Document toolboxDocument toolbox


New features


  • Flow tool is now integrated in the web.

Data search

  • We have a new data type: bigint.
  • Brand new Time Series Anomaly Detection charts. 




  • We've removed the Dashboard menu entry for new domains.


  • Added server catch for the Finder loading.

Home page

  • New average calculation (index size)
  • Average/Limit tooltips relocated

Data Search

  • A new shortcut has been added to run a query.
  • Improved JSON CellView popup ("p/P") to manage JSON data.
  • The cell menu now extends beyond drilldown.
  • Removed "Run server side" entry.
  • Download Source not allowed for the following table prefix due to a security issue: my synthesis, my.blend, my.parser,
  • Added column headers to unnamed columns in "Download from server".
  • Implemented SQL 3VL logic for "or" and "and".
  • Finder name added to LOG (in siem.logtrust.web.navigation).


  • New Notifications implementation.
  • Notifications only deleted by allowed users.
  • Notifications displayed to all domain users.


  • Available also for "my.upload" tables.
  • Available also for filtered data.
  • New parsed types (Ip6, MAC and timestamp).
  • Accurate error message when no format found.
  • Algorithm internal improvements.


  • LINQ supported in Alerts created through the WEB (SQL in the case of Alerts created through the Alerts API).
  • Alerts with temporary groupings aligned to the user Time Zone.
  • Added the alert ID to the alert details and to the alert email.
  • Added new info in NEW ALERT DEFINITION window about variable names allowed.
  • New anti flooding policy.


  • LINQ supported in Injections.
  • Injections with temporary groupings aligned to the user Time Zone.