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Service Operations


Devo Services Operations (ServiceOps) is a flexible, multi-purpose, multi-environment ITOps / AIOps solution that aims to maximize visibility, increase operational efficiency, and improve issue detection and troubleshooting tasks for virtually any environment or industry. The solution has been built with a strong focus on its ease of configuration, and its versatility allows it to cater to a wide array of scenarios and customer needs, including:

  • IT services and infrastructure

  • Applications

  • Networks

  • Customer experience

  • Business-to-business or business-to-customer services

  • Multi-cloud / hybrid environments

Service Operations uses the concepts of maps or models, which are logical representations of the service or application to monitor, and that define relationships of different types (such as hierarchy, impact, or traffic) across the entities included in it. Users of Service Operations can define their own models using the built-in editor or, alternatively, use the library of global models provided by default. Upon execution, models help Service Operations identify the queries to execute and the data analysis and correlation rules to apply to the response datasets. The result of that analysis process, which is executed cyclically, generates an up-to-date status of the application or service defined in the model, as well as a set of actionable items to be triggered.

Refer to the basic concepts section of the documentation for more details on entities, models, relationships, and other fundamental concepts in Service Operations.

Users of Service Operations can use the tools and mechanisms built into the application to obtain a comprehensive view of their services and applications. They can also analyze the details of any detected issue or symptom; navigate through the raw datasets for a forensic analysis; define alerts to signal certain behaviors or conditions; understand the potential impact of any issues, or get insights on how to troubleshoot any existing incident.

Service Operations is available for installation and configuration in all Devo domains through the applications gallery. Please refer to the installation section of the documentation for more details.

Navigating the application

Starting a model

Users of Service Operations will be requested to select one model to be executed right after the splash screen shown. During this process it is possible to choose between domain or global models by clicking on the tab selector.

Only one model can be loaded at a time. Once selected, its related data (entities, relationships, identified incidents, etc.) is used to feed all available modules in Service Operations.

Main interface and application modules

Although all modules that make up Service Operations can be individually enabled, disabled or placed arbitrarily in the main menu (top bar in the user interface), the first execution of the application will usually set the user in the Service Overview section, which provides a visual representation of the topology of the monitored service. Navigation across the different modules by using the icons available in the same main menu bar.

The complete list of modules included within Service Operations is as follows:

  • Services topology: Full, detailed visualization and analysis of the model in the form of a multi-layered map.

  • Incidents viewer: List of incidents and access to detailed information related to each one.

  • Raw data viewer: Data browser and filtering across multiple tables.

  • Monitors: Multi-entity visualization tool for incident troubleshooting and follow-up activities.

  • User experience: Real user-experience-monitoring element with individual user drill-down capabilities.

  • Alerts and workflows: Actions registry functionality.

In addition, the Administration module provides access to the general configuration of Service Operations as well as to the technologies, models, and incident management tools.

Working with historical and live data

Use the date range selector to analyze the data for a specific period by clicking directly on the first and the second date / times in the selector.

  • Use the first date selector (1) to set the initial date and time of the time range.

  • Use the first date selector (2) to set the end date and time of the time range.

  • Alternatively, use the presets selector by clicking on the presets button (3) to specify a time range based on the existing presets (e.g., last hour).

  • Press the accept button (4) to set the time range as defined.

  • Use the auto-refresh toggle (5) to alternate between time-range based and auto-refresh modes. When auto refresh is activated, it automatically pushes live data every one minute (Note: the auto-refresh period is also configurable through the presets section).

Switching to the active model

Use the top bar submenu for quick access to all available models.

Exiting service operations

To leave Service Operations, simply select any other section or application in Devo by accessing them in the main platform menu (left-hand side). Alternatively, you can close the application by closing the active window in the Internet browser.

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