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.Install with Docker vv7.0.8

Before you start

You can deploy the Devo relay in a Docker container, without the need of installing any additional software. After installing Docker in your machine, simply clone or download the Devo repository and add the following information to the docker-devo-relay.yml (v1.1.6) 

Click here to check the SHA256 hash of the Devo Docker relay.

Make sure that conf/docker-start has executable permissions after uncompressing or cloning the repository.

Docker versions

These are the Docker versions needed to install the Devo relay using Docker:

  • Docker Engine version 18.06.0 or higher.
  • Docker Compose version 1.22.0 or higher.

Disk buffer limitation

Note that the disk buffer limitation setting available when installing the Relay on Ubuntu or Red Hat / CentOS is not available for the Docker version.

LOGTRUST_WEBEnter the Devo environment you are working on (, or
LOGTRUST_ENDPOINTEnter the endpoint corresponding to your Devo environment ( You can check it in the Administration → Relays area of the application.
LOGTRUST_PORTEnter the listening port of the ELB (443, 6514...) You can check it in the Administration → Relays area of the application.
RELAY_NAMEEnter the name of the relay.
RELAY_APIKEYEnter your Devo domain API key. You can generate it in the Access Keys tab of the Administration → Credentials area of the application. Learn more in Security credentials.
SELFSIGNED=1Uncomment this environment variable in docker-devo-relay.yml if you are connecting the relay to endpoint/web with self-signed certificates.

Run and stop

Use the following command to run the relay in Docker.

DCKHUB=devoinc/ docker-compose -f docker-devo-relay.yml up -d

After running the Devo relay for the first time, you must activate it in the Devo application. To do it, go to Administration → Relays, open the ellipsis menu of the new relay and select Activate.

Use this command to stop the relay:

docker-compose -f docker-devo-relay.yml down

Tips and tricks

Check the relay using a simple command

Use the following command if you're using Windows:

for i in $( seq 150 ) ; do echo "<14>$( date --iso-8601=seconds ) docker-relay Docker Devo-Relay test event # $i" | nc -N localhost 13000 ; done

Otherwise, if you are using macOS, use the following command:

for i in $( seq 150 ) ; do echo "<14>$( /bin/date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" ) docker-relay Docker Devo-Relay test event # $i" | nc -v localhost 13000 ; done

Check the table to see the events.

Connect the container

Run the following command:

docker exec -it Devo-Relay /bin/bash

Run the relay without composing and without using the repository

Run the following command:

docker run -it -p 12999-13030:12999-13030 -e LOGTRUST_WEB= -e -e RELAY_NAME=docker-relay-domain_name -e RELAY_APIKEY=YOUR_API_KEY --name Devo-Relay -v "$your_path_keys:/etc/logtrust/scoja/current/keys" -v "$your_path_logs:/var/log" -v "$your_path_relay-data:/opt/devo/relay-data" -v "$your_path_rules:/etc/logtrust/scoja/current/rules" -v "$your_path_unrules:/etc/logtrust/scoja/current/unrules" devoinc/devo-relay:1.1.6 /opt/devo/run/docker-start

Set the required values for:

  • $your_path_xxx (absolute path required)

Set proxy values in docker-devo-relay.yml

If your network requires it, you can set the proxy values in docker-devo-relay.yml, filling the following fields. Default empty values are not applied.


Download the relay image

Run the following command:

docker pull devoinc/devo-relay:1.1.6