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.Pre-installed alert reference vv7.9.0

There is a library of preconfigured alerts that are designed to work with queries built upon common networking data tables. You can activate these alerts to monitor conditions related to web servers, potential threats, Devo platform components, and much more.

Every Devo domain contains a set of these built-in alerts that you can activate and configure as soon your data is being sent to Devo. These alerts are built upon the logging data generated by common network resources like web servers; Windows, Mac, and Unix systems, and even from Devo itself. A simple category-subcategory system for grouping these alerts have been established to make it easier to browse the alerts. 

You can work with these alerts by performing the following actions: activate or deactivate them, assign or change the sending policy associated with them and apply filters for post-processing. You can find information about how to perform these actions in the articles below.

Edition and deletion

Although you can work with the pre-installed alerts just as you would with your own alerts, bear in mind that there are a couple of exceptions to this. Editing or deleting a pre-installed alert is not possible.

Go to Administration → Alert Configuration → Available Alerts to view these and all your user-defined alerts.

The Alerts Filter lets you filter the alerts that are displayed in the list by selecting alert category and subcategory. The category for all user-defined alerts is My Alerts - all other categories are used for the predefined alerts. 

If you want to know the specific conditions associated to an alert, you can check it on this screen. Hover over an alert row, click the ellipsis icon that appears at the end of the row and select More Info. The following table lists and describes the standard, predefined alerts provided by Devo.

Application ServerApache Tomcat ServerTomcat StartupTriggers an alert when a Tomcat server has been started.
Application ServerApache Tomcat ServerTomcat ShutdownTriggers an alert when a Tomcat server has been shut down.
Application ServerApache Tomcat ServerTomcat common errorsTriggers an alert when a common error is reported in a Tomcat server. For example, out of memory, max open files, database exception, servlet exception, and so on.
Application ServerApache Tomcat ServerTomcat too many GCsTriggers an alert when there have been too many garbage collection in a short period of time.
Application ServerApache Tomcat ServerTomcat GC max time exceededTriggers an alert when a garbage collection takes too much time to run, having a possible adverse effect on service performance.
Application ServerApache Tomcat ServerTomcat severe errorsTriggers an alert when too many severe errors occur in a short period of time.
Application ServerJBoss ServerJBoss StartupTriggers an alert when JBoss starts.
Application ServerJBoss ServerJBoss ShutdownTriggers an alert when JBoss is shut down.
Application ServerJBoss ServerJBoss common errorsTriggers an alert when a common error is reported in a JBoss server. For example, out of memory, max open files, database exception, servlet exception, and so on.
AttacksSuspicious ActivityMalicious IP AddressesTriggers an alert when activity from blacklisted IP addresses (Alienvault OTX and TOR Network's output nodes lists) are detected in the customer logs.
AttacksSuspicious ActivityMalware Domains

Triggers an alert when the customer server DNS logs report attempts to resolve domain names listed in and

AttacksSuspicious ActivityMalware URLs

Triggers an alert when the proxy navigation logs report accesses to URLs that are listed in the blacklist.

AttacksScanningPortScanTriggers an alert when a port scan is recorded in the firewall log.
AttacksBruteForcingSSH BruteforcingTriggers an alert when a SSH brute force attack, successful or not, has been detected in a server log.
AttacksBruteForcingDeskTopTriggers an alert when an RDP attack, successful or not, has been detected in the Windows log.
AttacksGeolocationUnusual ConnectionTriggers an alert when there is a connection from an unusual geolocation.
DevoCollectorLogs format errorsTriggers an alert when you are sending logs with an incorrect format.
DevoStructural common alertsReminderTriggers an alert every "x" minutes while an antiflooding policy is active.
DevoStructural common alertsRecoveryTriggers an alert when an Antiflooding policy finishes. 
DevoStructural common alertsAntiflooding StartTriggers an alert when an Antiflooding policy starts.


NetWorkData Sent

Monitors the system outbound traffic in bytes/second.

Default policy: avg(netSent)>=8 megabytes/second in a 10 min interval.

MonitoringNetWorkData Received

Monitors the inbound traffic in bytes/second.

Default policy: avg(netRecv)>=8 megabytes/second in a 10 min interval.

MonitoringRelayEvents Per Second

Monitors the traffic volume handled by an In-house Relay in Events Per Second (EPS).

Default policy: avg(eps)>=5000 in a 10 min interval.

MonitoringRelayEvents Per Minute

Monitors the traffic volume managed by an In-house Relay in Events Per Minute (EPM).

Default policy:  avg(epm)>=300.000 in a 10 min interval.

MonitoringMachine LoadLoad Alert

Monitors the machine load.

