shareable first by clicking the Sharing button at the top left and selecting the Make Activeboard visible option. This option appears only in Edit mode and is available for the owner of the Activeboard, users with the User resources permissions, and user who got edit access to it.

Enabling this option makes the Activeboard in question eligible to assign both in the Administration → Roles Management area and the Share with roles menu.



Sharing from the Activeboards area

In this area, you can share Activeboards by clicking on the Sharing button at the top left and then selecting the Share with roles option. This option is enabled both in View and Edit modes after activating the Make Activeboard visible option and is available to you as long as you are the creator of the Activeboard, you got edit access to it, or have the User Resources permission.

Share from the Administration area

If you have the required permissions (see Managing roles), you can access this area and edit a role to assign it Activeboards in the Activeboards tab, which displays those that have been shared or made shareable in the domain. There are some particularities to consider:

  • This tab will be enabled only if the target role has at least the Activeboard (view) permission.

  • The sharing possibilities explained above also apply to this method.

Check the Assign resources to a role article to know more about the whole process.

How can both sharing methods be used together?

There are various possibilities. For example, an admin can grant manage permissions to an Activeboard from the Administration area and users receiving these permissions can further share it with roles directly from the Activeboards area.

In this way, admins can hand responsibility for sharing Activeboards to other roles in the domain who are more aware of specific operational needs.