Default policy: avg(load)>=4 in a 5 min interval.


Generic Monitoring

Staying AliveMonitors if the service is active.

Generic Monitoring

Site AvailabilityMonitors the site availability.
MonitoringCPU MonitoringCPU Alert A

Monitors the systems CPU load.

Default policy: avg(CPU)>75% in a 1 h interval.

MonitoringCPU MonitoringCPU Alert B

Monitors the systems CPU load.

Default policy: avg(CPU)>90% in a 15 min interval.

MonitoringMemory MonitoringAvailable Memory A

Monitors the amount of memory available in the system.

Default policy: memFree<=2% in a 10 min interval.

MonitoringMemory MonitoringAvailable Memory B

Monitors the amount of memory available in the system.

Default policy: memFree<=10% in a 1h interval.

MonitoringDisk MonitoringDisk Alert A

Monitors the amount of free disk space available in the system.

Default policy: diskFree<=10% in a 1h interval.

MonitoringDisk MonitoringDisk Alert B

Monitors the amount of free disk space available in the system.

Default policy: diskFree<=2% in a 30 min interval.

SystemUnix/LinuxUnix Critical ErrorTriggers an alert when a serious error occurs on a Linux system, such as segmentation faults, potential kernel panics, I/O errors, reboots, rsyslogstart/stop, or others.
SystemUnix/LinuxUnix Kernel OopsTriggers an alert when a Kernel Oops message has been written to the log.
SystemUnix/LinuxAPT PackagesTriggers an alert when a package is added to or deleted from the system.
SystemWindowsWindows Critical ErrorTriggers an informative alert about general errors that have occurred on a Windows system.
SystemMacOsMacOs Critical ErrorTriggers an informative alert about general errors that have occurred on a MacOs systems
SystemBSDBSD Critical ErrorTriggers an informative alert about general errors that have occurred  on BSD system.
SystemVmWareVmWareCritical ErrorTriggers an informative alert about general errors that have occurred in the VMware virtualization product logs.
TrackingUserTracking UserTriggers an informative alert about the connections and activities of a specific user within the customer's system.
Web ServerIISIIS Critical ErrorTriggers an alert when a critical error has been reported in the IIS Server.
Web ServerGenericSSL WarningTriggers an alert when an SSL Warning has been reported in the Web Servers.
Web ServerHTTP AttackMalicious HTTP MethodsTriggers an alert when an uncommon HTTP method such as PUT or webDAV extensions has been used. Depending on the service, these may not be malicious.
Web ServerHTTP AttackProxy AbuseTriggers an alert when there has been an attempt to use the web server as a proxy with the goal of accessing external or internal resources. Depending on the service, these may not be malicious.
Web ServerHTTP AttackSuspiciousUser AgentTriggers an alert when the web server reports activity from unusual browsers or tools used to automate tasks.
Web ServerApacheApache Critical ErrorTriggers an alert when an Apache critical error such as segfault or PHP fatal error has been reported.
Web ServerApacheApache common errorsTriggers an alert when an Apache generic error has been reported.
Web ServerApacheApache Invoke dir as scriptTriggers an alert when the Apache error "Attempt to invoke directory as script" has been reported.
Web ServerApacheApache client denied by server confTriggers an alert when there has been an attempt to access a resource that is forbidden or not stored under DocumentRoot.
Web ServerApacheApache FQDN server name not resolvedTriggers an alert when the server name is not associated with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Web ServerApacheApache bind to address failTriggers an alert when an Apache server can't bind the specified listening port. This is often because it is in use by another service, due to SELinux/AppArmor policies.
Web ServerApacheApache favicon not foundTriggers an alert when the web server does not have a favicon.
Web ServerApacheApache too many 404 errorsTriggers an alert when there are too many 404 Not Found errors in a short period of time. This can be caused by resource scans or broken links in the web application.
Web ServerApacheApache mixing ports errorTriggers an alert when there has been an Apache configuration error in virtual hosting environments.
Web ServerApacheApache PHP fatal errorTriggers an alert when there are too many PHP errors.
Web ServerApacheApache too many byte range requests

Triggers an alert when there have been too many 206 Partial Content requests in a short period of time. This can be caused by massive downloads or a possible Apache Range Header DoS attack.

Web ServerApacheApache ShutdownTriggers an alert when the Apache server has been shut down.
Web ServerApacheApache StartupTriggers an alert when the Apache server has been started.
Web ServerApacheApache SSL HeartbleedTriggers an alert when the Heartbleed bug has been detected.
Web ServerApacheApache Multiple SSL heartbeat requestsTriggers an alert when there has been more than one SSL heartbeat request made to the Apache Server.

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